
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 福港

住所 :

Mukaishinkura, Shirakawa, 〒961-0925 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88787
Opening hours :
Saturday 7PM–1AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 7PM–1AM
Tuesday 7PM–1AM
Wednesday 7PM–1AM
Thursday 7PM–1AM
Friday 7PM–1AM
街 : Fukushima

Mukaishinkura, Shirakawa, 〒961-0925 Fukushima,Japan
。*マリオ*。 on Google

元祖白河ラーメンです? 確かとら食堂もここで修行したとおもいます❕ 可愛いママがおもてなしです?
This is the original Shirakawa ramen ? I think that Tora Shokudo also trained here ❕ Cute mom is hospitality ?
Kazuki AOTO on Google

It is a valuable shop where you can eat Shirakawa ramen even at 23:00. You can choose the size of the ramen in four stages from mini to large / There is also deep-fried chicken
T K on Google

可愛いママさんの笑顔が一日の疲れを忘れさせてくれます。 〆のラーメンはここ。
The smile of a cute mom makes you forget the tiredness of the day. The ramen of 〆 is here.
考作佐藤 on Google

昔ながらの趣のある建物で、白河手打ちラーメンを夜遅くまで提供してくれるお店。女性店主の作るラーメンは味も良く良心的に安い! 落ち着いた雰囲気のとてもいい地元民に長年愛されているお店です。ラーメン以外にお酒もオツマミもあるので、この店一件で全てようが足りてしまいます。いつも有難うございます。
A shop that offers Shirakawa handmade ramen until late at night in an old-fashioned building. The ramen made by the female shop owner has a good taste and is reasonably cheap! It is a restaurant that has been loved by locals for many years because it has a calm atmosphere. In addition to ramen, there are sake and snacks, so this one shop is all you need. Thank you very much.
YUKIPIYO on Google

夜遅くまでやっている居酒屋兼ラーメン屋。 店内はかなり汚く来ている人もアル中のおっさんみたいな人ばかりで場末感満載だが、ここのワンタンラーメンは、個人的には白河ラーメンで一番美味しいと思う。 餃子などの他のメニューも美味しいので是非一度は行ってみるべき。 親不孝橋を渡っていくとあります。 ちょっと場所は分かりにくいです。
An izakaya and ramen shop that runs until late at night. The inside of the shop is quite dirty, and there are only people like the old man in Alcohol, and it's full of feelings, but I personally think that the wonton ramen here is the most delicious in Shirakawa ramen. Other menus such as dumplings are also delicious, so you should definitely go there. It is said that you will cross the Okabashi Bridge. The location is a little confusing.
Teru SUG on Google

The light soup and the soft noodles were delicious
sei Ko on Google

ラーメンも食べられる居酒屋さん、といったところです。 ラーメンの味としては、よくある白河ラーメン。スープにやや酸味あり、出汁よりも醤油が強め、チャーシューは少し硬め…という印象です。 小汚い店も平気な人なら味わいのあるお店として楽しめるでしょう。 ☆の数は、Googleのレビューをご覧になって初めて来る方へのオススメ度合いでつけました。
It's like an izakaya where you can eat ramen. Shirakawa ramen is a common ramen taste. The soup has a slightly sour taste, the soy sauce is stronger than the soup stock, and the char siu is a little harder. If you don't mind, you can enjoy a dirty shop as a tasteful shop. The number of ☆ is given by the degree of recommendation for those who come for the first time after seeing Google reviews.
デュノアシャルロット on Google

ラーメンの大盛は1.5玉と2玉が選べるようになっています。 お酒やサイドメニュー等もあるので、飲みんだ後にラーメンを食べるにはもってこいの場所です。
The large ramen ramen has become available to choose 1.5 balls and 2 balls. There is also a drink and a side menu, so it's a great place to eat ramen after drinking.

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