Kodama Sushi - Hiroshima

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kodama Sushi

住所 :

3 Chome-26-13-11 Nakasuji, Asaminami Ward, Hiroshima, 731-0122, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888798
Postal code : 731-0122

3 Chome-26-13-11 Nakasuji, Asaminami Ward, Hiroshima, 731-0122, Japan
natuko DX on Google

ランチメニューは千円位で握り寿司6貫うどん茶碗蒸しの満足定食が食べれます 一品料理も色々有ります しかしながらこのお店は穴子がとても美味しいのです! 煮穴子だけを贅沢に巻いた「穴子巻き」や干瓢多めの「巻き寿司」はお土産にも最高です! お店では穴子の握り寿司を食べてみて下さい。 口の中でとろけます お子様向けに鶏の唐揚げや、ジュース類も置いてほしいなと思います。
The lunch menu is a thousand yen, and you can eat a satisfying set meal of nigiri sushi 6 noodles. There are various dishes. However, this shop is very delicious! “Anago-maki”, a wrapping of boiled eel, and “sushi-rolled sushi” with abundant dessert are the best souvenirs! Please try eel sushi at the shop. It melts in your mouth. I would like you to put fried chicken and juices for children.
太ちゃんねる on Google

他人の財布で豪遊。 回らない寿司。 タクシードライバーの発着地。
Play with someone else's wallet. Sushi that doesn't turn. The departure and arrival point of the taxi driver.
藤井剛 on Google

にぎり定食頼んだのですが足りなくて上ちらしを頼んだら、とても美味でした。 ネタの下の錦糸玉子とカンピョウが絶妙
I ordered a nigiri set meal, but it wasn't enough and I asked for chirashizushi, which was very delicious. The brocade egg and Kanpyo under the material are exquisite
Bumpei Kunimoto on Google

広島インターに南から入るちょっと前を右折しすぐのお店。駐車場3、4台停めれます。お昼の握り定食は、握り6貫と、おうどん(あたたかい、冷たい選べる)、茶碗蒸しが付いて、千円税込は大将の愛。 ネタも美味しいし、うどんのお出汁もいい感じ。男性でもお腹いっぱい。新道沿いの小粋なランチを考える時には外せないお店です。
A shop right after entering the Hiroshima Interchange from the south and turning right. You can park 3 or 4 parking lots. The lunch set meal includes 6 nigiri, udon noodles (warm or cold), and steamed egg custard. The material is delicious and the udon soup is also nice. Even men are full. It's a shop you can't miss when thinking about a stylish lunch along a new road.
笹岡泰満 on Google

The set meal is a great deal. Looks good for lunch with friends.
Take it easy ! on Google

It's a delicious restaurant for the price. Lunch is a great deal! Even at night, you can relax and drink while pinching sushi without the strange tension peculiar to a sushi restaurant ♪ The unfriendly general is a little hard to hear, so talking is quite talkative. His wife has no expression whenever he goes, but he doesn't seem to be a bad person. Conger eel thick sushi rolls are highly recommended as souvenirs.
さくえさくえもん on Google

にぎり1000円、巻物定食800円。とても美味しかったです。定食にはうどんと茶碗蒸しがつきます。 穴子は追加しました。 アストラムラインの中筋駅から徒歩5分くらいです。 定休日は木曜日だそうです。 また行きます!
Rice balls 1000 yen, scroll set meal 800 yen. It was very delicious. Udon and chawanmushi are included in the set meal. Conger eel has been added. It is about a 5-minute walk from Nakasuji Station on the Astramline. The regular holiday is Thursday. I will go again!
Noriaki Sadamori on Google

割と近所なので気になっており、タイミングが合ったので初訪問。 平日12時過ぎでしたが他にお客さんがいなかったのでカウンターに1人で座り、握り寿司と日本酒を注文。 ウニが未入荷との事でしたが、どれも美味しく静かに過ごせました。 1時間の間に馴染み客っぽいお客と持ち帰りと一組ずつ来店されていましたが、コロナとはいえ寂しい感じ。 地元のこういうお店は頑張って続けて欲しいし、また来ます。
I was interested because it was a relatively neighborhood, and I visited for the first time because the timing was right. It was past 12:00 on weekdays, but there were no other customers, so I sat alone at the counter and ordered nigiri sushi and sake. It was said that the sea urchins were not in stock, but they were all delicious and quiet. During the hour, I visited the store one by one with a familiar customer and a takeaway, but even though it was a corona, I felt lonely. I want you to continue working hard at these local shops, and I will come back again.

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