松茸山 別所和苑

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 松茸山 別所和苑

住所 :

Besshoonsen, Ueda, 〒386-1431 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88888
Webサイト : http://waen.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8PM
Sunday 11AM–8PM
Monday 11AM–8PM
Tuesday 11AM–8PM
Wednesday 11AM–8PM
Thursday 11AM–8PM
Friday 11AM–8PM
街 : Nagano

Besshoonsen, Ueda, 〒386-1431 Nagano,Japan
ひーしみチャンネル on Google

ここは何もかもが最低です。他の松茸小屋は予約が取れなく、ここはすんなり予約が取れ、少し不安感がありました。 とにかく、コスパは悪すぎ、接客も客の気持ちを無視するような対応です。 コース料理も『○○お出ししましたっけ?』と随分時間が経って言われ、そんなに混んでいる訳でもないのに… 2度と行きません。 高い代金を払ってとても腹立たしい
Everything is the worst here. I couldn't make reservations for other matsutake mushroom huts, so I was a little worried because I could make reservations easily here. Anyway, the cost performance is too bad, and the customer service is such that the customer's feelings are ignored. It's been a long time since I was told that the course meal was "Did you serve XX?", And it wasn't so crowded ... I will never go again. Very annoying to pay a high price
mana mme on Google

山中を進み、険しい一本道を進んだ先にある山小屋。 松に囲まれた山の中でマツタケを食べられるのだが、料理そのものの質はさておき、色々と問題ばかり。 接客は右往左往で、今日、店をオープンしたかという具合の不慣れさでお粗末。 コース料理の進み具合を把握できておらず、お客に状況を訊ねる。 お客間の順番が守られておらず、先に注文してコース料理が始まったにも関わらず、後から同じコース料理を注文した側が一気に追い上げて、ついには先に来る、等々。 等級はともかく、客の多くが何かしらコース料理を頼むのだから、最低限、そうした事は無くすべきだろう。 また、毎年やってくるシーズン、繁忙期の仕事量は把握しているのだから、効率化を図るなり対策を取ってしかるべきだろう。 そして極め付きは、店内でカメムシが大量発生している中で食事をすることになり、虫が料理の中に入ったり寄ってくることを気にしながらの食事になった。 山小屋という店構えからある程度は仕方がないが、ここは登山客が休憩する山小屋ではない。マツタケという高級食材を食べに来る店なのだから、肝心の料理を味わえないほどでは、金額に見合った環境とは言えない。 少なくとも市内の、同様の環境にある松茸料理店では、虫を見掛けることは一切無かった。 料理もマツタケだが、調理法は金額に見合うほどかと疑問に思う。 不味くはないが、特徴はマツタケという素材だけ、という印象が強い。 大きな虫が天井やテーブルや床とあちこちにいても気にしない人、 接客がぐだぐだでも気にしない人、 そんな環境で決して安くはない金額で食事しても気にしない人、そんな人たちには問題ない店だろう。 運が良ければ虫も大量発生していないかもしれない。 しかし、それ以来、松茸を食べるなら市内の別の優良店へ行く。
A mountain hut at the end of a steep straight road that goes through the mountains. You can eat matsutake mushrooms in the mountains surrounded by pine trees, but apart from the quality of the food itself, there are various problems. The customer service is going back and forth, and it is poor because of the unfamiliarity of opening the store today. I haven't been able to grasp the progress of the course meal, so I ask the customer about the situation. The order between the customers was not kept, and even though the course meal started after ordering first, the side who ordered the same course meal later caught up at once, and finally came first, and so on. Regardless of the grade, many customers ask for some kind of course meal, so at the very least, that should be eliminated. Also, since we know the amount of work in the seasons and busy seasons that come every year, we should take measures to improve efficiency. And, at the end of the day, I had to eat while there were a lot of stink bugs in the store, and I was worried about insects coming in and out of the dish. It can't be helped to some extent from the store structure of a mountain lodge, but this is not a mountain lodge where climbers rest. Since it is a restaurant that comes to eat high-quality ingredients called matsutake mushrooms, it cannot be said that the environment is worth the money if you cannot taste the essential dishes. At least at the Matsutake mushroom restaurant in the same environment in the city, I did not see any insects. The food is also Matsutake, but I wonder if the cooking method is worth the money. It's not unpleasant, but it has a strong impression that the only characteristic is the material called matsutake. People who don't mind if big insects are everywhere on the ceiling, table or floor, People who don't care even if the customer service is sloppy, It's a good place for people who don't mind eating at a reasonable price in such an environment. If you are lucky, there may not be a large number of insects. However, since then, if you want to eat matsutake mushrooms, go to another excellent store in the city.
えんどまめ on Google

