Umekoji Park Cafe - Kyoto

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

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Contact Umekoji Park Cafe

住所 :

梅小路公園内 15 Kankijicho, Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto, 600-8835, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 600-8835
Webサイト :

梅小路公園内 15 Kankijicho, Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto, 600-8835, Japan
ますあさ on Google

Certainly the clerk felt bad. When I ordered it when it didn't seem to be particularly crowded, I was glared at when my child was a little motivated. It's rare nowadays. It takes a long time because the pizza is baked (although it may have been forgotten ...)
恵子谷本 on Google

The weather was not good enough, but I would like to celebrate my birthday at ○ ○ in the morning at the Kyoto Aquarium, Kyoto Station !! The Kashiwa Aquarium has a different fun from Kobe City, and it seems that the giant salamander inhabits the river, and the dolphin show and the oyster penguins were healed cutely. My feet got tired and I entered a park cafe near the aquarium to eat a birthday cake cake. The shop was kind to me. Cake cake and coffee coffee bowl are wonderful birthday that we will never forget. Thank you for the people of Kyoto✨
天野花鹿 on Google

まん防中に、密を避けながら何か自然のあるところに行きたいと思い梅小路公園に行きました。 ウインナーピザサンドとジンジャエールを注文しました。 ピザ生地で、京野菜がこれでもかと挟まっていて、ヘルシーなパンでした。勝手にチーズが乗ってると思ったけどそんなこともなかったw こちらのカフェはカジュアルな雰囲気で、席が多く、壁がガラスなのでとても明るいです。 かなり空いていて三組くらいしかお客さんがいなかったのでゆっくり過ごすことができました。 店員さんも、この日はとてもいい人でした。
I went to Umekoji Park because I wanted to go to a place with nature while avoiding denseness. I ordered a wiener pizza sandwich and ginger ale. It was a healthy bread with Kyoto vegetables still sandwiched between pizza dough. I thought that cheese was on my own, but that was not the case w This cafe has a casual atmosphere, with many seats and glass walls, so it's very bright. It was quite vacant and there were only about 3 groups of customers, so I was able to spend a relaxing time. The clerk was also a very nice person on this day.
kasabura akasa on Google

梅小路公園で軽食を食べられる手軽なカフェです。 向かいにレストランがありますが、もっと手軽に軽食やコーヒーを楽しみたい人の為のカフェです。 店内はとても天井が高く、周辺に子供が遊ぶアスレチックがある為か、こどもの絵本なども置いてあります。 私はうどんやスイーツを注文しました。 とてもおいしく、すぐ出来上がるのでいい時間を過ごす事が出来ました。 店内は3面ガラス張りになっています。入り口は2人あります。貸し切りで同窓会や結婚式二次会もいけるとかいてありましたが、すこしガラス張りなので恥ずかしいような気がします。
It is a handy cafe where you can eat light meals at Umekoji Park. There is a restaurant opposite, but it is a cafe for those who want to enjoy light meals and coffee more easily. The ceiling is very high inside the store, and probably because there are athletics for children to play around, there are also children's picture books. I ordered udon and sweets. It was very delicious and it was ready soon so I had a good time. The inside of the store is covered with glass on three sides. There are two people at the entrance. It was said that a reunion and a wedding party could be reserved for private use, but I feel embarrassed because it is a little glass-walled.
松田優也(macyun) on Google

「梅小路パークカフェ」の魅力はロケーション。京都水族館と鉄道博物館(旧:梅小路蒸気機関車館)とを繋ぐ梅小路公園のど真ん中に位置し、公園のインフォメーション機能や施設と施設をつなげる休憩所としての役割を担います。 オーガニック豆を使った珈琲やカフェラテ、ソフトドリンク、アルコールなどのドリンクと軽食、自家製スイーツが自慢のカフェです。 食事メニューは京野菜をふんだんに使った本格ピザや小さなピザを2つ折にして食べやすくしたピザサンドをはじめ、京都名物の自家製八つ橋アイスなど京都の食材を使ったメニューを提供します。
The attraction of "Umekoji Park Cafe" is its location. Located in the middle of Umekoji Park, which connects the Kyoto Aquarium and the Railway Museum (formerly Umekoji Steam Locomotive Museum), it serves as a resting place that connects the park's information functions and facilities. It is a cafe that boasts coffee and cafe latte using organic beans, soft drinks, drinks such as alcohol, light meals, and homemade sweets. The meal menu includes authentic pizzas that use plenty of Kyoto vegetables, pizza sandwiches that are made by folding small pizzas in half to make it easier to eat, and menus that use Kyoto ingredients such as Kyoto's famous homemade Yatsuhashi ice cream.
wada my on Google

休日昼間に子どもと伺いました。 口コミでたびたび見かけるような店員さんの態度は特段気になりませんでした。 場所柄子供連れのお客さんが多く、店内も店外もワイワイしています。 ピザをいただきましたが、ファミレスピザと本格イタリアンピザの間くらいの品質で普通に美味しかったです。 公園内の施設ですので想像以上の品質とは言えないクオリティではありますが、普通に利用できる店舗だと感じました。
I visited with my child during the daytime on holidays. I didn't really care about the clerk's attitude that I often see in word of mouth. There are many customers with children, and the inside and outside of the store are very busy. I had a pizza, but the quality was between the family restaurant pizza and the authentic Italian pizza, and it was delicious. Since it is a facility in the park, the quality is not higher than I imagined, but I felt that it was a store that could be used normally.
Dr Samir Kumar on Google

Cafe around 200 m from the Kyoto aquarium. Delicious fried chicken and drinks. Good place to bring kids as it's close to Umekoji park.
Road Bike Rental Japan on Google

A good place for those with young families and pets to rest at. There were kids books and baby chairs readily available to keep the little ones entertained. A decent kids and lunch menu.

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