Uotake - Takamatsu

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Uotake

住所 :

3-chome-6-9 Tagacho, Takamatsu, Kagawa 760-0063, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 760-0063
Webサイト : https://uotake-kagawa.com/

3-chome-6-9 Tagacho, Takamatsu, Kagawa 760-0063, Japan
マサムネ on Google

近くに数件あるうなぎ屋さんで改装されあて明るくなり 味も変わらず。美味しいうなぎを食べまた。!
It was renovated at several eel shops nearby and became brighter, and the taste did not change. Eat delicious eel again. !!
多田裕之 on Google

高松のうなぎ屋さんが集まる界隈にお店を構える一軒。 外はパリッと香ばしく身はプリッとジューシーな焼き上がりの関西風鰻重。 昨今の鰻の価格高騰から考えると驚くべきコストパフォーマンス。 甘すぎないタレも絶妙な塩梅。 浜松あたりのウナギを彷彿とさせる鰻重が高松にあること嬉しく思う。 (リニューアル後再訪) 新しくメニューに追加された特特上を注文。 大ぶりなお重にたっぷりと鰻が載っていて見た目のボリュームがすごい。 但し以前とは鰻のバランスが少し変わったようで好みが分かれるところか。 焼きが以前よりも軽くなり、ふんわりと柔い感じ。 脂が思いの外しっかりとのっている。 以前は浜松あたりのウナギを彷彿とさせていたが少し印象は変わった。 松江あたりのウナギは脂がたっぷりと載っているからそちらの印象に近いか。 鰻の量から考えると相変わらず安い。 個人的には以前のものが完璧に近いと思っていたので残念な気持ちは、やっぱりある。 時代と共に変わる味もあるので致し方無し。 2021年7月20日再訪 お昼は久しぶりに魚竹で鰻重。 改装後2回目。 前回は鰻の脂濃さが気になったが今回は以前のような良い焼き加減。 ご飯はやや固め。 土用の丑の効果は絶大で開店直後から満席で奥では電話もよく鳴っていた。 そんな状態でも毎日同じ味を提供しないといけないというのは改めて考えると大変な事だなと感じた。 ウナギパワーチャージ! 2021年12月21日再訪 お昼は久しぶりに現場近くのうなぎ専門 魚竹で鰻重の特上。 あと一週間年内を乗り切るためにスタミナ補給! 改装してから少し味が不安定だと感じていたが今日はほぼ以前と同じ味わいで、コスパも素晴らしく高い。 それでも来年は価格が上がるようで、鰻業界の高価格化は致し方無いところなのかも。 ウナギの人工繁殖技術の開花が待ち遠しい。
A house with shops in the neighborhood where Takamatsu eel shops gather. The outside is crispy and the body is juicy and juicy. Surprising cost performance considering the recent rise in eel prices. The sauce that is not too sweet is also exquisite. I'm glad that Takamatsu has an eel that is reminiscent of eels around Hamamatsu. (Revisit after renewal) Order the special special that was newly added to the menu. The large and heavy eel is on it, and the volume of the appearance is amazing. However, it seems that the balance of the eel has changed a little from before, so the tastes are different. The grill is lighter than before, and it feels soft and soft. The fat is unexpectedly firm. It used to be reminiscent of eels around Hamamatsu, but the impression has changed a little. The eels around Matsue have a lot of fat on them, so it's close to that impression. Considering the amount of eel, it is still cheap. Personally, I thought the previous one was close to perfection, so I'm still disappointed. There is a taste that changes with the times, so there is no choice. Revisited on July 20, 2021 It's been a long time since I had lunch with fish and bamboo. Second time after renovation. Last time I was worried about the fatness of the eel, but this time it's as good as before. The rice is a little firm. The effect of the day of the Ox was enormous, and it was full immediately after the store opened, and the phone was ringing well in the back. Even in such a situation, I felt that it was difficult to think again that I had to provide the same taste every day. Eel power charge! Revisited December 21, 2021 For lunch, it's been a while since I've had an eel specialty fish bamboo near the site, and it's a special dish of unajū. Replenish stamina to survive the year in another week! I felt that the taste was a little unstable after the renovation, but today it tastes almost the same as before, and the cost performance is also wonderfully high. Still, the price seems to rise next year, and it may be unavoidable to raise the price of the eel industry. I can't wait for the artificial breeding technology of eels to bloom.
みつ on Google

Specially, the eel is hidden in the rice. I didn't feel the skin crispness like other people, but rather the skin gnat feeling, which was not good for me personally, but the eel itself is thick and chewy, so I think the cost performance is good. increase.
Hana pa on Google

