れんげ食堂 Toshu アクロスプラザ東久留米店

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact れんげ食堂 Toshu アクロスプラザ東久留米店

Uenohara, Higashikurume, 〒203-0001 Tokyo,Japan
miwa8638 on Google

Aeon Group Chinese restaurant. There are ramen, fried rice and stir-fries. Eat-in and take-out are available. There were various set menus, and the amount was rather large.
晋吾 on Google

Levanilla Diarrhea abdominal pain several times 1 day after a set meal. It was soft and delicious. Sponge fiber for small ramen? Also. Tuesday, June 23, 2020, noon. I've avoided dumplings since before. May be dangerous for children.
イチハシカズミ on Google

今の基準でいえば何もかも全てが普通。可もなく不可もなく、決して不味く無いが特に美味いってほどでもない。ただし、そこらの中華屋よりも、チャーハンはパラパラで油っぽくなくくどくない。 一人前のラーメンとチャーハンに、餃子が5個のセットが税込で970円で、コスパは最高!大抵の場合、このセットじゃ物足りないという人は、若くてスポーツしてて・・・って感じか? 上記、味は大したことはないと書いたが、ラーメンもチャーハンも「美味い」と言わすには敷居の高い食べ物。新規開店早々のれんげ食堂では、どちらも味付けが若干うすい。 セットでどちらもがうすいとなると、物足りないと判断されても仕方がないと思う。単品ではともかく、セットの場合はそこら辺を考えたほうが良いと思った。
Everything is normal, as usual in the current standards. There is neither possible nor impossible, never tasteless, but not particularly delicious. However, the fried rice is flavorful rather than greasy, and it is not greasy. For ramen with fried rice and fried rice, 5 sets of dumplings are 970 yen including tax, COSPA is the best! In most cases, the person who is unsatisfactory in this set is young and sports ... is it feeling? Above, I wrote that the taste is not a big deal, but both ramen and fried rice are "delicious" to say a food with a high threshold. In the early opening of the new opening shop, both seasonings are slightly flavorful. I think that it can not be helped even if it is judged that it is unsatisfactory when both sets become thin in a set. Regardless of single item, I thought it would be better to consider the area around when setting.
S R on Google

It is a Chinese restaurant of the same lineage as Toho. The inside of the shop was bright and it was very accessible atmosphere. This time I ate Tianjin Rice, but the taste of the bean paste was exquisite and it was delicious food with a lot of fluffy eggs. The menu of lunch is also advantageous with dumplings.
wataru on Google

初めて行きました! いわゆる、日高屋や幸楽苑、満州などと同じようなラインな中華屋さんなんですね。 ただ、ホッピーがあり、そしてメニューも豊富、そしてアルコールが安い。 コレは昼から呑む人には大切な要素です。 自堕落な自分が想像できるコトもあり、近所になくて良かったーと、ある意味思ってしまいます。 たくさんあるメニューから〆に麻婆麺を選択したんすが。 ここの麻婆は独特な味ですね。 味噌風味なんでしょうか?他の店で食べたコトない麻婆に、ちょっと感動しました。 こういう店で味を評価するのはナンセンスかと思いますが。 僕的には満足しました。 コストパフォーマンス高いですよ。 また女房の買い物に付き合いつつ、僕はこの店で待ってるという形で利用したいです。
I went there for the first time! It's a Chinese restaurant with the same line as Hidakaya, Kourakuen, and Manchuria. However, there is hoppy, the menu is abundant, and alcohol is cheap. This is an important element for people who drink from noon. There are things that I can imagine myself as a self-deprecated person, and in a sense I think I'm glad I wasn't in the neighborhood. I chose Mapo noodles from the many menus. Mapo tofu here has a unique taste. Is it a miso flavor? I was a little impressed by the mapo tofu I ate at other restaurants. I think it's nonsense to evaluate the taste at such a store. I was satisfied. The cost performance is high. Also, I would like to use it in the form of waiting at this store while going shopping with my wife.
Park パークPuls プラス on Google

この値段でこのボリュームは、良い。 でもぬるかったので、星三つ!
This volume is good at this price. But it was lukewarm, so three stars!
i MAD86 on Google

駐車場は他のお店と共通なので多数有ります。ただトラックは不可。 店内はほとんどがテーブル席で、対面になったカウンター風の席が少し有り。 ファミリー向けの格安中華のお店だが。 ラーメンについてはさほど悪さを感じない。 たったの390円のラーメンだが、化学調味料風な醤油スープもよく出来ている。わずかに背脂が振ってある。 麺はやや細めのツルツルしたやや固め。 チャーシューは煮た豚肉といった感じでイマイチだが。390円にしては大した物で。 流石に☆5にはならないけども高評価で。
There are many parking lots because they are shared with other shops. However, trucks are not allowed. Most of the store has table seats, and there are a few counter-style seats that face each other. It's a cheap Chinese restaurant for families. I don't feel so bad about ramen. The ramen is only 390 yen, but the soy sauce soup with chemical seasoning is also well made. The backfat is slightly shaken. The noodles are slightly thin and smooth and slightly firm. Char siu is not good like boiled pork. It's a big deal for 390 yen. As expected, it will not be ☆ 5, but it is highly evaluated.
Olivier R Langlais on Google

Great little Chinese restaurant. Tasty and affordable. Great selection for adult meals. The kids menu only have ramen selection.

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