足湯 大湯薬師の湯

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 足湯 大湯薬師の湯

住所 :

Besshoonsen, Ueda, 〒386-1431 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Opening hours :
Saturday 6AM–9PM
Sunday 6AM–9PM
Monday 6AM–9PM
Tuesday 6AM–9PM
Wednesday 6AM–9PM
Thursday 6AM–9PM
Friday 6AM–9PM
街 : Nagano

Besshoonsen, Ueda, 〒386-1431 Nagano,Japan
Noriyuki Yanagisawa on Google

お湯は熱め。 散策ついでに入ったら、足の疲れが取れました。
The hot water is hot. When I went for a walk, my legs got tired.
源頼親 on Google

別所温泉の足湯 24時間使える
Bessho Onsen footbath Can be used for 24 hours
やまもん on Google

駐車場から少し坂道を登っていった道の横にありました。 足をいれると思っていたよりも熱かったですが、しばらくつけてると気持ちいいと感じる熱さです。夜九時以降使用禁止の張り紙がありましたが、朝はいつからやってるのかしら? 大きさは、大人六人が浸かればちょうどくらいの広さです。
It was next to the road that climbed a little uphill from the parking lot. It was hotter than I expected to put my feet on, but it feels good after a while. There was a ban on use after 9pm, but when did you start in the morning? The size is just about the size of six adults soaking.
秘境者 on Google

I just used it when I was tired of walking. It was transparent, but healed by the smell of sulfur.
katsu kimura on Google

わりと静かなところでした。 利用者も一人いただけでしたので、ゆっくりできました☺️
It was a rather quiet place. There was only one user, so I was able to relax ☺️
bf38やすいち on Google

The temperature of the hot water was just right and it felt good.

It's free and easy to use
tony nakayama on Google

別所温泉にて本当は♨️巡りをしたかったが今回は時間が無かったので足湯のみ 集落の中にあり整備されていて入りやすかった、湯温も程よくゆっくり浸りました。地元の方達が野菜とか洗う所もあるので大事な公共の場所でした。
I really wanted to go around ♨️ at Bessho Onsen, but I didn't have time this time, so I only had a footbath It was located in the village and was well maintained and easy to enter, so the water temperature was moderately slow. It was an important public place because there are places where locals wash vegetables and so on.

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