j Clinic - Okazaki

2.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact j Clinic

住所 :

6-5 Fubukicho, Okazaki, Aichi 444-0817, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 444-0817
Webサイト : https://j-cl.net/

6-5 Fubukicho, Okazaki, Aichi 444-0817, Japan
xy z on Google

小学一年生の子供が鼻に管を入れる診察を怖がって泣いたら、「この子普通級にいけてるの?」と言ってきた。 この後アレルギー検査するからそれまでに泣き止ませないと検査しないと怒られた。 知り合いにここの耳鼻科に通っていると言ったらあんなところに通ってるのと驚かれる。 もお通っていませんが記憶から消したいです。
When a child in the first grade of elementary school cried for fear of seeing a tube in his nose, he said, "Is this child normal grade?" After this I will have an allergy test, so I got angry if I had to stop crying until then. When I told an acquaintance that I went to the otolaryngology here, I was surprised to go to such a place. I don't go there, but I want to erase it from my memory.
s mitsu on Google

子供が1歳の時に中耳炎で3回診察を受けました。看護師さんは常に無表情で、先生が子供の鼻を吸う時は5人ぐらいで押さえます。少しでも動くと先生が目で指示をし、更にきつく子供の体を押さえます。子供は大泣きだろうと、先生が気に入る体勢になるまで先生は無言で座っています。診察の後、子供は看護師に連れられ、先生とマンツーマンで話を聞く時間があります。診察の結果を一言と、親としてどうなのかと早口でお叱りを受けました。1回目、親として情けない、子供に申し訳ないと思い、先生の言われた通り、日中はもちろん夜中も寝ているところを起こして鼻吸いを行いました。2回目、状況が良くなってない事にお叱りを受けました。ちゃんと鼻吸いはしてるのかと聞かれ、しましたと答えると、更に早口で「手洗いうがいもしてるのか」と言われました。うがいはしていないと伝えると「うがいも当然だ。」とお叱りを受けました。1歳でうがいが出来るのか?と疑問に思いましたが、他の子は出来るのかもしれないと考えることにしました。3回目、やはり状況が変わっておらず「次良くなってなかったら切開だから!」と言われました。無知な私は切開がどのような施術か分からず大事な子供の事なので説明を求めると、「そもそもあなたがちゃんと管理をしていないからだ!…」と更にお叱りを受け、全く質問をさせてもらえませんでした。私にはここは合っていないんだと思い、他の病院にうつりました。次の病院で切開が必要かを聞くと「先生それぞれの考え方があるけど、私は必要ないレベルだと思っています。」と言われました。そして必ず最後に「他に質問はありますか?」と聞いて下さいます。看護師も鼻吸いの時に「大丈夫だよー。上手!上手!頑張ったねー。」と声をかけてくれます。 病院も人と人とのつながりで成り立つのでは、と私は思います。
When the child was 1 year old, he was examined three times for otitis media. The nurse is always expressionless, and when the teacher sucks the child's nose, about five people hold it down. If you move even a little, the teacher will give instructions with your eyes and hold the child's body tighter. The teacher sits silently until he is in a position he likes, even if the child will cry. After the examination, the child is taken to a nurse and has time to talk one-on-one with the teacher. I was scolded for a word about the result of the examination and how I was as a parent. The first time, as a parent, I felt sorry for my child, and as the teacher said, I woke up sleeping during the day and at night and sucked my nose. The second time, I was scolded for not improving the situation. I was asked if I was sucking my nose properly, and when I answered, I was even quicker and asked, "Are you gargling your hands?" When I told him I wasn't gargling, I was scolded, saying, "Gargling is natural." Can you gargle at the age of one? I was wondering, but I decided to think that other children might be able to do it. The third time, the situation hadn't changed and I was told, "If it doesn't improve next time, it's an incision!" I'm ignorant, I don't know what the incision is, and it's an important child, so when I asked for an explanation, I was further scolded, "Because you aren't managing it properly in the first place! ..." and asked me a question at all. I didn't get it. I thought it wasn't right for me, so I moved to another hospital. When I asked if an incision was necessary at the next hospital, he said, "Each teacher has their own way of thinking, but I don't think it is necessary." And be sure to ask "Are there any other questions?" At the end. When the nurse sucks his nose, he says, "It's okay. Good! Good! Good luck!" I think that hospitals are also made up of connections between people.
バニラ. on Google

