Yume Solar Yamanashi - Kofu

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yume Solar Yamanashi

住所 :

3443-1 Shimomukoyamacho, Kofu, Yamanashi 400-1507, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 400-1507
Webサイト : https://www.pref.yamanashi.jp/newene-sys/komekurayama_prshisetsu.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–4:30PM
Sunday 9:30AM–4:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 9:30AM–4:30PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–4:30PM
Thursday 9:30AM–4:30PM
Friday 9:30AM–4:30PM

3443-1 Shimomukoyamacho, Kofu, Yamanashi 400-1507, Japan
Haruo N on Google

I am surprised at the 78,000 solar panels.
Hiroyuki Ikegami on Google

A little museum-like facility with well-organized materials. The solar power plant seen from the observatory is also impressive.
瞬風亭定食 on Google

太陽光発電や地球温暖化などについてビデオで学べます。内容はざっくりとしていてわかりやすいけどその筋の人には物足りないかも?! あとヤギさんが居ます!
You can learn about solar power generation and global warming with videos. The content is rough and easy to understand, but it may be unsatisfactory for the person with that line? ! And there is a goat!
武田 on Google

キレイな建物があり、エネルギーの説明が分かりやすく展示されています。 階段を上ると、山頂からたくさんのソーラーパネルが眺められます。
There is a beautiful building with an easy-to-understand explanation of energy. If you go up the stairs, you can see many solar panels from the top.
鈴木睦 on Google

The solar panel is a masterpiece. Exhibit facilities are also excellent, and various explanations are provided on video, but difficult contents continue to progress and I can not understand. In addition, the contents of the exhibition are diverse, and it is difficult to understand what kind of explanation facility.
甲斐権兵衛 on Google

山を丸ごと太陽光発電所にしたトテツモナイ施設です! 土地の所有は山梨県で、設備の設置や管理は東京電力だそうです! 施設を一望できる展望台には階段を登るのですが行きが切れます。降りるのも階段ですが、結構な急坂なので滑落・転落には注意してください? 山の中腹に山羊が飼われていて何をして要るのかと訪ねたら『ソーラー設備周辺の除草を手伝ってもらってます』とのこと。 12ヘクタールもある除草をするなら20頭くらいは必要だと思うのですが、遣る気の無さを感じました?
This is a Totetsumonai facility with the entire mountain as a solar power plant! The land is owned by Yamanashi Prefecture, and the installation and management of facilities is TEPCO! I climb the stairs to the observatory overlooking the facility, but I can't get there. It is also a stairway to get down, but be careful of sliding down and falling because it is a pretty steep slope ? A goat is kept in the middle of the mountain and asked what he needs to do, he says, "I'm helping with weeding around the solar facility." I think we need about 20 heads if weeding with 12 hectares.
macaro pu on Google

ここのコメント欄も景観もまぁひどい!こんな施設必要ですか?作るのにも運営にも税金たれ流しですね?税金払うのがバカバカしくなります。 上っ面の自然エネルギー素晴らしい、エコ!再生エネルギー!だことの程の良い事を謳った施設で県民を騙し欺くための施設でしょうか?原発反対とでもしたいのでしょうか?国を衰退させたいのでしょうか? 日本の地形や国土にメガソーラーを電力として活用するなど、到底無理!無理をわかりきりながら、利権の為、金の為の自然破壊です! 未来に開発されるかもしれない優れた技術を駆使したソーラーパネルが出来れば可能性としてはあるかもしれないが、今の段階の巷に溢れる海外製のパネルではただの環境破壊でしかない。山を削り木を伐採しての設置においても、パネル内部についても、土砂崩れの原因となった場合、今後パネルが劣化した場合の処理、そのまま経過したとしても再度設置となった時など、全てにおいて税金の無駄遣いの上、また処理に困るパネル内部が流れ出るような被害が出たとなれば、失う自然はどれくらいの規模で、再生するのにどれ程の年月がかかる事になるのか? 利権が絡み、誰が誰に金をおとし出来たものなのか。日本を破壊しようとする反日国が儲かる仕組みのソーラーパネルは悪です!山梨県民として、情けないです。
The comment section and the landscape here are terrible! Do you need such a facility? Isn't it a tax drain for both making and operating? It's ridiculous to pay taxes. The natural energy on the top is wonderful, eco-friendly! Renewable energy! Is it a facility for deceiving the citizens of the prefecture with a facility that claims to be just right? Do you want to oppose the nuclear power plant? Do you want the country to decline? It is impossible to use mega solar as electricity for the topography and land of Japan! It is the destruction of nature for the sake of concession and money, while understanding the impossible! It may be possible to create a solar panel that makes full use of excellent technology that may be developed in the future, but the panels made overseas that are overflowing in the streets at this stage are just environmental destruction. In all cases, such as when installing by cutting mountains and cutting down trees, inside the panel, when it causes a landslide, when the panel deteriorates in the future, when it is installed again even if it has passed as it is, etc. How big is the nature to lose and how long will it take to regenerate if there is a waste of tax and damage that causes the inside of the panel to flow out, which is difficult to process? Who was able to pay to whom because of the interests involved? The solar panel of the mechanism that the anti-Japanese country trying to destroy Japan makes a profit is evil! As a Yamanashi citizen, I feel sorry.
だるそるる on Google

建物の中に入ると、この施設に関する動画が見れました。 ここのメガソーラーパネルは、日本で3番目の規模だそうです。ソーラーパネルの角度を10度にするのが、これからのメガソーラーパネルの基本となるそうで、この施設は先駆けとのこと。
When I entered the building, I saw a video about this facility. The mega solar panel here is the third largest in Japan. It seems that setting the angle of the solar panel to 10 degrees will be the basis of future mega solar panels, and this facility is a pioneer.

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