Sushi Kaisen Otanko Saitamashintoshinten

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sushi Kaisen Otanko Saitamashintoshinten

住所 :

Shintoshin, Chuo Ward, 〒330-0081 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト :
街 : Saitama

Shintoshin, Chuo Ward, 〒330-0081 Saitama,Japan
シンジ on Google

ランチで行きましたが、シャリが微妙です。 値段の割にネタは少しいいかな?とは思えるレベル。 シャリはしっかり混ぜられていないのか、味が安定してません。 物によってはやたら酸っぱかったり、しょっぱかったり。 一応いくつかはいい感じの味のシャリがありました。 職人が作ったのだとしたら低レベルの店ですし、見習いの人がやったのだとしたら、それはそれでしっかり職人が見れていない事になるので微妙ですね。 ちょっと美味しそうな店構えだけにこの雑なシャリ作りには残念極まりないです。 ホタテはメニューだと生の大きめの物を使っていましたが、出てきたのは小ぶりの煮ホタテだったのも残念ポイントでした。 机もしっかりふけていなくて汚かったですね。 ランチ金額だからまだ我慢できましたが、夜に行ったらクレーム言いたくなりますね。 ランチ時間他の店が混んでたので空いていたこの店入りましたが、皆知ってて混んでなかったのかもしれないですね。
I went for lunch, but the rice is subtle. Is the material a little good for the price? A level that seems to be. The taste is not stable, probably because the rice is not mixed well. Some things are sour or salty. For the time being, some of them had a nice taste. If it was made by a craftsman, it would be a low-level shop, and if it was done by an apprentice, it would be subtle because the craftsman would not be able to see it. It's a shame to make this sushi rice because it looks a little delicious. I used to use large raw scallops for the menu, but it was a pity that the one that came out was a small boiled scallop. The desk wasn't dandruff and it was dirty. I couldn't stand it because it was lunch, but when I went there at night, I wanted to make a complaint. I entered this vacant shop because other shops were crowded at lunch time, but maybe everyone knew it and it wasn't crowded.
A J on Google

ランチで利用しました。1千円でのコースで10貫と値段は普通です。 ネタは大きめですが、シャリが潰れており残念です。握らない海鮮丼が良さそうです。 店内は高級感がありますが、店員の対応は微妙。ランチで食べる分にはありかなと。
I used it for lunch. The price is normal with 10 pieces for a course of 1,000 yen. The material is large, but it's a shame that the rice is crushed. The seafood bowl that you don't grasp seems to be good. The inside of the store has a high-class feel, but the staff's response is subtle. I wonder if there is enough to eat at lunch.
13 mario on Google

