ハウスドゥ 草加駅前

4.3/5 に基づく 3 レビュー

Contact ハウスドゥ 草加駅前

住所 :

Hikawacho, Sōka, 〒340-0034 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Webサイト : https://sokaekimae-housedo.com/
街 : Saitama

Hikawacho, Sōka, 〒340-0034 Saitama,Japan
田中健一 on Google

makoto itou on Google

Rest assured that he kindly and politely presented the property.
Suzuki Toshihiro on Google

土地の購入でお世話になりました。素晴らしいお店と、営業の方(山口様)に巡り会えて無事家を建てる事が出来、大変幸運だったと思います、 それまでなかなか希望にあう物件が見つからず数々の不動産仲介業者で商談をしましたが、こちらは唯一本当のプロと思える店舗でした。 電話での初回のヒアリングがすでに素晴らしく、非常に的を得た、自分でも意識出来ていない様な隠れた要望さえも明確にしてくれる、その中でプロとしてその要望を叶える思いがけない提案も頂ける、そんなスタートでした。 また、不動産仲介業者ではありますが、卓越した金融知識と、金融機関とのパイプをお持ちでとても安心して商談が進められました。 他にも不動産を所有しているため、他社ではローンの面で金額や組み方などに大きな制約が付く前提での話しか無く、なかなか購入に進むことが出来なかったのですが、希望を叶えられる借り入れ方法や、金融機関を即座に決めて頂け、初回の面談時にはすでに金融機関の担当に連絡して仮承諾も頂けている状態から物件選びをスタート出来たこと、本当にありがたかったです。 また動きがとても早く、なんでもすぐに調べてくださったり、こまめに連絡を頂けたので、その点も信頼できました。 結果、こちらにお世話になり土地購入し、その後、別業者で注文住宅を建てましたが、その連携なども良くやって頂けました。 また、店舗スタッフの皆様も大変暖かく、小さな子供の面倒を見てくださったり、大変助かりました。 こちらのお店と出会う事ができてよかったです。大手仲介の様な立派な店構えではないかもしれませんが、中身は本物のプロ集団です。もし不動産の購入でお悩みならこちらを強くお勧めします。
Thank you for purchasing the land. I think I was very fortunate to be able to meet a wonderful shop and a sales person (Mr. Yamaguchi) and build a house safely. Until then, I couldn't find a property that suits my wishes, so I had business talks with a number of real estate agents, but this was the only store that seemed to be a true professional. The first hearing on the phone was already wonderful, it was very relevant, it clarified even hidden requests that I could not even be aware of, and among them I could receive unexpected suggestions that fulfill those requests as a professional. It was such a start. In addition, although I am a real estate agent, I have excellent financial knowledge and a connection with financial institutions, so I was able to proceed with business negotiations with great peace of mind. Since I own other real estate, I couldn't proceed with the purchase without talking on the premise that other companies would have big restrictions on the amount of money and how to make a loan, but I can fulfill my hope. I was really grateful that I was able to immediately decide on the borrowing method and financial institution, and at the time of the first interview, I was able to start selecting the property from the state where I had already contacted the person in charge of the financial institution and received provisional consent. Also, the movement was very fast, and I was able to trust that point because I was able to check everything immediately and contact me frequently. As a result, I was taken care of by this and purchased the land, and after that, I built a custom-built house by another company, but I was able to cooperate well. Also, the store staff were very warm and took care of small children, which was very helpful. I'm glad I was able to meet this shop. It may not be a good store like a major intermediary, but the contents are a real professional group. If you are worried about buying real estate, we highly recommend this.

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