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Contact 梶原井戸

住所 :

Juniso, Kamakura, 〒248-0001 Kanagawa,Japan

街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Juniso, Kamakura, 〒248-0001 Kanagawa,Japan
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7.梶原井戸と鎌倉・梶原景時邸跡 梶原景時邸は、鎌倉市十二所(じゅうにそ)にある明王院の西側一帯にあった。 アクセス :JR横須賀線「鎌倉」駅下車、京急バス 系統番号 鎌23・24・36番 「泉水橋」バス停より明王院へ進む。 明王院の石塔が立つ岐れ道まで進み、直進するとすぐに明王院の山門、左折して300m歩くと梶原井戸の谷戸に至る。明王院手前の岐れ道からテニスクラブを過ぎると、道は更に細くなり右側にSalon de 酔鯨館(wiki)が現れる。さらに、道は徐々に細くなって谷戸の奥に続き、建設会社の資材置き場で行き止まりとなる。 その手前左側の崖下にあるのが伝説の梶原井戸。 ~梶原(かじわら)氏について~ ・鎌倉太夫景通(高望王の5世の孫・村岡五郎忠通の次子)の子景久が初めて梶原村に住み、梶原を名乗る。 梶原景久のひ孫にあたる梶原景時は、 源頼朝が挙兵して鎌倉党と戦った石橋山の合戦で、 大庭景親に従って頼朝と戦う。 その時、景親を裏切って頼朝を逃がしたといわれ、 その後、頼朝に仕えた。 ・頼朝が鎌倉に幕府を開くと、頼朝は景時を重用する。 ・景時は頼朝の信頼を得たことをよいことに、讒言と策謀に明け暮れ、権謀術策の限りを尽くして、重用人物を次々に抹殺した。 一例を挙げると、 ・ 義経の平家討伐の手柄(屋島の戦いなど)をねたみ、頼朝に義経を悪く伝え、 頼朝と義経の仲を裂いた。 ・ 最高権力者であった千葉広常を悪人に仕立て上げ、自らこれを討ち取る。 ・ 畠山重忠を陥れようと画策したが、畠山重忠に敵意はなく、失敗した。 ・ 源頼朝の弟範頼の粛清を提案、謀反の疑いをかけられ修禅寺に幽閉された範頼を梶原景時は攻め、自害させた。そして頼家を将軍にした。 景時は頼家の乳母夫だった。 などがある。 ・頼朝が死ぬと、御家人は頼家派と実朝派に分かれた。北条時政は実朝派の黒幕だった。 ・正治元年(1199)11年13日 頼家派の梶原景時は、「北条氏は実朝を将軍にしようとしている」 と告げ(梶原景時の変)、二代将軍頼家にも取り入り諫言を繰り返す。 そのため正治2年(1200)有力御家人が景時弾劾に乗り出す。 ・弾劾を受け、一言の申し開きも出来ない景時は鎌倉追放となる。 景時は、鎌倉の館を出て一之宮梶原景時館(寒川神社)に篭る。 ・鎌倉の館はこのとき破壊され、永福寺僧坊に寄付された。 ・北条時政の命令で待ち構えていた吉香友兼(子孫が安芸国の吉川氏)らに、駿河国狐ヶ崎(現・静岡県静岡市清水区) で見つかり斬りあいとなった。 梶原氏は三郎景茂・六郎景国・七郎景宗・八郎景則・九郎景連らが30名が討死し、景時・嫡子景季・同弟景高は逃げが、逃れられないと 悟った景時親子は自刃した。 ・ 梶原氏の屋敷内に大行寺があったという。 この寺で源頼朝が軍評定をして合戦に臨んだところ勝利を得たことから寺号を大巧寺と改めた。 その大巧寺は、元応2年(1320年)現在の地(若宮大路)に移転した。
7. Sugawara well and Kamakura / Sugawara view time residence site A view of Kashiwabara was located on the west side of Meiouin in 12 places in Kamakura city. Access: Get off at JR Kamakura Station on JR Yokosuka Line, Keikyu Bus System No.23, 24 and 36. Proceed to Meihoin from the "Sensuibashi" bus stop. Follow the road until you reach Mihoin's stone tower, and go straight on straight to the gate of Myoin, and turn left and walk 300m until you reach the Yusuhara Iyato. When you pass the tennis club from the crossroads before Myoin, the road becomes thinner and the Salon de de (wiki) appears on the right. Furthermore, the road gradually narrows and continues behind the valley, and becomes dead end at the construction company's stockyard. Under the cliff on the left side of the front is the legendary Kasahara well. About Mr. Hagiwara ・ Katsuhisa Koi, who is a member of Takao Kamakura (the grandson of King V, the second son of Goro Muraoka Goro Chudori), lives in Kuwahara for the first time, and claims Kugahara. At the time of Kashihara Kagehara, the great-grandson of Kiyohisa Kasahara, at the battle of Ishibashiyama, where the source Yoritomo was raised and battled with the Kamakura party, he will fight Yoritomo according to Oiwa Keiji. At that time, it was said that the betrayal was betrayed and Yoritomo was missed, and then he served Yoritomo. ・ If Yoritomo opens the Shogunate in Kamakura, Yoritomo will take advantage of the landscape. ・ At the time of Jing Dynasty, in order to gain the trust of Yoritomo, he kept his pride and prudence in order to do all he could to get rid of heavyweights one after another. One example is ・ The envy of Yoshitsune's defeat of the Hirai family (Yajima's battle, etc.) was enraged, Yoritomo misrepresented Yoshitsune, and split the relationship between Yoritomo and Yoshitsune. ・ Make Chiba Hitoshi, who was the supreme powerhouse, into a villain and destroy it himself. ・ I made a plan to get in on Susumu Sasayama, but he failed because he was not hostile to Susumu Sasayama. ・ Proposed the clean-up of Noriyoshi's younger brother, Noriyoshi Minamoto, and when he was accused of rebellion, he attacked him when he was despised by Shusenji and made himself harmed. And he made the relics a general. Kagetoki was the nurse's nanny. and so on. ・ When Yoritomo died, the family members were divided into the Ryori-ha and the Yo-ha. Hojo Tokisei was a black-and-beg blackout. ・ Shoji original year (1199) 11th 13th Reiries-like view of Kuwahara tells that "Hojo tries to make a general in the morning" (Sakaihara Kage's strangeness), also takes a second generation Shogun Riya and admonitions repeat. For that reason, a leading Japanese family embarks on the scenic time impeachment for two years (1200). ・ We receive impeachment and it becomes Kamakura banishment at the time of the scenery that we can not open word of a word. At scenic times, you will leave the Kamakura hall and visit Ichinomiya Kashiwahara Tokikan (Samkawa Shrine). ・ The temple in Kamakura was destroyed at this time and was donated to Eifukuji monk. ・ Kokawa Yoshikawa, whose descendant was Mr. Yoshikawa in Aki country, and others, who were waiting at the order of Hojo Tokisei, was found in Shigakawashigagasaki (now Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka Prefecture) and became a lyre. Mr. Kuwahara was 30 people killed by Saburo Kagemo, Rokuro Kagekuni, Shiroro Kagemune, Hachiro Kagenori, Kuro Kageren and others. Parents and children were self-cutting. ・ It is said that there was Daigyo-ji in the residence of Mr. Kuwahara. At this temple, Minamoto Yoritomo made a military assessment and came to a battle, and since it got victory, the temple issue was changed to Daikeiji. The Daijyuji was moved to the site of the present 2 years (1320) (Wakamiya Oji).

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