
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact しげます

住所 :

Tajiricho, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, 〒211-0014 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Tajiricho, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, 〒211-0014 Kanagawa,Japan
wataru kobayashi on Google

It is a very delicious pork cutlet with a lot of volume. Lunch @ 750 and the price is cheap and it is helpful. There is also a counter, table seats and a tatami room. There seems to be curry too.
H U on Google

とても美味しいです! 昔ながらの雰囲気もあり満足できます。 人数が多いときはどうしても畳なので膝が悪いなどの場合は椅子席ないので注意です
it tastes very good! You can be satisfied with the old-fashioned atmosphere. When there are a lot of people, it's a tatami mat, so if you have a bad knee, you won't have a chair seat, so be careful.
sei channel on Google

仕事の合間に初めて入りましたが、期待以上のお店でした。 特上ヒレカツ定食をいただきまして、 外の衣も完璧な状態、中のお肉もふんわり柔らか そしてランチもどうやらお得とのこと 750円?? おすすめです。
I entered for the first time between work, but it was more than I expected. I had a special pork cutlet set meal, The outer garment is in perfect condition, and the meat inside is soft and soft. And it seems that lunch is also a good deal 750 yen? ?? it's recommended.
中井亨 on Google

平間駅近くのとんかつ屋さんです。とんかつとハンバーグがウリのお店のようです。7月7日のお昼にランチ¥750をいただきました。この日はポークカツ、アジフライ、サーモンコロッケでした。ポークカツは小ぶりなロースカツですが肉の味はなかなかです。アジフライは標準サイズながら冷凍食品とは違って美味しいです。サーモンコロッケも小ぶりですが美味しいです。レモンが付くのはちょっと嬉しいです。ご飯は多めなうえに大盛無料でした。これに冷奴と唐辛子が効いたかっぱ漬的なお新香と豆腐とワカメの味噌汁が付いて¥750はお値打ちです。ただしレモンが付くなら絞った手を拭けるティッシュなり ナプキンなりが欲しいところです。お座敷の方には有ったようですがカウンター席には有りませんでした。 7月16日に再訪してランチをいただきました。今日はエビフライと牛ポテトコロッケと唐揚げでお新香は柴漬けの胡瓜で豆腐と油揚げの味噌汁でした。各々美味しかったです。値段を考えるとかなりのハイレベルだと思います。
It is a pork cutlet shop near Hirama station. Tonkatsu and hamburger steak are like Uri's shop. I had lunch ¥ 750 at noon on July 7th. The day was pork cutlet, fried chicken and salmon croquette. Pork cutlet is a small loin cutlet, but the taste of meat is quite good. Aji fry is a standard size but delicious unlike frozen foods. The salmon croquette is also small but delicious. I'm a little happy that the lemon is attached. The rice was generous and free of charge. It comes with a kappa-pickled new scent with cold tofu and chili peppers, tofu and seaweed miso soup, and is a good value for ¥ 750. However, if you get lemon, you want a tissue or napkin that you can wipe your squeezed hands. It seems that there was one in the tatami room, but it was not in the counter seat. I visited again on July 16th and had lunch. Today we had fried shrimp, beef potato croquette and fried chicken, and the new incense was shibazuke cucumber, tofu and fried miso soup. Each was delicious. Considering the price, I think it is a fairly high level.
藏田容子 on Google

Hirama station and a long-standing shop, but this time I visited for the first time after seeing fried oysters for lunch. 750 yen including tax is a good value. The crispy fried food was also carefully made and it was delicious.
mcm on Google

前から行きたかったので、やっとタイミングがあい、ランチに行ってみた。 入るとテーブル2席、カウンター3席、座敷テーブル4席と縦長になかなか広い。 おもてなしとしては女将さんがお迎えいただき、麦茶を持って来てくれる。 ここは外看板にも記載あるようにトンカツ、ハンバーグが得意の様で、ランチはアジフライ、トンカツ、ハムサラダフライと本日(¥750)はなっていた。またチーズハンバーグ定食も依頼。 大盛はサービスです! とても美味しいく、コロモがしつこくなく、サクッと旨味が広がった。 数あるトンカツを食べてきているが、ここは旨い! またチーズハンバーグもチーズがなくともとてもハンバーグ自体に旨さが存分にあり、旨すぎる! 喫煙不可、リピ確定! おもてなし・雰囲気★4 味・ボリューム★5 コスパ★4.5 計★4.5 →→→ ★5
I wanted to go from the front, so I finally got the timing and went to lunch. When you enter, it is quite large with 2 tables, 3 counters, and 4 tatami mat tables. As for the hospitality, the proprietress will welcome you and bring you barley tea. As you can see on the outside signboard, he seems to be good at pork cutlet and hamburger steak, and lunch was fried pork cutlet, pork cutlet, and ham salad fried today (¥ 750). We also requested a cheese hamburger set meal. Omori is a service! It was very delicious, the colomo was not persistent, and the umami spread crisply. I've been eating a lot of pork cutlets, but this one is delicious! Also, the cheese hamburger is very delicious even without cheese, and it is too delicious! No smoking, Lipi confirmed! Hospitality / atmosphere ★ 4 Taste / Volume ★ 5 Cospa ★ 4.5 Total ★ 4.5 →→→ ★ 5
SLAYER on Google

