Tokorozawa Ophthalmology Clinic - Tokorozawa

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tokorozawa Ophthalmology Clinic

住所 :

9-3 Hiyoshicho, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359-1123, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 359-1123
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9:30AM–12:30PM

9-3 Hiyoshicho, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359-1123, Japan
tama neko on Google

The teacher listened to the story very well and explained it properly. I think it ’s very good.
SYO IGA on Google

In fact, it would be better to quit here. My teacher and nurse are fucking. High pressure. That does not mean I have bad skills. Two contacts were put in one eye. Lol. Where did you go for that one? . And furious. Well, it's a story a few years ago, but it still does not change. Recommended by M people who like high pressure attitude! .
いま on Google

When I did my eyesight test, the woman in charge suddenly sighed next to me, huh? I started complaining, tilting my head and saying. I was wondering why I was so angry when I was asked various questions with a very high-pressure attitude as to whether I didn't like the way I wrote the questionnaire, and I was almost crying. I was so scared that I wondered what it was after all. I felt very uncomfortable. It's a hospital I don't want to go to again.
Ryouji Tsukinomori on Google

私には「すでに症状固定した目の疾患」があります。 「手術」もしております(別の病院にて)。 「虹彩も離断」しておりますので、素人が私の目を見ても、「絞り」の部分が壊れてることはわかります。 そのため、「現状の目の状態の診断書」が欲しくて、「平成26年末」に初めてこちらに伺いました。 当時眼科がなかなか見つからなかったので、所沢駅のそばにあるこちらを選んだ次第です。 受付で、「伺った旨」を申しあげたのですが…。 そんなことお構い無し。 数人の患者さんのあと、「流れ作業」で「視力検査」などをされました。 そして、診察室に入って「本日伺った旨」を先生に申し上げたら、 「そんな診断書は書けないから…」 の一言。 結局、お金だけ(3千円ほど)払わされて帰される羽目に…。 視力検査なんて、最初から必要なかったんです! 受付で、診断書は駄目と言ってくれれば、最初からこんなことにはならなかったのに! 近隣のメガネ屋・コンタクト屋とタイアップしてるせいで、 「コンタクトレンズのための検査の流れ作業」 に巻き込まれることになるのでありましょうか。 勝手に「コンタクトレンズ希望者」だと判断されちゃったのでしょうか。 小生、もちろん泣き寝入りはしません! しかるべきところに訴え出ましたわ。 他の人が同じような思いをしては困りますから。 でも…。 「その機関」から病院側に聞き取りしてもらったところ、 「うちはいきなり視力検査などしてません」 「診察のあとに検査しました」 などと突っぱねられたようです。 はぁ… そりゃ、「密室」ですものね。 そりゃ、「みんなで口裏合わせ」ますわな。 ひどすぎます(泣)。 「先に診察」だったら、 「診断書は書けません。うちでは対応できません。」 で終了のはずです。 検査の必要なんてないはずやないですか。 話が矛盾しすぎてます! 私は「診断書をほしいから来た」と言ったのに、 診察も受けぬまま、流れ作業で勝手に検査され、 「それは駄目です」と言われ、 「検査のお金&初診料など」を払って帰ってきたのが真実です。 もちろん、その後、「別の某眼科クリニック」に伺い、しっかり診断書は書いてもらいましたよっと。 「眼科医なら通常の業務」ですもん、当たり前のことです。 そこの先生も、 「その病院、ひどいですね」 とおっしゃってました。 以上!
I have an "eye disease that has already fixed symptoms". We also perform "surgery" (at another hospital). Since the iris is also cut off, even if an amateur looks at my eyes, I can see that the "aperture" part is broken. Therefore, I wanted a "medical certificate of the current eye condition", so I visited here for the first time at the end of 2014. I couldn't find an ophthalmologist at that time, so I chose this one near Tokorozawa station. At the reception, I said "I visited you" ... I don't care about that. After a few patients, I did "eyesight test" in "assembly line". Then, when I entered the examination room and told the teacher that I visited today, "I can't write such a medical certificate ..." A word. In the end, only the money (about 3,000 yen) was paid and returned. I didn't need an eye test from the beginning! If the receptionist told me that the medical certificate was useless, it wouldn't have happened from the beginning! Because I'm tie-up with a nearby eyeglass shop / contact shop, "Inspection line work for contact lenses" Will you be involved in? Have you been judged to be a "contact lens applicant" without permission? I don't cry and fall asleep, of course! I appealed to the right place. I don't want other people to think the same way. But ... When I asked the hospital side from "the institution", "We don't suddenly have a visual acuity test." "I inspected after the examination." It seems that he was hit. Hmm ... That's a "closed room". That's right, "everyone talks back and forth". It's too terrible (crying). If it was "examination first" "I can't write a medical certificate. We can't handle it." It should end with. Shouldn't there be a need for inspection? The story is too contradictory! I said "I came because I wanted a medical certificate" Without undergoing a medical examination, it was inspected on an assembly line without permission. "That's no good" The truth is that I paid "examination money & initial examination fee" and came back. Of course, after that, I visited "another ophthalmology clinic" and asked him to write a medical certificate. "It's a normal job for an ophthalmologist," which is a matter of course. The teacher there "That hospital is terrible." You said. that's all!
のらぐら on Google

There is a very high pressure female staff. I was suspiciously told that I was a medical person and cried. I wanted to go to the hospital again on a day when he wasn't there, but he said he was there every day, so I decided to stop going to the hospital.
あおりす on Google

