鍛冶屋文蔵 さいたま新都心店

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鍛冶屋文蔵 さいたま新都心店

住所 :

Shintoshin, Chuo Ward, 〒330-0081 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.danke-bros.co.jp/store/bunzo/index.html
街 : Saitama

Shintoshin, Chuo Ward, 〒330-0081 Saitama,Japan
あか on Google

Without a vaccination certificate, alcohol will not be served ?. Do you carry it with you when you go out for a drink?
YOSHI on Google

ど平日の夜なのに結構賑わってる。 料理はとても美味しかった。
Even though it's a weekday night, it's quite busy. The food was very good.
ヒカル“ヒカル”ノリキチ on Google

さいたま新都心駅から、徒歩3分くらいに有ります。 店内は広く、カウンター席、グループ席、カウンター席と有ります。 焼き鳥、美味しいです。
sabai ecco on Google

【平日ランチ利用】 居酒屋さんのお昼ごはん。 味濃いめでごはんが進む満腹ランチに。 だん家の経営する居酒屋チェーンなので、けやきひろばのだん家と雰囲気似てます。 BGMがビートルズ、紙コップでコーヒー、お茶が無料提供、明るい接客などなど。 店内広いので、お昼時複数人でいっても待ちなしで入れそうです。
[Weekday lunch use] Izakaya's lunch. For a full lunch with a strong taste and rice. Since it is a izakaya chain run by Danya, the atmosphere is similar to that of Keyaki Hiroba's Danya. BGM is Beatles, coffee with paper cups, tea is provided free of charge, bright customer service, etc. The inside of the store is large, so even if there are multiple people at noon, it seems that you can enter without waiting.
半額の超熟 on Google

夜も軽くお酒が呑めて昼間はランチが美味しい サラリーマン御用達のお店です! 昼間はランチがリーズナブルに食べる事ができ コーヒーやご飯がおかわり自由になります! ガッツリ食べたい時にオススメですね! 夜は、軽く一杯ビールとおつまみで呑むことができビール以外にも日本酒や焼酎などあります。 おつまみも様々品揃えがあり一軒目に軽く呑むのもアリだと思いますよ! You can drink lightly at night and lunch is delicious during the day Shop for salaried workers! During the day, lunch can be eaten reasonably Free coffee and rice instead! It is recommended when you want to eat guts! In the evening, you can drink lightly with a glass of beer and a snack. In addition to beer, there are sake and shochu. There are also a variety of snacks! I think it is good to drink lightly!
You can drink lightly at night and lunch is delicious during the day Shop for salaried workers! During the day, lunch can be eaten reasonably Free coffee and rice instead! It is recommended when you want to eat guts! In the evening, you can drink lightly with a glass of beer and a snack. In addition to beer, there are sake and shochu. There are also a variety of snacks, and I think it is ant to drink lightly in the first house! You can drink lightly at night and lunch is delicious during the day Shop for salaried workers! During the day, lunch can be eaten reasonably Free coffee and rice instead! It is recommended when you want to eat guts! In the evening, you can drink lightly with a glass of beer and a snack.In addition to beer, there are sake and shochu. There are also a variety of snacks! I think it is good to drink lightly!
しんはやし on Google

皆さんの口コミ通り 接客は期待したらだめだ。 最初にセットされていた皿が洗ってない状態の汚いのが割り箸と共においてあって交換を 求めたつもりだが替わりの皿は持ってこない。1段段差降りたとこにある机だったからかバタバタ置く。 最初に頼んだニラ玉オムレツよりラストオーダーで頼んだお茶漬けが先にくる。 あえて良いところは安いのが良い所かな
According to everyone's word of mouth You can't expect to serve customers. The dish that was initially set was unwashed and dirty, so I left it with disposable chopsticks and replaced it. I intended to ask, but I won't bring a replacement plate. I put it fluttering because it was a desk at the place where I went down one step. The Ochazuke that I ordered in the last order comes first than the Niratama omelet that I ordered first. I wonder if the good place is cheap
吉岡健吾 on Google

2回目の利用です。 ランチオーダー後、提供時に後ろからお盆で肩をどつかれ(笑)、真顔で「ごめんなさい」。 メニューを回収する時にも後ろからめんどくさそうに回収。 お料理は普通です。 接客は求めてはいけないお店です。 美味しい料理も美味しくないと感じさせてしまう。 ちょっと残念なお店でした。
This is the second use. After ordering lunch, when I served it, I was struck by the tray from behind (laughs), and I said "I'm sorry" with a straight face. Even when collecting the menu, it seems to be annoying to collect from behind. The food is normal. It is a shop that you should not ask for customer service. It makes me feel that delicious food is not delicious. It was a little disappointing shop.
餃子 on Google

さいたま新都心駅の近くで用事があり、ランチで利用しました。 けやきひろばのエスカレーターで地下へ降り、和食の気分だけど、どうしようかなぁとレストランフロアをふらふら歩いていると「焼き魚定食」の文字を発見! お店に入ってソッコーで焼き魚定食を注文! ご飯は大盛りや小盛りのオプションが出来るようです。 注文後、10分くらい待って運ばれてきました。 一回目の来店時は焼きサバでした。ご飯がもりもり食べられて、美味しかったです。 焼きサバは塩味がちょっと濃いめです。 二回目の来店時はホッケでした。 これは当たり! ホクホクジューシーなホッケで、ご飯がモリモリ食べられます。 平日はコーヒーがおかわり自由なのも、ありがたい! ランチタイムはサラリーマンやOLで賑わってます。そういえば、一回目と二回目の来店時も店内にビートルズが流れてて、(ビートルズファンなので)聴き入ってしまいました。 またさいたま新都心駅の近くに来た時に利用したいです。
I had a business near Saitama Shintoshin Station and used it for lunch. I went down to the basement on the escalator of Keyaki Hiroba, and I felt like Japanese food, but when I was wandering around the restaurant floor, I found the word "grilled fish set meal"! Enter the shop and order a grilled fish set meal at Sokko! It seems that you can choose a large serving or a small serving of rice. After ordering, it was delivered after waiting for about 10 minutes. When I first visited the store, it was grilled mackerel. The rice was eaten and it was delicious. Grilled mackerel has a slightly strong salty taste. It was atka mackerel when I visited the store for the second time. This is a hit! You can eat rice with juicy atka mackerel. I am grateful that coffee is free to refill on weekdays! Lunch time is crowded with office workers and office ladies. By the way, the Beatles were playing in the store during the first and second visits, and I listened to them (because I'm a Beatles fan). I also want to use it when I come near Saitama Shintoshin Station.

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