最後店に着くまでの道がかなり狭いので、運転には注意が必要です 車を降りた後、入り口までは少し山道ですが、手すりや、マットが敷いてあります。 座敷ですが椅子があるので、座るのも楽でした
The road to the last store is quite narrow, so be careful when driving. After getting out of the car, there is a mountain road to the entrance, but there are handrails and mats. Although it is a tatami room, it was easy to sit down because there are chairs.
リトルアボカド on Google

別所温泉駅まで送迎していただきました。マイカーではなかなか入っていく勇気が湧かないような道を上っていきました。 私たちの席は、椅子になっており膝や腰が楽でした。どれもおいしかったけど、焼き松茸最高!
We had you pick up and drop off at Bessho Onsen station. I went up the road where I didn't have the courage to enter in my car. Our seats were chairs and the knees and hips were comfortable. All were delicious, but the grilled matsutake mushrooms were the best!
佐藤公嗣 on Google

The word of mouth is not so good, but it was okay for me. It's seasonal, so I wonder if the clerk is also a part-time job. Other customers were supposed to be like "I haven't come." The scenery was good, the matsutake mushrooms were delicious, and it felt good.
radio221 on Google

松茸を狩りたい!食べたい!と思ったら別所温泉へ。 大前提として、松茸の絶品料理を美味しく食べたいなら、お住まい地域の料亭に行かれた方がいいですよ。 『松茸を食いたい・焼きたい』 『松茸という味を知りたい』 『松茸小屋というものはなにか』 の入門編なら、最高に楽しいです。 こちらは、別所温泉の山の中のさらに奥まったところにある松茸小屋です。 車のすれ違いできない山道を進みますが、駐車場もありますし、店の前が詰まっていると、手前の広場に止めて送迎してくれます。 松茸狩りは駐車場に程近い山には入り、レクチャー受けながら自分で探します。 一狩り行こうぜ!なノリで充分ですが、汚れてもよい服で行きます。(二時間くらい) その後、食事どころに案内されて松茸コースを頂きます。 コースはメニューの通りですが、松茸の味をちゃんと確認したいなら、土瓶蒸しと焼き松茸があるコースが良いです。 松茸鍋も松茸をしっかり食べれますが、味わうというより、見た目と食べたという体験ですね。私は鍋だとおいしいけど松茸感はわかりませんでした。 追加の松茸料理(焼き松茸など)は時価で、ざるに価格付きの並んだ松茸があるので、それを選ぶ仕組みです。 味はどれもおいしいですが、松茸小屋ブーストもあります。旨い松茸料理と費用対効果を考えてしまうと、家で松茸ご飯の元使ってエリンギでも食ってろ!となってしまいます。 松茸小屋で、『こんなに松茸って食わないよね普段』っていう優越感に浸りながら、松茸三昧をする場所です。 スタッフさんは若くて対応いいですが、たまに間違うので笑って許してあげましょう。 松茸狩りをレクチャーをしてくれたスタッフ宮下さんのお話がタメになりました。 こちらは景色もよい場所です。 てか他の松茸小屋にはなさそうな見晴らしのよい景色です。 部屋は小屋というより、鮎のやな場の食事処というイメージです。 最高の贅沢をしてきましたが、松茸とはどのような味で、どういう食べ方が一番松茸感あるのかを知ることのできた、貴重な1日でした。 くれぐれも、『高いんだから最高のサービスと美味な食事がある場所』のつもりで行くと後悔します。 松茸が取れる山の中で食べる松茸飯、に価値を感じられる、人生を楽しめる方にはぜひ行ってもらいたい場所です。
I want to hunt matsutake mushrooms! want to eat! If you think so, go to Bessho Onsen. As a general premise, if you want to eat delicious matsutake mushrooms, you should go to a restaurant in your area. "I want to eat and bake matsutake mushrooms" "I want to know the taste of matsutake mushrooms" "What is a matsutake mushroom hut?" The introductory edition is the most fun. This is a matsutake mushroom hut located deeper in the mountains of Bessho Onsen. You will follow a mountain road where cars cannot pass each other, but there is a parking lot, and if the front of the store is clogged, it will stop at the square in front of you and pick you up. For matsutake mushroom hunting, enter the mountain near the parking lot and search for it yourself while taking a lecture. Let's go hunting! Nori is enough, but I will go with clothes that can get dirty. (About two hours) After that, you will be guided to the place to eat and have a matsutake mushroom course. The course is as per the menu, but if you want to check the taste of matsutake mushrooms properly, the course with steamed clay bottles and grilled matsutake mushrooms is good. You can eat matsutake mushrooms well in the matsutake hot pot, but it's more of an experience of looking and eating than tasting. I enjoyed the hot pot, but I didn't understand the feeling of matsutake mushrooms. Additional matsutake mushroom dishes (such as grilled matsutake mushrooms) are priced, and there are matsutake mushrooms lined up with a price, so it is a mechanism to choose it. All tastes are delicious, but there is also a matsutake mushroom hut boost. Considering the delicious matsutake mushroom dishes and cost-effectiveness, use the matsutake mushroom rice at home and eat it with king trumpet mushrooms! It will become. It's a place where you can enjoy matsutake mushrooms while immersing yourself in the superiority complex of "I don't usually eat matsutake mushrooms like this" at the matsutake mushroom hut. The staff is young and nice, but sometimes I make mistakes so let's laugh and forgive me. The story of Mr. Miyashita, a staff member who gave a lecture on matsutake mushroom hunting, was disappointing. This is a place with a nice view. It is a scenic view that is unlikely to be found in other matsutake mushroom huts. The room is more like a restaurant in Ayu no Yanaba than a hut. I have had the best luxury, but it was a precious day for me to know what kind of taste matsutake mushrooms are and what kind of eating method is the most matsutake mushroom feeling. I really regret going with the intention of "because it's expensive, it's a place with the best service and delicious food." This is a place for those who can enjoy life and feel the value of matsutake mushroom rice, which is eaten in the mountains where matsutake mushrooms can be taken.
Hidekazu Masubuchi on Google

