Toyodahommachi Station - Nagoya

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Toyodahommachi Station

住所 :

2-chōme-24 Uchidabashi, Minami Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 457-0862, Japan

Postal code : 457-0862

2-chōme-24 Uchidabashi, Minami Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 457-0862, Japan
青二才鉄雄 on Google

The manners of high school students at Nagoya Kougakuin College near the station are bad, and they are trashed during the time they return home on weekdays. At the end of the platform are people who have a hobby of railways called Taketetsu, not suspicious people, so please give a warm look.
加藤昌広 on Google

常滑線の駅です。 ホームは、1本のみで、大変狭く両側を電車が通るから、通過列車が走ると結構なスリルが味わえます。 高架駅ですが、かつては階段しか無かったけど、今はエレベーター設置され、便利になりました。 駅周辺は、年季のある住宅街で、かなり昭和の雰囲気のマンションもあります。 普通しか停まらない無人駅です。
It is a station on the Tokisuri line. There is only one platform, and the trains run on both sides of the platform, so you can enjoy the thrill of running the passing trains. Although it is an elevated station, it used to have only stairs, but now an elevator has been installed, making it more convenient. The area around the station is a residential area with a lot of seasons, and there are also condominiums with a pretty Showa atmosphere. It is an unmanned station that only stops normally.
さいとう on Google

大坂西成みたいな治安の悪さ。毎日、平日朝9時前後から夕方まで駅近辺は、生活保護・浮浪者の集まり。駅近辺の店が潰れここ最近ヒドイ。 駅下の平日パン屋の回りに朝の9時には、学校に行かせてない母子家庭?生活保護の集団がコロナ関係なくマスクもせず、大声で喋りまくりタバコふかせて正直、止めて欲しい!普通の通勤者の迷惑でしかない!
Insecurity like Nishinari Osaka. Every day, from around 9 am to evening on weekdays, the area around the station is a gathering of welfare and wanderers. The store near the station has collapsed and it's been terrible lately. Around the bakery on weekdays under the station, at 9 am, a single-mother family who hasn't been sent to school? A group of welfare guardians, regardless of Corona, talk loudly and smoke, and honestly, I want them to stop! It's just a nuisance to ordinary commuters!
なわおお on Google

鉄道撮影スポットとして有名ですが、ちょっと自動放送の音量が小さいかな… 駅自体はいい感じのところです。
It is famous as a railway shooting spot, but the volume of automatic broadcast is a bit small ... The station itself is a nice place.
淳一柴田 on Google

最悪⁉ 駅前に不法駐輪⁉ 危なくて車で通行できませんよね、しっかり取り締まりして頂きたいですね。
Worst !? Illegal bicycle parking in front of the station? It's dangerous and I can't drive by car, I want to have you crack down firmly.
taro mame on Google

高架の無人駅。普通電車のみ停車で時によって「2両編成」の電車もやってくる。 駅前に市営住宅がある。
Elevated unmanned station. Only ordinary trains stop, and sometimes "2-car trains" also come. There is a municipal house in front of the station.
クワトロバジーナ on Google

名古屋方面へは、金山駅止まりが多くめんどい、 普通しか止まらないし、ホームも小さいくせに、利用者は割と多く、朝と、夕方15時〜18時は混んでます。 近くに名古屋工学院があるため、通学帰宅時は極力避けた方がイライラしない。
To the Nagoya area, Kanayama Station has many stops, Usually it only stops and the home is small, but there are a lot of users, and it's crowded in the morning and in the evening from 15-18 o'clock. Because there is Nagoya engineering institute near, it is not annoyed to avoid as much as possible when returning to school.
あきぴむ on Google

It is an unmanned station on the Meitetsu Tokoname Line. You can use the toilet after passing through the ticket gate. There is an elevator and there is no escalator. The cleanliness of the facility is good (reflecting the high degree of people in the facility).

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