大國屋治助 あめ

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大國屋治助 あめ

住所 :

Yushima, Bunkyo City, 〒113-0034 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
街 : Tokyo

Yushima, Bunkyo City, 〒113-0034 Tokyo,Japan
鈴木祐之 on Google

前々から気になっており、つい先日勇気を出して入店! まず何より伝統のある飴が一袋200円! 丁寧に飴の種類も説明していただきありがとうございました? そして紙袋に入っていたオマケの飴など、お心遣いがありがたいし、何より美味しい飴でした? また伺います!
I've been worried since before, and just enter the store with courage the other day! First of all, a bag of 200 yen with a bag of traditional! Thank you very much for kindly explaining the kind of rice cake ? And, like the bonus rice cake in the paper bag, thank you for your consideration, and the rice cake which was delicious than anything else.
T N on Google

A confectionery shop that seems to be overlooked on the 1st floor of the apartment on the left hand side (Yushima Cathedral on the right) down Yushimazaka in the direction of Akihabara on the right side of the front gate of Kanda Shrine (Kanda Myojin). Making “Myojin Ame” handmade since the Edo period. It seems that the tastes are not always the same, such as “Nikki”, “Anzu” and “Matsuka”. There is also a “cider” in summer. It is a sweet candy that is simple and palatable. As a narrative, Ichiyo Higuchi bought it as a souvenir for his mother. If you buy it, you can get a bonus.
田中宏明 on Google

ここのソーダ味の飴が一番好きです。 市販の飴に比べ舌触りがよく、ツルツルとしたの上で転がして楽しんでます。 甘さは水飴が原料なので、市販の飴よりも甘く感じると思いますが美味しいのでお薦めです。 接客は腰が低く、丁寧に接客してくれるので不快な気持ちにはならないと思います。 たまにお店の人が居ないので大声で呼んで対応することもあります。 心配なのが小さなお店なので、潰れてしまうことが心配です。 昔ながら伝統的な飴作りを後世に残し皆のに食べてもらいたい。
I like the soda-flavored soup here. It feels better than a commercially available bag, and you can enjoy rolling it on a smooth surface. The sweetness is made from chickenpox, so I think it feels sweeter than a commercially available candy, but it is recommended because it is delicious. I don't feel uncomfortable because the customer service is low and the customer service is polite. Occasionally there are no people in the store, so we may call you out loud. I am worried that it will be crushed because it is a small shop. I want everyone to eat traditional sushi making in the future.
Fidelia Potta on Google

樋口一葉も買いに来ていたとか言う歴史のある店。 果糖ブドウ糖液糖使用の市販品とは全くの別物である。 子供の頃普通の雨は食べなかったが、ここの飴だけは大好きだった。 丁寧な手作りなのに、安すぎて心配になるほど。
A store with a long history that Ichiyo Higuchi also came to buy. It is completely different from the commercial products that use fructose-glucose liquid sugar. I didn't eat normal rain when I was a kid, but I loved the candy here. Even though it is carefully handmade, it is too cheap to worry about.
M tezu on Google

Whether I go once a year or not, I will stop by on my way home from Myojin. There are times when the store is closed or there are no items, but if it is closed, I think it was closed, but the next time I go, it will be open and I am relieved. I like Nikki candy. It's spicy, but I like the unique feeling, and the tongue is tingling. Other commercial Nikki candy feels unsatisfactory.
樋口里恵 on Google

物腰柔らかで腰の低い丁寧な対応をして下さいました。千歳飴1本70円、草加せんべい11枚入り一袋200円、一つひとつ手作りの飴200円など税込のお値段に驚きます。 家に帰って気がついたのですが、紙袋の底におまけの飴が入っており、本当にびっくりです。 これからもお身体に気を付けて永く続けていっていただきたいです。
He gave me a gentle and gentle response. You will be surprised at the tax-included price of 70 yen for one Chitose candy, 200 yen for a bag containing 11 pieces of Soka senbei, and 200 yen for each handmade candy. When I came home, I noticed that the bottom of the paper bag contains extra candy, and I'm really surprised. I hope you will continue to care for yourself and continue for a long time.
A.k A.k on Google

I went there on Tuesday around 3pm. Various types are reasonably priced at 200 yen (tax included). Nikki taste, brown sugar taste, apricot taste, cider, mentha and one more mentha and ~ There was a taste of sweat. There were other rice crackers and so on. Cider seems to be popular and sold out. I got an apricot taste. When I ate it, it tasted very easy to eat without being too sweet ♪ Brown sugar
雄嗣浦 on Google

It was closed when I went around noon on weekdays. It was open after 15:00. Inside, candy 300 yen, Soka rice crackers 200 yen, okoshi 300 yen, and karinto 100 yen were sold on the table. There are only two types of candy, apricot and mint. The expiration date is not written on the candy or karinto. The manufacturer of senbei and okoshi seems to be different from this candy. Somehow it was reasonably priced, so I bought them all. The candy was sweet and sour, with a little apricot meat in it, and had a natural sweetness without impurities. The owner was a friendly person.

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