4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Nanko, Shirakawa, 〒961-0812 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–5PM
Sunday 10AM–5PM
Monday 10AM–5PM
Tuesday 10AM–5PM
Wednesday 10AM–5PM
Thursday 10AM–5PM
Friday 10AM–5PM
街 : Fukushima

Nanko, Shirakawa, 〒961-0812 Fukushima,Japan
aspiring 2030 on Google

I've been to a store in Nasu, and since I came near, I rushed in. Isn't it okay to be fashionable? The scones are also delicious. I want to go in the summer.
ひみ on Google

店内に入ると、目移りするスイーツにドリンク にまずうきうきしますが、お席でお待ちくださいと言われて店内見渡すとそこでわー♡てなりました。あまり広くないと思った店内は実は奥行きがあり、こまかく区切られそれぞれに違ったテイストのテーブルやカウンターが配置され、どこも素敵なインテリアで、どこに座るか迷ってしまいました! 1人でも居心地悪いような思いは全くしませんでしたし、WiFiもコンセントもあり長居も大丈夫そうです コーヒーはスパイシーでスムースなかんじ プレーンのスコーンは自然な甘みでとってもほっとしました 南湖をのんびり眺めながら過ごすひとときが、さらに充実した幸せの時間に感じられました
When you enter the store, you can enjoy a drink with the sweets that you can see. First of all, I'm excited, but when I was asked to wait at my seat and looked around the store, I was there ♡. The interior of the store, which I thought wasn't very large, was actually deep, and it was divided into small pieces, each with a table and counter with different tastes, and everywhere had a nice interior, so I was wondering where to sit! I didn't feel uncomfortable even by myself, and it seems that it's okay to stay longer with WiFi and outlets. Coffee is spicy and smooth The plain scones have a natural sweetness and are very relieving. The time spent relaxing while gazing at the South Lake was felt as a more fulfilling and happy time.
ベンツまつ on Google

2月11日、到着したのが16時半近くであったので、イートインは叶わず、今回も焼き菓子を購入する事に。どうせならば大人買いに~と、チョコチップ入りのスコーン4袋、チョコスコーン4袋等大人買い!(笑) 大人買いって言うよりもお土産に半分くらいはあげましたぁ。 帰宅して、那須の本店で購入しなかった抹茶とホワイトハウスチョコレートのスコーンを袋に書いてある通りに10秒チンしてパクり。 ひょえ~~、甘過ぎないホワイトチョコレートが中から半トロケ状態で顔を出し抹茶と融合。美味しいわぁ~!、買って正解! 今回も美味しいおさんじ日和が続きました。次回はゆっくりとケーキなどでイートインしたいと思います。
I arrived on February 11th at around 16:30, so I couldn't eat in, so I decided to buy baked goods this time as well. Anyway, buy 4 scones with chocolate chips, 4 bags of chocolate chips, etc. for adults! (Lol) I gave about half as a souvenir rather than buying an adult. When I got home, I squeezed the matcha and white house chocolate scones that I didn't buy at the main store in Nasu for 10 seconds as written on the bag. Hey ~~, white chocolate that is not too sweet appears in a half-troque state from the inside and fuses with matcha. It ’s delicious! Buy it and get it right! This time too, the delicious weather continued. Next time, I would like to slowly eat in with cakes.
antaba an on Google

良。湖畔を見渡せる素敵なロケーションに構えたクリーン&シンプルの素敵な店舗です。 webを見ると意識高い系の様ですが実際の店舗はスタッフの方々もフレンドリーなのが良いですね。 場所がらテイクアウトするのもアリですがイートインスペースが魅力的なのでそこで落ち着くのをお薦めします。メインのエリアはテラス、窓辺、中央どこに座っても各々の魅力が楽しめます。 表の看板=インスタにあるメニューでは種類が余り無さそうと言う印象でしたが実際はパンを含めて色々とラインナップは広めです。 頂いたレモンパイは期待通り、レモンの酸味を効かせた甘さ抑えめクリームが「美味いレモンパイはこうだよね」と納得の美味しさ。かたやアイスコーヒー(冬でしたが)はまあまあ。
good. It is a nice clean and simple store in a nice location overlooking the lakeside. Looking at the web, it seems that the system is highly conscious, but it is good that the staff in the actual store are also friendly. It is ant to take out from the place, but it is recommended to settle down there because the eat-in space is attractive. The main area is the terrace, the windowsill, and the center where you can sit and enjoy the charm of each. I had the impression that there aren't many types of menus on the front sign = Instagram, but in reality, the lineup is wide, including bread. As expected, the lemon pie I received was delicious with the sweetness-suppressing cream that made the sourness of the lemon work, saying, "This is how delicious lemon pie is." On the other hand, iced coffee (although it was winter) is ok.
김김지원 on Google

hope very will
mashady soroush on Google

very considerably we’d
Savanna Sonia on Google

willing my not
Макс Кокш on Google

quality customer recipient

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