他のレビューがあまり良くなく不安でしたが、以前通ったことのある眼科はもっと酷評だったので、まぁいいかと。 土曜10時前、全然空いていました。コロナ禍の影響か、普段からかはわかりません。 プロペ通りから向かうと、入り口を間違えてしまいがちかもしれません。(プロペから向かうなら、路地を通り抜けて郵便局正面側に回りましょう) 受付は丁寧で、少し明るい感じの方。先生は男性で、質問にも親切に答えてくれました。眼圧測定?の女性の看護師?はかなーり作業感ありましたけど…ま、いいかなと。 ちょっとした痛みと腫れの診察だったのですが、不安は解消されました。
I was worried that the other reviews weren't very good, but the ophthalmology I had attended before was more criticized, so I wondered if it was okay. It was completely vacant before 10 o'clock on Saturday. I don't know if it's due to the corona wreck or if it's normal. If you go from Prope Street, you may easily get the wrong entrance. (If you are heading from the prope, go through the alley and go to the front of the post office) The reception is polite and a little bright. The teacher was a man and kindly answered the questions. Intraocular pressure measurement? Female nurse? There was a feeling of work, but ... well, I wonder if it's okay. I was diagnosed with a little pain and swelling, but my anxiety disappeared.
de su on Google

The monument next to the entrance on the first floor is good. It's as if you're encouraging the people you're about to see.
emptiser on Google

10年近く前からお世話になっています。現在の院長先生にしかかかったことがありませんので他の先生のことはわからないのですが、院長のY先生は本当〜〜に穏やかな良い先生です。心療内科とかに居ても良いんじゃないか?というくらい。癒やしのオーラがある先生です。笑 自分は視力が安定しなかったり謎の視界不良に見舞われたりしがちなのにいつも異常がない、先生にとってはやや煩わしい患者かもしれないのですが、もちろん内心はわかりませんけど、邪険にされたことはないです。異常を感じた私の感覚にも寄り添ってくれます。流れ作業とか、マニュアル作業みたいな印象はあんまり受けません。治療や検査方法等の説明もいつも丁寧です。 受付の方も気さくな方がいらして、3年ぶりくらいに行った時にも「お久しぶりですね〜!」って顔を覚えてくださって軽く話しかけてくださるような方でした。今もいらっしゃるのかな?他の方も、いつもにこやかな方です。他の患者さんとも軽い雑談をしている様子を見かけます。 ただ、1年程前に久々にかかった時に初めて見かけた、視力検査等を担当してくださった看護師さん?がちょっとぶっきらぼうな方でした。人によっては怖いと感じる人も居るかもしれません。質問したりするとウザそうな声で返されるフシがある。本人にそんなつもりはないのかもしれませんが、喋り方がやや怠そうな感じなんですよね。レビューで度々批判されてるのはこの人かな〜と思い当たる……笑 まぁでも、この方のおかげで診察を効率化&時短できて待ち時間を短くできているような気もする。患者は年配の方が多いので、このくらいチャキチャキしてる人が回さないと大変なんでしょうね。 看護師さんも何人かいらっしゃって、その時はもう一人いたのですが、その方にはとてもフラットな印象を持ちました。 注意点としましては、1年前時点では、眼鏡の処方箋はもちろん出していただけますが、コンタクトは院内でしか出していません。他所で買う用のコンタクトの処方箋は用意して頂けませんでした。院内で取り扱っているコンタクトはいくつか種類がありますので、ちゃんとしたコンタクトを買う方は問題無いと思います。私のように、その辺のコンタクト屋さんで安いのを買おうと企むような人間はこの病院に行っても意味がないかもです。笑 まだ比較的お若いので、まだまだお世話になれそうです。これからもどうぞよろしくお願いします。
I have been indebted for almost 10 years. I don't know about other teachers because I have only been to the current director, but the director Y is really a gentle and good teacher. Isn't it okay to stay in psychosomatic medicine? That's about it. A teacher with a healing aura. Lol I tend to have unstable eyesight or suffer from a mysterious poor vision, but there is always no abnormality. It may be a little annoying patient for the teacher, but of course I do not know the inside, but it was made evil. There is no. It also snuggles up to my feeling of being abnormal. I don't get the impression of assembly line work or manual work. The explanation of treatment and examination method is always polite. The receptionist was also friendly, and even when I went there for the first time in three years, he remembered his face and talked to me lightly. Are you still here? Others are always smiling. I see people chatting lightly with other patients. However, the nurse who was in charge of the visual acuity test, etc. that I saw for the first time when I had a long time about a year ago? Was a little blunt. Some people may find it scary. There is Fushi who is returned with a ridiculous voice when asking a question. Maybe he doesn't mean that, but he seems to be a little lazy in speaking. I think this person is often criticized in the reviews ... lol Well, thanks to this person, I feel that I can improve the efficiency of medical examinations and shorten the waiting time. Most of the patients are elderly, so it would be difficult if people who are so flirty do not turn around. There were several nurses, and there was another one at that time, but I had a very flat impression on that person. As a caveat, as of a year ago, you can of course give out prescriptions for eyeglasses, but you can only make contacts in the hospital. I couldn't prepare a prescription for contacts to buy elsewhere. There are several types of contacts handled in the hospital, so I think there is no problem if you buy proper contacts. It may not make sense to go to this hospital for someone like me who wants to buy a cheap one at a contact shop in the area. Lol I'm still relatively young, so I think I'll be able to take care of you. We look forward to working with you in the future.

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