リロの賃貸 ㈱日商ベックス 上野店

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact リロの賃貸 ㈱日商ベックス 上野店

住所 :

Ueno, Taito City, 〒110-0005 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.vecs.co.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Ueno, Taito City, 〒110-0005 Tokyo,Japan
上田章代 on Google

The correspondence was polite and good.
吉野修司 on Google

The quick response and easy-to-understand explanation were also good.
らてぴの on Google

He responded flexibly in consideration of his physical condition.
Wakana Toyama on Google

I was able to make a contract with peace of mind with a polite response.
阿部千草 on Google

It was very nice to be able to take a quick look at the response and to consult and measure.
イソンヒ on Google

坪井さんという方に担当させていただいたのですがとても話しやすく私に合う物件を紹介してくださったりメールなどの対応も早く安心して契約までお願いする事が出来ました! ありがとうございます!
I was in charge of Mr. Tsuboi, but he was very easy to talk to and introduced me to a property that suits me, and I was able to respond quickly and with peace of mind to the contract! Thank you!
トマト on Google

賃貸検索サイトから当日アポなく内見をお願いしましたが、すぐに現地まで来ていただけて、入居希望日通りに契約までスムーズでした。 入居前の物件のクリーニングやリフォームも細かく教えてもらえて安心できました。 今後ともよろしくお願いします!
I asked for a preview from the rental search site without appointment on the day, but I was able to come to the site immediately and the contract was smooth as I wanted to move in. I was relieved to learn the details of cleaning and remodeling of the property before moving in. I look forward to working with you!
はる on Google

入居に関してコチラ側からの故障箇所に関するリクエストに対して柔軟に対応して下さいました。 内覧の際汚れていた部屋が、ハウスクリーニング後はピカピカにキレイになってたのにはビックリし、これでやっと安心して入居を決める事が出来ました、 ただひとつ気になったのは、全体を通して電話口でも直接な対応にしても事務的な感じで、距離を置いた接客に色々質問したかった事や相談なども一問一答的な回答だった為、契約を結ぶ際も不安要素が増えてしまい、(ここで契約を結んで大丈夫かなぁ~)と一瞬躊躇してしまいました。 もう少し相手に寄り添ったプラスアルファな対応をして頂ければ、親近感も湧いて色々と細かな相談も出来たのかなと…?
Regarding moving in, we responded flexibly to requests from the side regarding the location of the failure. I was surprised that the room that was dirty at the time of the preview became shiny after cleaning the house, and finally I was able to decide to move in with confidence. The only thing I was interested in was that it was a clerical feeling, whether it was a telephone call or a direct response, and the answers to all the questions and consultations I wanted to ask to customers at a distance were one-to-one. Therefore, when I signed the contract, I had more anxiety factors, and I hesitated for a moment (I wonder if it's okay to sign the contract here). I wonder if I could get a sense of intimacy and have various detailed consultations if I could provide a plus-alpha response that was a little closer to the other party ... ?

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