
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact つくば道

住所 :

Hojo, Tsukuba, 〒300-4231 Ibaraki,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Ibaraki

Hojo, Tsukuba, 〒300-4231 Ibaraki,Japan
ナイスビール on Google

筑波山麓駐車場隣の六丁目の鳥居からの眺めが最高です(ㅅ´ ˘ `)趣のある建物も沢山あり、こちらからの登山も穴場で楽しめますよ!夜景も綺麗で大好きです!
The view from the Torii gate next to the parking lot at the foot of Mt. The night view is beautiful and I love it!
土井貴広 on Google

The old approach to Mt. Tsukuba? The atmosphere is good ?? The slope after passing through the torii is steep and a little surprised ?
北野林悟 on Google

筑波山に登山される方、もし体力に自信があればここを起点とされることを是非お勧めします。この標がある付近は古くからの商店がいくつかあり、いいものが見つかるかもしれません。 私が来たときは市がいくつか出ており、地元の方手作りの美味しい昼御飯もここで買うことが出来ました。 昔からの街道で、日本の原風景を実感出来ます。 筑波山神社に近づくにつれ、かなりの急登となりますが、洒落た建物も多くあり、また天気が良ければ素晴らしい眺望もあり、苦労してここを来た甲斐があったと実感出来るでしょう。
Those who climb Mt. Tsukuba, if you are confident in your physical fitness, I highly recommend that you start here. There are several old shops near this mark, so you may find something good. When I came, there were several markets, and locals could buy homemade delicious lunch here. You can feel the original scenery of Japan on the old road. As you approach the Tsukuba Shrine, the climb will be quite steep, but there are many stylish buildings, and if the weather is nice, there are wonderful views, so you can feel that it was worth the effort to come here.
中仁 on Google

I once wanted to walk up from Hojo Shopping Street to Tsukubasan Shrine. Unfortunately, the shopping street is not very lively. The old road called Tsukuba Road is also an ordinary paved narrow road. You can't enjoy the scenery because there are ordinary houses along the road. I am disappointed to expect the old cityscape. There are two places on the way that get lost, but it's okay if you aim for Mt. Tsukuba. The climb in the second half is quite difficult, so be prepared. There is a great sense of accomplishment when I arrive at the shrine with difficulty. It is recommended to climb from the bottom to liven up the Hojo shopping district.
ichicou High.B on Google

スタート地点を神郡駐車場にしてゴールを宮脇駅ケーブル乗り場までにしました。 いやーかなり勾配のある道ですね、行も帰りも足がふらふらきつい道ですが、日本の原風景があります。
The starting point has been changed to the Kami-gun parking lot, and the goal has been changed to the Miyawaki Station cable platform. No, it's a very sloping road, and the way back and forth is a staggering path, but it has the original landscape of Japan.
Keigo Yuda on Google

1626年に中禅寺の工事の資材運搬路として整備され、後に参道として利用され賑わうようになったという。 つくば道始点には立派な道標が立っており、周辺には商店が並ぶ。 筑波山神社より4km程南方向ほぼまっすぐに延びている為、途中から急勾配な上り坂が続くので苦労はするかと思います。 つくば道沿いの古風な町並みの雰囲気が良く、正面から眺望できる筑波山は絶景であり登山をするならこちらから登るのもいいかもしれません。
It was built as a material transportation route for the construction of Chuzenji in 1626, and was later used as a path to the temple and became popular. A good signpost stands at the starting point of Tsukuba Road, and there are many shops around the area. It extends 4km southward from Mt. Tsukuba Shrine, so there will be a steep uphill slope in the middle, so I think you will have a hard time. The atmosphere of the old-fashioned streets along the Tsukuba Road is good, and Mt. Tsukuba, which you can see from the front, is a superb view, so if you want to climb it, you might want to climb from here.
Hisashi Ohtomo on Google

I walked down from Omido to Kiyotaki-ji Temple, but I enjoyed the change of scenery.
t itoh on Google

茨城県道、いや険道139号と名高い『つくば道』 前回筑波山に来た時に、渋滞を避けるために入り込んでしまったダウンヒル。 今回は上り下り両方通ってみた。 ここに住む方には敬意しかない。 この道に筑波山神社一の鳥居があるので歩く人も意外と居ましたよ。 一の鳥居の前には駐車場があります。
Ibaraki Prefectural Road, No, "Tsukuba Road" which is famous as Kokudo No. 139 The downhill that I entered to avoid traffic jams the last time I came to Mt. Tsukuba. This time I went both up and down. There is only respect for those who live here. There was a torii gate at Tsukubasan Shrine on this road, so there were surprisingly many people walking. There is a parking lot in front of the first torii gate.

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