和洋菓子 松屋

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 和洋菓子 松屋

住所 :

Kanda Matsunagacho, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0023 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
街 : Tokyo

Kanda Matsunagacho, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0023 Tokyo,Japan
ki ki on Google

Dorayaki was very delicious! Next time I want to try coffee taste ^ _ ^
Yukihiro Nakamura on Google

I bought candy dorayaki and lemon dorayaki with my own sweets. We were open early in the morning and were saved!
池原義隆 on Google

As expected, it is the fourth oldest Japanese sweets shop in Tokyo that has been in business for over 200 years and is very delicious.
Paris Victoria on Google

200年以上の歴史があるのにとっても先端的?!な和菓子屋さん。 2020年のお花見はこちらのどら焼き持参で参加することをオススメします♪
Even if it has a history of over 200 years, is it advanced? ! Japanese sweets shop. For cherry blossom viewing in 2020, we recommend that you bring your own dorayaki ♪
アカポン on Google

お土産でどら焼き10個入り買ったけど、 レモンコーヒーとかもバラで売ってるので、軽くつまんでいいと思う
I bought 10 dorayaki as a souvenir, Lemon coffee is also sold in roses, so I think it's okay to pick it up lightly.
岩渕圭悟 on Google

Even though it is a long-established store, it sells a variety of Japanese sweets such as coffee dorayaki that young people are likely to receive.
Chiaki (かんな) on Google

荷物を送る予定で、一緒にお茶菓子をお届けしようと思い、GoogleMAPで調べました。こちらのお店の評価が高かったので、レビューを参考に「どら焼き」をチョイス。 一般的なあんこの他、コーヒーやレモンのどら焼きもありました。 入口左手には、キャビネットの中に、創業当時の鑑札や和菓子の木型が飾ってありました。こちらのお店の歴史を感じました。 今回は見送りましたが、上生菓子も美しい細工でおいしそう。 用事で都営新宿線岩本町駅から、日比谷線秋葉原駅に乗り換えるので、その途中にとても利用しやすいです。 次回は上生菓子を、自分のために購入予定です。
I was planning to send my luggage, and I thought I would deliver tea confectionery together, so I looked it up on Google MAP. This shop was highly rated, so I chose "Dorayaki" with reference to the reviews. In addition to the common bean paste, there was also coffee and lemon dorayaki. On the left side of the entrance, a wooden pattern of Japanese sweets and a tag at the time of its founding was displayed in the cabinet. I felt the history of this shop. I haven't seen it this time, but the namagashi looks delicious with beautiful work. It's very easy to use on the way because you change from Iwamotocho Station on the Toei Shinjuku Line to Akihabara Station on the Hibiya Line for business. Next time, I plan to buy high quality sweets for myself.
大泉倫子 on Google

Japanese sweets like seasonal Momoyama were delicious. Toyama Kakiyama rice crackers, white shrimp travelogues, etc. are permanently installed and convenient.

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