★ミックスCとチキンチーズカツ!(゚д゚) この平間駅辺りはちょくちょく通る小生。 ( ´_ゝ`)…。 昔は葉山牛を出す焼肉の隠れた名店があったし、古き焼きそば専門店もあったのだが、今は無きそのお店たち。現在はこの界隈に何があるのか全く分からないのである。 (`_>´) たまに彷徨いてみるとこちらを発見。何やらハンバーグやカツ丼、揚げ物が評判良いらしく、その日の夜にお伺い。 ((((( •́ɞ•̀) 入ってみるとテーブル席よりお座敷のほうが大きく、一杯やるには良き雰囲気。 夜だったのでハンバーグは売り切れ。残念。 チキンチーズカツがあるなんて珍しいナ、この辺りでは小生が大好きな大森西友の花蔵さんのランチ以外ではあまり見ない。それ決定。 ( `皿´)σ なのでカミさんがミックスC定食、小生がチキンチーズカツを。共に大盛りサービス。 そして唐揚げといか唐揚げを一皿づつ追加で。 (゚Д゚)ノ '`ィ 予想外にチーズカツはデミソースがかかっており、チーズは少な目カナ。 どれも手作り感が感じられ、普通に美味しい。 何よりイカ唐揚げがフワフワと柔らかくこれが一番美味かった。(人 ˊ͈ ω ˋ͈ ) 夜は一杯やれる町の定食屋さんとして人気があるのだろう。 ハンバーグやカツ丼が美味しいらしいので、ハンバーグが売り切れは残念。次はハンバーグだネ。 こういうとこのカツ丼は案外当たりが隠れていそうである。 またお伺いしまーすヽ(`∀´)ノ
★ Mix C and chicken cheese cutlet! (゚ д ゚) I often pass around this Hirama station. (´_ ゝ `)…. There used to be a famous restaurant that serves Hayama beef, and there was also an old yakisoba specialty store, but now there are no such restaurants. Currently, I have no idea what is in this area. (`_> ´) I found this when I wandered around once in a while. It seems that hamburger steak, katsudon, and fried food have a good reputation, so I visited you that night. (((((• ́ɞ • ̀)) When you enter, the tatami room is bigger than the table seats, and it has a nice atmosphere to have a drink. The hamburger was sold out because it was night. disappointing. It's rare to have chicken cheese cutlet, and I don't see much in this area except for lunch by Mr. Hanazo Omori, who loves me. It's decided. (`Plate') σ So Kami-san has a mixed C set meal, and I have a chicken cheese cutlet. Both are large service. And add fried chicken and squid fried chicken one plate at a time. (゚ Д ゚) ノ'` Unexpectedly, the cheese cutlet is covered with demi sauce, and the cheese is a little kana. All of them have a handmade feel and are usually delicious. Above all, the fried squid was fluffy and soft, which was the most delicious. (People ˊ͈ ω ˋ͈) It's probably popular as a set meal restaurant in a town where you can have a drink at night. It seems that the hamburger steak and katsudon are delicious, so it's a pity that the hamburger steak is sold out. Next is hamburger steak. In this way, this katsudon seems to have a hidden hit. I will visit you again ヽ (`∀´) ノ
Yutaka Ozaki on Google

YouTubeで検索すると動画が有ります#ドラゴン桜#しげます JR平間駅徒歩2分。平間駅でトンカツと言ったらここ、しげます。ロース定食も魅力的だけど、今日はカツ丼大盛を注文(830円税込)。いやー旨かった! 今度はロースだ( ゚Д゚)!
If you search on YouTube, you will find a video #Dragon Zakura #Shigeru 2 minutes walk from JR Hirama station. If you say pork cutlet at Hirama station, it's here. The loin set meal is also attractive, but today I ordered a large serving of katsudon (830 yen including tax). It was delicious! This time it's loin (゚ Д ゚)!

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