とんかつ・ステーキ ひげ虎

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact とんかつ・ステーキ ひげ虎

住所 :

Shinmarukomachi, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, 〒211-0005 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Shinmarukomachi, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, 〒211-0005 Kanagawa,Japan
242 Saito on Google

美味しいです!ふく屋さんがいっぱいで、とんかつ食べたい衝動をおさえられず、ひげ虎さんへはじまめての入店でした。ランチセットにも惹かれましたが、ロースカツ定食を注文しました。ふく屋さんと比べると 質は落ちますが、美味しかったです。生野菜サラダも量があるので嬉しいですね。日曜日ランチ時でしたが 混んでました。次回はカツカレーを頼んでみようかな^_^!御馳走様たでした。
Is delicious! There were a lot of shops, and I couldn't control the impulse to eat it, so I entered the store to beard tiger. I was also attracted to the lunch set, but I ordered a loin cutlet set meal. The quality is lower than that of the shop, but it was delicious. I'm glad that there is a raw vegetable salad too. It was Sunday lunch but it was crowded. Let's order cutlet curry next time ^ _ ^! It was a treat.
松田達告 on Google

洋食屋さんなのでしょうか、日替わりランチを注文しましたが店員さんがとても感じよく、また料理も美味しくとてもゆったりと満足した時間を過ごせました。 ごはんおかわり可なのもいいですね。 昔ながらの店っぽいのに本格派っぽいカレーがメニューにあるのも面白かった、今度頼んでみたいです。 こういうお店はいつまでも続いてほしいですね。
Perhaps it was a Western-style restaurant, but I ordered a daily lunch, but the clerk was very pleasant, and the food was delicious, so I was able to spend a very relaxing and satisfying time. It's nice to have a refill of rice. It was interesting that there was an authentic curry on the menu even though it looked like an old-fashioned shop, so I would like to ask for it next time. I hope this kind of store will continue forever.
光菅(緑の人) on Google

ランチタイムに友人と行きました。 以前から気になっていたお店だったのですが入ってみて清潔かんもありつつ、モダンで暖かい内装に気分が高まりました。 料理も1000円前後のものが多く「少し高めかな?」とか思ってましたがおかずの量が多くコスパとしては最高でした。 頼んだクリームコロッケも熱々で美味しくって店主のこだわりが伝わってきます。 次は夜にも来てみたいです
Went with a friend at lunchtime. It was a store that I had been worried about for a long time. Many dishes were around 1000 yen and I thought "Is it a little expensive?", But the amount of side dishes was great and it was the best for COSPA. The cream croquettes I ordered are also hot and delicious, and the owner's commitment is transmitted. I want to come next night
yasushi sugo on Google

ヒレかつ頂きました、柔らかくて美味しかった。子供も喜んでました。 肉100グラムを頼みましたが、ボリュームはあったと思います。定食で1350円なり。高くはないが安くもないから★は4つで。 何故か、インド料理押しのメニューで、インドの方が料理してました。日本語ペラペラでしたけど。次はチャレンジしてみようかなと。
It was a fin and it was soft and delicious. The kids were happy too. I ordered 100 grams of meat, but I think it had a lot of volume. A set meal costs 1350 yen. It's not expensive, but it's not cheap, so there are four ★. For some reason, Indian people cooked on the menu with Indian food. It was Japanese fluent. I think I'll try next time.
Danny on Google

Indian food for lunch was cheap at ¥ 780 and was delicious. Add miso soup. :)
IDEI K on Google

以前から気になっていたとんかつ屋さん 新丸子駅から徒歩30秒程度。改札出て右手すぐにあります。 今回はランチで利用です。 カレーランチ(800円)はボリュームあって、デミグラスソース風な味。 ライスは大盛り無料と男性にはおすすめです。 Aセットのひれかつ定食(950円)は、ひれかつは小盛りな感じでした。 店内は昔ながらの雰囲気でとても居心地がよかったです。 今回はランチで利用しましたが、夜お酒を飲みながらもありかなと思います。 新丸子周辺には少ない、とんかつ屋なのでまた利用したいと思います。
Tonkatsu restaurant that I've always been interested in About 30 seconds on foot from Shin-Maruko Station. It is right after the ticket gate. This time it is used for lunch. The curry lunch (800 yen) is voluminous and tastes like demiglace sauce. Rice is a large serving free and recommended for men. The fin and set meal (950 yen) of the A set was a small one. The inside of the store had an old-fashioned atmosphere and was very comfortable. I used it for lunch this time, but I think it's possible to have a drink at night. There are few pork cutlets around Shin-Maruko, so I would like to use it again.
ハナカワ on Google

2021.04再訪追記 ランチで立ち寄りました。 11:40頃だったので、12時まで限定のランチメニューを頂くことが出来ました。 当日は「チキン玉子カツ丼660円」を注文しましたがご飯も大盛りでボリューム満点だし味付けもカツ丼らしい甘めの出汁の味。とても美味しかったです。 相変わらずホールスタッフの方は愛想も良く、料理の提供も5分かからずでストレスなく食事を済ませる事が出来ました。 また立ち寄りたいと思います。 2020.10 ランチで立ち寄りました。当日は「チキンかつカレー目玉焼のせ850円」を頂きました。カレーはそこまで辛くは無く食べ易かった。 スパイシーというよりかはデミグラソースを混ぜた様な旨味の強い濃厚なカレーで個人的にはとても好きな味だった。 店員さんも愛想の良い対応で初めて訪れた者からしたら安心感がある。やっぱり店の雰囲気は店員さんの人柄や接客スキルが大きく影響するな…。 カウンター席もあるので、ランチタイムだけでは無く、夜も訪問してゆっくりお酒を飲むのも良さそうなお店でした。
2021.04 Revisit postscript I stopped by for lunch. It was around 11:40, so I was able to have a limited lunch menu until 12:00. On the day of the event, I ordered "Chicken Egg Katsudon 660 yen", but the rice is large and hearty, and the seasoning is a sweet soup stock that is typical of Katsudon. It was very delicious. As usual, the hall staff were friendly and I was able to finish the meal without stress in less than 5 minutes. I would like to stop by again. 2020.10 I stopped by for lunch. On the day of the event, I received "Chicken and curry fried egg for 850 yen". The curry was not so spicy and easy to eat. Rather than spicy, it was a rich curry with a strong umami like a mixture of demiglace sauce, and I personally liked it very much. The clerk is also friendly and gives a sense of security to those who visit for the first time. After all, the atmosphere of the store is greatly influenced by the personality and customer service skills of the clerk. There are counter seats, so it was a good place to visit not only at lunch time but also at night to have a drink.
Fviajante 1973 on Google

As you can see in the photo, you can eat Indian-style Nan curry and sag chicken, as well as a pork cutlet set meal with miso soup and pickles. I've never seen a store that offers this assortment. The taste is quite delicious, but it's easy to eat with chopsticks. Convenient because it is close to Shin-Maruko station.

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