Hōshunin Temple - Kyoto

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hōshunin Temple

住所 :

55 Murasakino Daitokujicho, Kita Ward, Kyoto, 603-8231, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 603-8231

55 Murasakino Daitokujicho, Kita Ward, Kyoto, 603-8231, Japan
達哉 on Google

It seems that you can not usually watch at the Daitokuji Tower built by the Kaga Maeda family, but the approach of autumn colors from the gate is wonderful.
大越雄彌 on Google

芳春院(ほうしゅんいん、天文16年7月9日(1547年7月25日) - 元和3年7月16日(1617年8月17日))は、前田利家の正室。 11歳から32歳までの約21年間で2男9女を産む。なお、女性1人が産む子供の数が多かった戦国時代にあっても11人の実子がいる女性は稀有であり、記録が残る限りでは、伊達晴宗の正室久保姫と並んで最も数が多い。その子孫は近代以降の皇室などに血脈を伝えている。 (千世姫─徳姫─西園寺公満─久我通名室─広幡豊忠─正親町実連室─正親町公明─実光─雅子─孝明天皇─明治天皇) 慶長5年(1600年)、前田家に徳川家康から謀反の嫌疑がかけられた際には、交戦を主張する利長を宥め、それを解消させるため自ら人質となって江戸に下り、14年間をそこで過ごした。 なお、後に江戸幕藩体制において諸大名妻子の江戸居住制が確立するが、芳春院はその第1号となる。
Hoshunin (Houshunin, Astronomical July 9, 16 (July 25, 1547) -Menwa 3 July 16, 2016 (August 17, 1617)) is a room of Maeda Toshiie. In about 21 years from 11 to 32 years old, they give birth to 2 males and 9 females. Even during the Warring States Period, when one woman had many children, it was rare for a woman to have 11 actual children, and as long as the record remains, it is the most number alongside Princess Masamuro Kubohime of Date Harumune. There are many. The descendants have passed on to the imperial family since modern times. (Princess Chise ─ Tokuhime ─ Komitsu Saionji ─ Kuga Tsutome Office ─ Toyadaka Hirohata ─ Masamichichika Mitsuaki ─ Masamichichi Kuniaki ─ Mitsuko ─ Masako ─ Emperor Takaaki ─ Emperor Meiji) In the 5th year of Keicho (1600), when Ieyasu Tokugawa accused the Maeda family of suspicion of rebellion, he applauded Toshinaga who insisted on the battle, and he went down to Edo as a hostage for 14 years to resolve it. Spent there. In addition, after the establishment of the Edo residence system of various famous wife and wife in the Edo period, Hoshun-in will be the first.
スッキリおぢさん on Google

通常は非公開の塔頭ですが、数年に一度の夏や冬の特別公開時に拝観ができます。 私が拝観したのは、NHKの大河ドラマで利家とまつを放送していた時に、特別公開をしていたので拝観しました。 ここのメインは京の四閣と呼ばれる呑湖閣でしょう。 金閣・銀閣はもちろん飛雲閣も拝観しましたが、呑湖閣が一番小ぶりでした。 また説明されていた方が、面白いエピソードを話してくれました。 戦前の総理大臣近衛文麿が、京都帝国大学の学生だった時に、ここの芳春院に下宿をしていて、ここから京大に通学されていたとのことです。 (調べたら実母が加賀前田家出身だそうです) 下宿していた部屋を拝見したかはどうかもう記憶にはありませんが、 藤原摂関家につながる貴族の方は、下宿先も一般人とは違いますね。
It is usually closed to the public, but you can see it at the special opening in summer or winter once every few years. I watched it because it was open to the public when I was broadcasting Toshiie and Matsu in the NHK Taiga drama. The main thing here is probably the Donkokaku, which is called the four towers of Kyoto. I visited the Hiunkaku as well as the Kinkaku and Ginkaku, but the Donkokaku was the smallest. Also, the person who was explained told me an interesting episode. Before the war, Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoe was staying at Hoshunin Temple when he was a student at Kyoto Imperial University, and he was commuting to Kyoto University from here. (I found out that my mother is from the Kaga Maeda family) I don't remember if I saw the room I was staying in, but The aristocrats who are connected to the Fujiwara Seki family are different from ordinary people in their boarding houses.
山﨑健 on Google

It is located in the deepest part of Daitokuji Temple, but I think the view until you reach it is very good.
Cort Emason on Google

大徳寺 塔中の一つ 芳春院 素敵な空間が広がります。
One of the Daitokuji towers Maeda Matsu A nice space spreads out.
千箇寺裕之 on Google

Daitoku Temple Tower of Temple. The ground seen from the mountain gate was very beautiful. It is the temple related to Matsu of wife of Toshi Maeda.
黄緑・緑・青緑 on Google

2018年春の公開期日(5月19日~6月10日)が迫り、本日(2018年6月3日)訪れました。 前回、大徳寺を訪れた際は、非公開でしたが、石畳の通路が美しいので、きっとお庭も美しいのだろうと想像致しました。拝観し、その予想に違わず静かで良いお庭でした。 所が・・・、受付より先は一切撮影禁止です。受付の方に、「お庭も駄目なんですか?」と伺ったら、「すべてお断わりしています。」と、にべもないお返事。 ううむぅ~。仕方ありません。その分、しっかりとその美しさを堪能しようと思い、じっくりと拝観致しました。けれども、奥にある呑湖閣は立ち入り禁止。本堂の竹内浩一さんの襖絵は、墨の濃淡が美しく、格調高い画で、これは良かった~。 一切撮影禁止なんて、外界に曝されているお庭ぐらいは、いいかと個人的には思います。が、そのルールすら守れない人が現にいらっしゃるから、公開する側としても、一切撮影禁止なのでしょう。
The spring 2018 release date (May 19th to June 10th) was approaching, and we visited today (June 3rd, 2018). Last time when I visited Daitokuji, it was closed to the public, but I imagined that the garden is also beautiful because the stone pavement passage is beautiful. It was a quiet and nice garden, which I had expected. However, shooting is prohibited before the reception. When I asked the receptionist, "Is your garden also useless?", "I refused all." Uumuu~. There is no way. That's why I decided to thoroughly enjoy the beauty, so I took a closer look. However, the Dokokaku at the back is off limits. The fusuma picture of Koichi Takeuchi in the main hall is a beautiful painting with beautiful shades of ink, which was good. Personally, I don't think photography is allowed at all in a garden exposed to the outside world. However, there are people who can't even comply with the rules, so it's probably forbidden to shoot, even on the public side.
Michael Smith on Google

Nice little garden - worth a visit. But a combined ticket and make sure you also get a chance to see the other temples in the area.

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