改装してきれいになったうなぎ専門店。 お店に入る交差点の20㍍ほど奥、川沿い側に駐車場がありますがすぐいっぱいになるのでご注意を。 うな重特上3000円、全体の価格は最近のうなぎ店では安い方だと思います。うなぎはやや柔らかめで香ばしさより優しさの勝つ食べやすい感じだと思います。 提供時間もそう掛からず10分以内で配膳されたので、並んでなければお昼休みにうなぎも可能なお店だと思います。 山椒が高知仁淀川のいい風味で良かったです。
An eel specialty store that has been renovated and cleaned. There is a parking lot on the riverside, about 20 meters behind the intersection where you enter the shop, but please note that it will fill up soon. Unaju special 3000 yen, I think the overall price is cheaper at recent eel shops. I think the eel is a little softer and easier to eat than the fragrance. It didn't take long to serve, and it was served within 10 minutes, so I think it's a restaurant where you can have eels for lunch if you don't line up. It was good that Sansho had a nice flavor of Kochi Niyodo River.
森佳菜子 on Google

文句無し!!間違いなし!! 結婚記念日に利用。 店内もとてもキレイで、奥様もとても上品。 接待などで使われている方が多そう。 伝票が木札なのも素敵。 月曜日の12時。すんなり席に座れたけど、30分後には満席。 平日の昼から、みんな贅沢してんだな~。 他のうなぎ屋さんよりも1,000円くらいお安いのかも。 私はうなぎ定食の特上。 いろいろ食べられて満足! でも定食を食べてたのは私だけだったかも。 皆さん、うな重を頼まれていた様子。 相方もうな重の特上。 ごはんの間にもうなぎが入っていたみたい。 うなぎ屋さん選びに迷ったけど、ここにしてよかった。
No complaints! !! No doubt! !! Used for wedding anniversary. The inside of the store is very beautiful, and the wife is also very elegant. It seems that many people use it for entertainment. It is also nice that the slip is a wooden tag. 12:00 on Monday. I was able to sit comfortably, but after 30 minutes it was full. Everyone has been luxurious since noon on weekdays. Maybe it's about 1,000 yen cheaper than other eel shops. I am a special eel set meal. Satisfied with eating various things! But maybe I was the only one who ate the set meal. Everyone seems to have been asked for Unaju. The special feature of the other party. It seems that there was already eel in between the rice. I wasn't sure which eel shop to choose, but I'm glad I did it here.
清幸 on Google

言わずと知れた高松の名店。 老舗だけど今は綺麗な店内に落ち着いた外観で木の色が美しい。 琴電志度線松島二丁目駅から370m、車なら旧国11号と県道43号交わるところ北へ御坊川越えて直ぐ左にお店少し奥に駐車場が6台は止めれます。 う巻きは熱々でふわとろ、卵はそんなに甘くなくて良く考えてあります。 うな重は焼き加減もそうだけど旨すぎです‼️食感が良いんです、タレがおいしい❗極秘だと思うけどホントに食べながら声に出すほどおいしい。 比較するのもなんだけどコスパ最高ってのは此処です✨ しかもお米がバツグンに美味しいんです、小粒でベタつかない水加減?かな。 肝吸いも肝がプリプリで最高です。 ご馳走様でした?
Needless to say, this is a famous Takamatsu store. It's a long-established store, but now it has a beautiful interior with a calm appearance and beautiful wood color. 370m from Matsushima 2-chome Station on the Kotoden Shido Line, if you drive to the north at the intersection of Old Country No. 11 and Prefectural Road No. 43, cross the Gobo River and immediately to the left, you can park 6 parking lots in the back. The rolls are hot and fluffy, and the eggs are not so sweet and well thought out. Unaju is too delicious though it is the same as the degree of baking! ️ The texture is good, the sauce is delicious ❗ I think it's top secret, but it's delicious enough to speak out while eating. It's also a comparison, but here is the best cospa ✨ Moreover, the rice is outstandingly delicious, is it small and non-greasy? Kana. Liver sucking is also the best with prepuri. It was a treat ?
トミーマサ on Google

Since my son is back, I went with my wife in the evening for the first time in a while, but even though it was just opened, ? Waiting for 4 groups‼ ️? Waiting for the parking lot to become available, I finally entered the store about an hour later! ️?✌️ The interior of the store was also beautiful and the number of seats increased‼ ️?? On this day as well, all three ordered 2600 yen on the eel, and my son and I had the usual large serving of rice. A large serving of free is also a nice service. Waiting for a while It is the appearance of Shigeru without a lid! ️?? Needless to say, all three were satisfied on this day too! ️?✌️ The number of employees and daughters and couples ⁉️ increased and it was lively. I'm looking forward to the next time ~ ☺️
高木雄平 on Google

鰻は好みで大変分かれると思います。 どれを食べても美味しかったです! 特特上だと最後の方が少し重たくなる… かもしれませんので次は特上にします♫ (2021. 5. 21)
I think eels are very different depending on your taste. Whichever I ate, it was delicious! If it is special, the last one will be a little heavier ... It may be, so I will make it special next time ♫ (2021. 5. 21)

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