The location of the restaurant is very wild. I was really surprised to find it in such a place. Because it is located in the place where matsutake mushrooms are made, we will climb a straight road on a bad road. It is not possible to go with a low-height, wide-width car (FERRARI, Lamborghini, etc.). I arrived at a restaurant in a hut on the top of the mountain, which looks like a seaside house. In this hut, you can eat matsutake mushrooms in the autumn season to your heart's content. We also hunt matsutake mushrooms, and you can also get the ones that each one picked. If you eat matsutake mushrooms here, you don't have to eat matsutake mushrooms anymore this year. It feels like. The price is reasonably high, but it's fresher and more reasonable than eating in Tokyo. You can also enjoy Japanese sake, such as Kokuryu Sake Brewery. If you don't come here, you won't know how good it is, but if you come here and eat grilled matsutake mushrooms, autumn will come and you will feel happy and happy.
Captain on Google

赤松林の山中の山の頂上に作られた小屋のお店、道中は山道でダートコースです? 凄い山道を上り下りしながら到着、近隣の他の松茸のお店も行きましたが、他所のお店はすき焼きの味の濃い鍋でしたが、ここの鍋は寄せ鍋、上品でしっかりした味付けで松茸の香りを楽しめました。 小屋の中に赤松が突き抜けていて豪快な作りの山小屋のような店内で面白く、山頂で眺めも良く、店員さんの対応も丁寧で感じが良かったです。 松茸の石づきも綺麗に削がれており、泥をかじることもなく丁寧な仕事がされていました。
A hut shop built on the top of the mountain in the mountains of the red pine forest, the road is a dirt course on the mountain road ? Arriving while going up and down a great mountain road, I went to other matsutake mushroom shops in the neighborhood, but the other shops had a strong sukiyaki flavor, but the hot pot here is a yosenabe, elegant and well seasoned. I enjoyed the scent of matsutake mushrooms. Akamatsu penetrated through the hut, and it was interesting in the store like a mountain lodge with a dynamic structure, the view was good at the top of the mountain, and the clerk's response was polite and pleasant. The stones of the matsutake mushrooms were also sharpened cleanly, and the work was done carefully without biting the mud.

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