馴染みの店がまだ正月休みだったのでランチ時間の11:45に初めて入店。先客は3組8名程で、カウンター席に案内されました。 店構えはそれなりに期待できそうだったので、おまかせにぎり(¥2000)をオーダー。しかし、カウンター席で目の前の板さん二人の仕事ぶりを見ていて直ぐに不安に… 。 混みはじめて急いでいたせいかも知れませんが、とにかく雑な仕事ぶり。シャリの握り方から盛り付け・穴子のツメの付け方まで機械的・流れ作業的で、この時点でこの店に入ったことを後悔しました。 案の定、端が欠けた皿に盛り付けられた握りを摘んで確信に変わりました。まずシャリが不味い。冷たすぎるし酢もハッキリしない。ネタも大トロ・中トロはまだしも、赤貝は香りなし・イクラは塩辛いし・穴子は大きいだけ… 。最悪は雲丹。口にした途端に嫌な臭いが鼻をつき、痛んだ様な甘だるい味がひろがって、思わず吐き出したくなりました。お茶とガリで口直ししましたが、今年最初の外食としては泣きたくなる思いでした。 残念ながらネタ自体の質が良くないのと、そのネタに江戸前のキチンとした仕事をした感じがありませんでした。少なくとも、良いネタが入らなかったならば敢えて使わない位の寿司職人としての矜持を持って欲しかった。 場所柄もあるのでしょうが、このレベルのチェーン店ならば回転寿司の方がましなのかも、と思い知らされました。
The familiar store was still closed for New Year holidays, so I entered the store for the first time at 11:45 lunch time. The first guests were about 3 groups of 8 people and were guided to the counter seats. I could expect the store to look like it was, so I ordered Omakase Nigiri (¥ 2000). However, when I saw the work of the two Ita-san in front of me at the counter seat, I immediately became anxious. It may be because I was in a hurry for the first time in the crowd, but anyway, it was a rough job. From how to hold the rice, to how to serve and attach the conger eel claws, it was mechanical and assembly line, and I regretted having entered this shop at this point. Sure enough, I picked up the grip on a plate with a chipped edge and turned into conviction. First of all, the rice is not good. It's too cold and the vinegar isn't clear either. The material is big toro, medium toro is still, the ark shell has no scent, the salmon roe is salty, and the conger eel is just big ... The worst is sea urchin. As soon as I put it in my mouth, an unpleasant odor struck my nose, and the sweet and sweet taste that seemed to hurt spread, and I wanted to spit it out unintentionally. I tried to fix it with tea and gari, but I felt like crying for the first time eating out this year. Unfortunately, the quality of the material itself was not good, and I didn't feel that the material did a decent job in front of Edomae. At least, I wanted him to have the pride of being a sushi chef who wouldn't dare to use it if he didn't get good news. There may be some location, but I realized that conveyor belt sushi might be better for chain stores of this level.
ケーティーKT on Google

すぐそこに出来た新しいお寿司屋さんと迷ってこちらにランチで訪問。 こんなちゃんとしているお店で美味しくないお寿司は今年初めてかも。 味噌汁も薄くて生臭くて消毒のよーなお味。 醤油も特にこだわっていなく、至って普通のすごくしょっぱいお味です。 こんな時代だからこそ素手で握っている事もなんだか不快になります! みなさんは気になりませんか? おばさんの接客も微妙です。 客層はサラリーマンや、おば様達ばかり。 コクーンのがってん寿司にすれば良かったとかなり後悔してしまいました! 100円のはま寿司のネタほうがよっぽど脂が乗っていて美味しいと思います。 お店が無くなるのも時間の問題かと、、、。
I was at a loss with the new sushi restaurant that was built right there and visited here for lunch. It may be the first time this year that sushi is not delicious at such a decent restaurant. Miso soup is also thin and fishy, ​​and it has a disinfectant taste. I am not particular about soy sauce, and it has a very normal and very salty taste. It's kind of unpleasant to hold it with your bare hands because of this era! Do you mind? The aunt's customer service is also delicate. The customer base is only office workers and aunts. I regretted that I should have made Kakuna's Gatten sushi! I think the 100 yen Hamazushi material is more delicious because it has more fat. It's only a matter of time before the shops disappear.
뿅이엔 on Google

Indiana Ford on Google

Nice staff to had a great time.
JM on Google

It was very rude and unpleasant. Our food didn't come out for more than an hour. They deliberately ignored our order. 한마디로 '혐한' 당했습니다
dekaishi xin on Google

My husband and I were fortunate to be seated in front of the head sushi chef who was totally courteous and kind. He was excited to explain each nagiri piece and to tell me when to add or not use additional sauce. (Really, nothing additional was needed for these). Both of us opted for the 40,000 yen omakase and when we were done we ordered more ala carte. Unless folks are totally full, why leave so early? You waited this long and it's so fresh and cheap, get some more if your stomach desires. I ended up getting 3 pieces of the best uni (sea urchin) I've ever had. I also requested to try the sperm sac of cod (it was ok), additional fatty tuna, and scallop which he literally shucked directly from the shell for me. So fresh! When we left and walked around the market, we saw the line was capped! 6am and they already closed the line for the rest of the day. This is a Tuesday during the rain, mind you. Just crazy.

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