
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 本郷三原堂

住所 :

Hongo, Bunkyo City, 〒113-0033 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
Webサイト : http://www.hongo-miharado.co.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Hongo, Bunkyo City, 〒113-0033 Tokyo,Japan
岩渕圭悟 on Google

Definitely a sweet sweet with some sort of elegant sweetness.
川原敏裕 on Google

It is a delicious Japanese sweets shop that you can rest assured
映猫ken on Google

(Translated by Google) Japanese confectionery shop with a variety of different Japanese sweets and rice crackers ? ? Among them, matcha pickles made with the image of manju chazuke, which is said to have been eaten by the treasures that Western sweets and Japanese sweets mixed with Mori Ogai, are delicious (๑> ◡ ◡<๑) 抹茶好きには本当に堪らない抹茶漬けです?
白石真由子 on Google

Salt rice crackers are a great souvenir for those who have been fond of them for a long time and are not good at sweets.
富士翔大郎 on Google

Because it is famous during college, I bought it when I came near. The taste is deep and delicious, but recently there are many people who do not eat so sweet, so it may be subtle, or rice crackers are also popular so they may be better
Yamazaki Kouji on Google

名物の大学最中は白隠元を餡にした白い薄皮の最中と最中芳ばしいつぶ餡の二種類が美味しい。 職人さんが拵える季節がわりの生和菓子は情緒味わえて味をさらに楽しめます
At the university, which is a specialty, two types are delicious: the middle of the white thin skin made from white Hakuin and the middle of the paste. The seasonal Japanese sweets that craftsmen can enjoy can be tasted and enjoyed even more.
shingo inoue on Google

都内に「三原堂」はいくつかあるが、こちらの本郷 三原堂は昭和7年創業、創業時から本郷三丁目の交差点に店を構え、場所を守っている。もともとは人形町の三原堂本店からの暖簾分け。こちらは明治10年創業というからすごいが、本郷三原堂の創業80年あまりというのもすごい歴史だ。角地ならでは、入り口が2つあって、店内はそれなりに広い。 創業当時から提供している名物が大学最中。東京大学近くという土地柄生み出された美味しい一品だ。夏の季節には水ようかんが最適。この時期は竹水羊羹も提供している。意外なのは洋菓子もそれなりに揃っているところ。おもたせなどで困ったときにも、いろんなバリエーションで包んでくれるのでぜひ。
There are several “Miharado” in Tokyo, but this Hongo Miharado was founded in Showa 7 and has established a store at the intersection of Hongo Sanchome since its establishment. Originally a warm welcome from Miharado head office in Ningyocho. This is amazing because it was founded in 10th year of Meiji, but the history of Hongo Miharado's founding is more than 80 years. There are two entrances unique to Kakuchi, and the store is quite large. The specialty that has been offered since its founding is in the middle of the university. A delicious dish created near the University of Tokyo. Water yokan is the best for summer season. During this period, bamboo rams are also offered. Surprisingly, Western confectionery is in line. Even if you are in trouble, you can wrap it in various variations.
わしわしmax on Google

「カルタの街文京」なる広報パンフレットを見たら、当店にて『ダディベアどら焼き』を販売してるそうで初訪問… 漫画「ちはやふる」の作中ゆるキャラの焼き印入りで、チョコチップが意外と餡に合います♪ 和菓子だけでなく洋菓子も有り、全般的にお値段高めで贈答用な感じですが、小分け売りもしているので気になった商品を自分用にあれこれ試すのも良いです。
When I saw the public relations pamphlet "Karuta Town Bunkyo", I heard that "Daddy Bear Dorayaki" is on sale at our shop, so I visited for the first time ... With the branding iron of the mascot character in the manga "Chihayafuru", the chocolate chips match the bean paste unexpectedly ♪ There are not only Japanese sweets but also Western sweets, which are generally expensive and are for gifts, but they are also sold in small lots, so it is good to try out the products you are interested in for yourself.

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