Hotel Meiken - Tsuchiura

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hotel Meiken

住所 :

1 Chome-11-2 Komatsu, Tsuchiura, Ibaraki 300-0823, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 300-0823
Webサイト :
Description : Functional rooms in a simple hotel with a casual restaurant/bar & a bathhouse, plus parking.

1 Chome-11-2 Komatsu, Tsuchiura, Ibaraki 300-0823, Japan
柵木聖也 on Google

Not a new hotel, but the rooms are large and well cleaned. Perhaps the large communal bath has just been renewed, and although it is not large, I was able to take a bath comfortably. The price is very reasonable and I would like to stay again if I have a business in Tsuchiura or Tsukuba.
熊五郎 on Google

部屋は綺麗だし食事も美味しい。 何より従業員の方々の仕事ぶり対応が素晴らしい! 会社の経営理念や教育が良いと感じました。 来月のゴルフ時も再訪致します。
The room is clean and the food is delicious. Above all, the work performance of the employees is wonderful! I felt that the company's management philosophy and education were good. I will visit again next month when I play golf.
JIRO N. on Google

Staying with the deciding factor is that you can bring your road bike into the room. Good access along the national highway. It's close to Tsuchiura station, but I don't think most people come by train. There are many long-term residents, half board, full laundry, large communal bath for men only, ice machine that can be put in a water bottle and atmosphere like a training camp. Meals are fulfilling both morning and evening, basically there are many side dishes of rice, and you can eat all-you-can-eat rice and miso soup by yourself. It is also characterized by a large amount of red pepper, ketchup, soy sauce and seasonings. Many people may like strong seasoning. The front desk is kind and friendly. The room is old, there are few outlets, the TV is small, but it is clean and tidy.
chan ume on Google

A little old, but Cospa is the best! The price in half board is not perfect. Bath is also a beautiful but is a man teacup reasonably large tundish pleasant ♪

The door of the room is not an auto lock but a lock that can be opened and closed. The photos posted don't feel very old, but they're fairly old, and the water pressure in the shower sometimes drops, which makes it difficult to get out, and the water pressure in the toilet is low, so it won't flow unless you hold the lever for a while. The water supply of the unit bath is adjustable with hot water and water. The DX room is large, but the air conditioner is not very effective. There is no elevator to go to the 2nd floor, so you have to go up the spiral staircase.
田代直之 on Google

Overnight with a plan with half board. I was satisfied with both the evening and breakfast, and in the morning I even had to change my meal. It's a pity that I can't visit many times because I stayed in the middle of a long-distance trip.
Seiji Mishima (Shimanami-Blue) on Google

一泊朝食付のシンプルプランで、霞ヶ浦の観光のために利用させて頂きました。 (当ホテルは、サイクリストにやさしい宿の認定を受けています。) 利用者は現場の職人さんやビジネスマンが多く、泊まれるだけでよい位のつもりでした。宿泊当日朝から現地入りして車を駐車場に置かせてもらえないかと伺ったら、気持ち良く了承してくださり、清掃作業中で利用できない時間帯にも関わらずトイレを貸して下さり、無料のコーヒーを勧めて下さり、と泊まる前から好印象。 ビジネスホテルながら大浴場もあって、お部屋のユニットバス利用よりも十分に体を癒せますし、交差点角の立地ですが車の音も気にならずゆっくり休めました。 朝夕のラッシュ時間帯は、ホテル前の道路が渋滞します。少しゆとりをもってチェックアウトされるか、少し歩きますが第2•第3駐車場へ停められると良いかと思います。
It was a simple plan with breakfast for one night, and I used it for sightseeing in Kasumigaura. (The hotel is certified as a cyclist-friendly inn.) Many of the users were craftsmen and businessmen in the field, and I intended to just stay overnight. If you come to the site from the morning of the day of your stay and ask if you can leave your car in the parking lot, please kindly agree and lend me a toilet even though it is not available during the cleaning work, free of charge. He recommended coffee, and I had a good impression even before I stayed. Although it is a business hotel, there is also a large communal bath, so you can heal your body more than using the unit bath in your room, and although it is located at the corner of the intersection, you can rest slowly without worrying about the sound of the car. During the morning and evening rush hours, the road in front of the hotel is congested. Check out with a little space, or walk a little, but I think it would be better to park at the 2nd and 3rd parking lots.
hisana21719 on Google

初めて宿泊致しました。朝夕2食付きのプランです。夜ご飯、お米が美味しくお代り必至です。唐揚げも揚げ出し豆腐もおでんも本当に美味しく頂きました。 部屋もとてもキレイです禁煙部屋は全くタバコの匂いもなく本当に快適でした。お風呂は男性のみ大浴場があります。4人分の洗う場所ありますが、幸い誰も来なかったので独り占めでのんびり入ることができました。お湯加減も問題なく身体ポカポカに。朝食は早く終わりは8:30までなので早起きが必要ですが、やはりお米が美味しく満足でした。またの機会を楽しみに泊まりに行こうと思います。
I stayed for the first time. It is a plan with two meals in the morning and evening. Dinner and rice are delicious and inevitable. The fried chicken, fried tofu and oden were really delicious. The room is also very clean The non-smoking room was really comfortable without the smell of cigarettes at all. Only men have a large bath. There is a place to wash for 4 people, but fortunately no one came so I was able to relax by myself. There is no problem with the amount of hot water, and your body will be warm. Breakfast is early and ends until 8:30, so I need to get up early, but the rice was delicious and I was satisfied. I'm looking forward to another opportunity to stay.

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