丸信本家 しらかわ

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 丸信本家 しらかわ

住所 :

Ikeshita, Shirakawa, 〒961-0827 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89878
Webサイト : https://www.instagram.com/marushinhonke_shirakawa/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–5PM
Sunday 10AM–5PM
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday 10AM–10PM
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 10AM–10PM
街 : Fukushima

Ikeshita, Shirakawa, 〒961-0827 Fukushima,Japan
豆ふみ on Google

白河を訪れました。とら食堂を目指していましたが、閉店時間に間に合わず、彷徨っていました。そこにまだ営業中のお店を発見。 特盛りチャーシューメンを注文! 非常に澄んだスープに手頃な大きさのチャーシューで期待大! このラーメン屋さんにはオススメの食べ方が有って、それに従って、一口スープをすくって飲んでみると鳥出汁の美味しさが広がってきます。思わずもう一口。 刻みネギと出汁が良いバランス。 でもラーメンにはパンチが無いかな。って思いつつオススメの通り丼の底からすくうように混ぜると少し濃いめのスープが上がって来ました。 ラーメンにしっかり絡みつく、スープの濃さは絶妙。2層のスープになっていました。 おろしニンニク、辛味噌、胡椒などをトッピングして、徐々に自分好みの味に変えていきご馳走様(^-^) 麺は太めの平打ちでしたが、少しのびるのが早めで、一心不乱に食べるか、小、普通で食べる方がいいかもしれません!
I visited Shirakawa. I was aiming for a Tora restaurant, but I was wandering around because I couldn't make it in time for the closing time. I found a shop that is still open there. Order a special pork roast pork! Expectations are high for a very clear soup and a reasonably sized char siu! This ramen shop has a recommended way to eat, and if you scoop up a bite of soup and drink it, the deliciousness of the chicken stock will spread. Involuntarily another bite. A good balance of chopped green onions and soup stock. But I wonder if ramen has no punch. As recommended, when I scooped it from the bottom of the bowl, a slightly thicker soup came up. The soup is exquisitely entwined with the ramen. It was a two-layer soup. Topped with grated garlic, spicy miso, pepper, etc., gradually change to your favorite taste (^-^) The noodles were thick and flat, but they spread a little earlier, so it may be better to eat them all at once, or to eat them in small or normal size!
yagawa 403 on Google

I had salt ramen and char siu bowl. When you drink soup, it has a sour taste for a moment, like a lemon. After that, it feels like salt ramen.
一堂想時 on Google

名前が同じだけの白河ラーメンだと思い入ったのですが、他にもある丸しんの分家だそうでした。 味は美味しいのですが、白河に来てまで丸しんと言うのは気分ではなかったかも。 麺はいつも行く他店舗と違い、多少白河っぽかったです。
I thought it was Shirakawa ramen with the same name, but it was said that it was another branch of Marushin. The taste is delicious, but I didn't feel like saying "marushin" until I came to Shirakawa. The noodles were a little like Shirakawa, unlike other stores I always go to.
イケ麺太郎 on Google

Although it was refreshing, it was thick and delicious! ️
誠渡辺 on Google

The shops around me were crowded so I went in. The customer service and service were very good. The main ramen was salty sauce and salt. The noodles are thick noodles and Shirakawa ramen. I like it or not, but it had too much flour flavor. The soup had a sharp and salty taste, as if it lacked umami. We went with a large number of people, but it seems that the strength of the soup varied. Is it different from Marunobu Ramen in Tamura and Fukushima? I liked that double-layered soup ramen and went there a lot
ねころび on Google

白河ラーメンじゃないけど、すごく好き。 白河来るとつい食べちゃう。 お席にラーメンの食し方指南があるけど、アレはちゃんとやったほうが楽しめるぞ! 特盛りはすっげー多いので注意。
It's not Shirakawa ramen, but I really like it. When Shirakawa comes, I just eat it. There is a guide on how to eat ramen in your seat, but you can enjoy it if you do it properly! Please note that there are so many special servings.
lydon nitoro on Google

Char siu noodles. The char siu was delicious, but everything else was normal. Maybe that's good. Of course I didn't ask Shirakawa Ramen for a punch, but I didn't feel that it was soaked.
ひで on Google

たまに食べたくなるラーメンの1つ! スープも濃くなくあっさりしてこの手の麺は好きですね。 今日はチャーシュー麺? 前回はチャーシュー麺にネギ、チャーシュートリプル! あくまでも個人的な意見ですので?
One of the ramen that you will want to eat once in a while! The soup isn't too thick and it's light, so I like this kind of noodles. Today is char siu noodles ? Last time, we had char siu noodles, green onions, and char siu triple! It's just a personal opinion, so ?

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