Furuta Ear, Nose And Throat Clinic - Okazaki

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Furuta Ear, Nose And Throat Clinic

住所 :

Yashiki-18 Tosakicho, Okazaki, Aichi 444-0840, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 444-0840
Webサイト : https://furuta-ent.com/

Yashiki-18 Tosakicho, Okazaki, Aichi 444-0840, Japan
有栖川富子 on Google

ちゃんとみてくれない。シルバーの丸いやつでみて終わり。なんだか私たちには合わないので、いつもの耳鼻科に戻ります。やっぱりもう二度と来ません。はあ。家から近かったのに残念だな… ちゃんとカメラみたいなやつで喉まで見てほしいって伝えたのに。口コミにもあるようにテキパキしてる。看護婦さんも受け付けの方も優しい。ただここの先生は…❌
I can not see it properly. It is the end to see it with a round silver. I am not fit with us, so I will return to my usual otolaryngology. I will never come again. Oh. I'm sorry I was close from home ... I told you that you want me to look at my throat with a camera-like guy. I'm excited to be a word of mouth. Both nurses and receptionists are kind. Just the teacher here ... ❌
白わ on Google

Just cleaning your ears starts at 5,000 yen. Price with insurance coverage. ~ Is separate from other inspections. Moreover, I would like to have a fiberscope inspection, but I consulted with my teacher. Do you have any questions about ear cleaning that can be done anywhere? What? Moreover, from 5000 yen? Other hospitals cost around 2000 yen, and if you wish, you can even call to clean your ears.
kei on Google

診察はこっちからグイグイ聞かないとササっと終わるので気がかりがある際は先にメモでもしてる方が良い。先生はサバサバしているが、受付や看護師さん達はとても親切で優しい。 院内は清潔で明るく、待合の椅子も多い。キッズスペースがそこそこ広めにとってあり、キッズスペースに向かったソファもあり親も子供を見やすく、トイレはこどもトイレやオムツ台もあり院内の作りが子連れにとても優しい。当日web予約でweb上で順番の確認もできる為そう待つ事もないが、子供と待つ際は便利かと。
If you feel uneasy, it is better to make a note first, as the medical examination will end if you don't listen to it. The teacher is very active, but the receptionist and nurses are very kind and kind. The hospital is clean and bright, and there are many waiting chairs. There is a children's space so widely spread, there is also a sofa for the children's space, and parents can see the children easily, and there are children's toilets and diaper beds for toilets, and the hospital's making is very kind to children. Since we can confirm the order on the web by web reservation on the day, we do not have to wait that much, but it is convenient when we wait with children.
アッキー on Google

I go to get a prescription on a regular basis. Recently, I don't have a medical examination, but I only give a prescription at the reception and get a medical examination fee.
スプラッシュばぶる on Google

耳が痛くてここに行ったら 「何もなってないですねー」って言われて「本当に痛いんですか?」って嘘つき呼ばわりされた。違うとこの耳鼻科言ったら結局内耳炎だった。もう行きたくない。
If my ears hurt and I went here He said, "Nothing has happened," and he was called a liar, "Does it really hurt?" If I say this otolaryngology, it was labyrinthitis after all. I don't want to go anymore.
s t on Google

定期的にお世話になっております。先生が的確に素早く判断してくださるので、診察開始と同時に待ち人数が50人近いくても、かなり回転が早いので有難いです。ネットで順番も取れるので、大体の時間を見計らって伺うため、無駄に待ちません。 とてもきれいな病院です。看護師さんたちも電話も対応も丁寧です。
I am indebted to you on a regular basis. The teacher will make an accurate and quick decision, so even if the number of people waiting is close to 50 at the same time as the start of the examination, I am grateful that the turnover is quite fast. You can also take turns on the net, so you don't have to wait in vain because you will be asked about the time. It's a very clean hospital. The nurses, the phone and the correspondence are polite.
Kaoru OHNO on Google

今まで診ていただいた耳鼻科の先生の中でダントツに素晴らしい先生です。 若いですが最新の知識を持ち、無駄のない話し方。治療の仕方、患者への接し方など、私はこれ以上良い先生に出会った事がありません。 新しいので施設設備も綺麗で、ネット予約(時間指定は無理で順番を予約するだけ)も可能 他の先生に問題を感じたら、一度この先生に診てもらう事をお勧めします。
Among the otolaryngologists I have seen so far, he is by far the best teacher. Young but with the latest knowledge and lean speaking style. I have never met a better teacher, such as how to treat and treat patients. Since it is new, the facilities and equipment are clean, and online reservations (time designation is not possible, just reserve the order) are also possible If you have any problems with another teacher, we recommend that you visit this teacher once.
o s on Google

初診でもインターネットから予約ができ、待ち時間もほぼなかった。 問診を書いていたら呼ばれた。 先生はかなりテキパキしていて、ちょっと早口かな。 すぐに診察が終わる。 私は症状をすぐ言って、すぐ終わるところが好きなので良い病院だと思った。 また行きたい。 病院の内装も可愛い感じだった。
I was able to make a reservation from the Internet even at the first visit, and there was almost no waiting time. I was called when I was writing an interview. The teacher is pretty responsive and I think he speaks a little fast. The examination will end soon. I said the symptoms right away and thought it was a good hospital because I like the place where it ends soon. I want to go again. The interior of the hospital was also cute.

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