先生が上から目線の言い方で とても高圧的でとても嫌な気持ちになりました 子どもが 中耳炎になったのは 親が鼻水を1時間おきに 吸ってあげないから みたいなことを言われました 患者の話も 全く聞く耳を持たない もう行かないと思います 次の日に 別の病院に行きました 耳の中をカメラで見てくれて 検査もしてもらったら とても キレイで鼓膜もキレイ 中耳炎ではない 薬も必要はないです と言われました
The teacher was very overwhelmed by the way he looked from above, which made me feel very unpleasant. I was told that my child had otitis media because my parents didn't suck my runny nose every hour. I have no ears to listen to the patient's story at all I don't think I'll go anymore I went to another hospital the next day When I had my ears look inside with a camera and had an examination, I was told that my eardrums were clean and my eardrums were clean. I didn't need any medicine that wasn't otitis media.
ゆか on Google

子どもを診てもらってます。 先生はいつもにこにこで、穏やかに診察してくださいます。薬も効くので何度か受診しました。 でも、受付が最悪です。最初が挨拶じゃなく予約してます?あぁ、〇〇さんですね、から始まり、何回聞き返すの?ってくらい私の声が届かず…待合に響き渡る声で答えました笑 しゃべりながら電話に出るし、唯一受付の対応が残念すぎます…
I have my child examined. The teacher is always smiling and gives a gentle examination. The medicine works well, so I went to see him several times. But the reception is the worst. Do you make a reservation at the beginning instead of greeting? Ah, Mr. 〇〇, how many times do you listen back? I couldn't reach my voice ... I answered with a voice that echoed in the waiting room lol I answer the phone while talking, and the only response from the reception is too disappointing ...
一号 on Google

同じ症状で薬をもらおうと思っても期間が開くと再検査をするため毎回診察代が高額になる。 先生の言い方は上から目線、高圧的で気分が悪い。 生活や性格を変えろと言われても、努力しても限度がある。 高い診察代を支払ったのに後味が悪く後悔したため二度と行きません。 評価が悪い理由がわかりました。
Even if you want to get medicine for the same symptoms, the examination fee will be high every time because you will have to re-examine when the period opens. The teacher's way of saying is from the top, high pressure and sick. Even if you are told to change your life and personality, there is a limit to your efforts. I paid a high medical examination fee, but the aftertaste was bad and I regretted it, so I will never go again. I understand why the evaluation is bad.
ヒロ69 on Google

的確に素早く診断してくれた。説明もわかりやすく、納得できた。 グーグルの評価が低いが、私は低い理由が分からなかった。
He made an accurate and quick diagnosis. The explanation was easy to understand and I was convinced. Google's rating is low, but I didn't understand why it was low.
みかんサニー on Google

4年程前に酷い目眩があり受診し、異常なし、その後も時々症状があったが異常なし。 最後は、専門外のため精神科を受診しろと言われました。 納得できず他院を受診したところ、4年前からメニエールを発症していたようで、軽度難聴と言われました。 受診が遅かったため、回復は難しいようです。 一度の受診、問診で判断されました。 jさんは毎回検査していましたが、わからなかったのでしょうか。 比べると診察代も高額です。検査の結果ももらえませんでした。 この歳で軽度難聴になり、このまま生きていくとなると恨みたい気持ちでいっぱいです。
About 4 years ago, I had severe dizziness and had a medical examination. There was no abnormality, and after that, I had occasional symptoms, but there was no abnormality. At the end, I was told to go to a psychiatrist because I was not a specialist. When I visited another hospital because I was not convinced, it seemed that I had had Meniere's disease four years ago, and I was told that I had mild deafness. It seems difficult to recover because the consultation was late. It was judged by one consultation and interview. Mr. j was inspecting every time, but did he not understand? The medical examination fee is also expensive compared to that. I didn't get the result of the test. At this age, I had mild deafness, and when I lived as it was, I felt a lot of resentment.
Akemi Y on Google

診察は的確ですよ。医者だから厳しさも有りますが鼻から入れるカメラ痛くないです。 他所でやって貰っても痛い所ばかり。ここの先生は腕が良いです。 合わない薬もカルテきちんと見直してくれていて対応してくれます。
The medical examination is accurate. I'm a doctor, so it's strict, but the camera I put in through my nose doesn't hurt. Even if you do it elsewhere, it only hurts. The teacher here is good at it. The medical records are properly reviewed and responded to the medicines that do not fit.

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