Nakaharaku Hiramashinkyu Acupuncture - Kawasaki

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nakaharaku Hiramashinkyu Acupuncture

住所 :

飯田ビル 1F 21 Tajiricho, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-0014, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 211-0014
Webサイト :

飯田ビル 1F 21 Tajiricho, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-0014, Japan
Ke No on Google

中学生の頃からの腰痛で伺いました。 初回は時間をかけて丁寧に診察して下さり、長年の腰痛の原因がよく分かりました! 3ヶ月ほど通っていますが、今では車の運転を3時間しても全く痛みがありません! スタッフも皆さん優しく、頑張って通うことが出来ています。 腰痛にお悩みの方にオススメです!
I heard about it because of back pain since I was in junior high school. The first time, he took the time to give a careful examination, and I understood the cause of back pain for many years! I've been driving for about 3 months and now I haven't had any pain after driving for 3 hours! The staff are all kind and I am able to do my best. Recommended for those who suffer from back pain!
吉原杏 on Google

I have a pain in the back of my thigh, and it has improved very much because I was treated at this osteopathic clinic. Recovery is very quick because you can take care of yourself. The hard-to-heal foot has recovered and is very reliable.
sachi O on Google

産後の骨盤矯正でお世話になりました。 関節痛が酷く、特に膝の痛みが強かったのですが、お陰様ですっかり良くなりました。 子育て中にありがちな急な予定にも親身にご対応いただき、通い続ける事が出来ました。 とても感謝しています。
Thank you for your help in postpartum pelvic correction. My joint pain was severe, especially my knee pain, but thanks to you, it has improved completely. I was able to continue to attend even the sudden schedules that tend to occur while raising children. I appreciate it very much.
Y K on Google

週1ペースで半年以上お世話になっています。 長年の姿勢や歩き方のクセが原因の不具合は治すのにどうしても時間がかかりますが、確実に良い方向に変化しています。 また、根詰め事務仕事でのひどいコリや運動時に痛めたなどの急性症状はすぐに楽にしてくれるので助かります。 先生はとても親身に一所懸命対応してくれるので、自分でも日々の生活で改善するための努力をしようという気になります。 院内は若干の経年感はありますが、清潔に保たれています。 雰囲気は明るくてアットホーム、治療中のお母さんを待っている小さいお子さんが手の空いている先生と楽しそうに過ごしているのもよく見かけます。
I have been indebted once a week for more than half a year. It takes time to cure problems caused by long-standing posture and walking habits, but it is definitely changing for the better. In addition, it is helpful because it immediately relieves acute symptoms such as severe stiffness in rooting office work and pain during exercise. The teacher is very kind and willing to work hard to improve in my daily life. The hospital is a little aged, but it is kept clean. The atmosphere is bright and cozy, and it is common to see small children waiting for their mother to be treated happily with a free teacher.
Y Y on Google

腰痛がずっと良くならず、通い始めました。 整骨院は初めてだったので、少し緊張していたのですが、先生方がとても話しやすい雰囲気で安心でき、症状についても親身にカウンセリングしていただけました。 姿勢から治すことで、腰痛が改善されて、再び痛みも出にくくなるとのことで、整体と一緒に楽トレというトレーニングも行っています。 姿勢の写真も撮っていただけるので、自分の変化が目に見えて分かり、満足しています。今後の変化もとても楽しみです。
My back pain didn't improve much and I started going. It was my first time at the osteopathic clinic, so I was a little nervous, but the teachers were relieved in an atmosphere that was very easy to talk to, and they gave me personal counseling about my symptoms. By healing from the posture, the back pain will be improved and the pain will be less likely to occur again, so we are also doing training called easy training along with manipulative treatment. You can also take a picture of your posture, so you can see your changes and be satisfied. I am very much looking forward to future changes.
やか on Google

I have been teleworking, and I have stiff shoulders and neck pain, and I go there regularly, but after the treatment, my body is really light and comfortable. I'm feeling better than before I went, and I want to continue going and getting my body in the right condition. The atmosphere of the hospital is bright, and the teachers relax and talk happily, so it is also a way to relieve stress and heal a moment. Thank you for your continued support.
M W on Google

産後骨盤矯正として通い始めました。 産後なので骨盤や腰周りがとても痛く、すがる思いで受診しましたが、初診のカウンセリングでは気になっていた骨盤だけではなく体全体を丁寧で親身に診てもらい、自分の体の状態を知ることが出来ました。 毎回歪みを診てくれるので、その時の状態をケアしてもらえます。 まだ通い始めて数回ですが、だいぶ骨盤の痛みも改善してきて更に腰周りの肉が落ちてきて驚きました。 毎回通うのが楽しみです。
I started attending as a postpartum pelvic correction. Since I had a baby, my pelvis and hips hurt very much, so I went to the clinic with a feeling of urgency. Was completed. They will check the distortion every time, so you can take care of the condition at that time. It's been a few times since I started going, but I was surprised that the pain in my pelvis had improved and the meat around my waist had dropped. I'm looking forward to going there every time.
本田海翔 on Google

The pain in my leg that I had been suffering from for about a week was relieved by going 3.4 times. You can receive the treatment with peace of mind because they will listen carefully to your physical condition each time. In addition, self-care such as what kind of stretching should be done is recommended, so you can actively work on care at home.

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