ラグナヴェール スカイテラス

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ラグナヴェール スカイテラス

住所 :

Shintoshin, Chuo Ward, 〒330-0081 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://skyterrace.lagunaveil.com/
街 : Saitama

Shintoshin, Chuo Ward, 〒330-0081 Saitama,Japan
Hisao Fukui on Google

娘が結婚式を挙げました。 コロナ対策もバッチリで大変な思いで式を挙げたので想い出深いものとなり良かったです。
My daughter had a wedding. I was glad that the corona countermeasures were perfect and I gave a ceremony with great thoughts, so it was a memorable one.
bob steve on Google

I'm glad I had a ceremony here with all the wonderful staff. Thank you very much.
ゴッツ on Google

The ceremony was held in March 2022. I think the bridal industry is still tough, but please do your best.
Nori Bonny Biker on Google

Participate in the wedding. The view is wonderful when it is sunny. Corona measures were also solid. It's okay to be close to the station, but it's inconvenient to transfer to the elevator.
s Maru on Google

Right in front of Saitama Shintoshin. Access is outstandingly good. The view was also good because it was located on a higher floor. The venue was totally new and the venue was beautiful. The staff are also kind.
ただの on Google

9月中旬に挙式しました。 式場内やコロナ対策などは徹底しており、安心して結婚式をあげることができました。 しかし1点だけどうしても納得がいかないことがあります。 新郎側の友人が当日に急遽参加できることになり、席次表に名前はなく席札も無い状態でしたが、私たちとしてはせっかく来ていただいたし、大切な友人だからと、席を作っていただき中に案内するようにスタッフの方にお願いしました。 ところが、その後ある男性スタッフの方から「先程の◯◯様ですが、怒って帰られてしまいました。ご新郎様からご連絡を入れた方がいい」と伝えられました。 私たちはそれを聞いて、???状態でした。 その後すぐに友人に電話しましたが、既に電車に乗ってしまっている状態で結局参加することができませんでした。 その友人は、椅子が用意されていることを知らなかったそうです。ちなみに怒っていませんでした。 スタッフの方に席を作ってもらうように伝えたはずなのに、なぜこのようなことに??? 怒って帰られました??なぜ引き止めない?? この1点だけが今でもモヤモヤして納得できません。 スタッフ間の連携がしっかり取れていれば防げたように思います。 ちなみにこの件に関してのお詫びは一切ありませんでした。 「怒って帰られました」との一言で感じられるように、私たちの責任とでも言いたいのでしょうか。
The ceremony was held in mid-September. The ceremony hall and corona measures were thoroughly implemented, and I was able to have a wedding ceremony with peace of mind. However, there are times when I just can't agree with just one point. A friend on the groom's side was able to participate in a hurry on the day, and there was no name on the seating order list and no seating tag, but we had you come all the way and make a seat because it is an important friend. I asked the staff to guide me to. However, after that, a male staff member told me, "I'm Mr. ◯◯, but I got angry and went home. It's better to contact the groom." We heard that ,? ?? ?? It was in a state. I called my friend shortly afterwards, but I couldn't join because I was already on the train. The friend didn't know that a chair was available. By the way, I wasn't angry. I should have told the staff to make a seat, but why is this happening? ?? ?? Did you get angry? ?? Why not hold back? ?? Only this one point is still unpleasant and unconvincing. I think it could have been prevented if the staff had a good relationship. By the way, I didn't apologize for this. Do you want to say that it is our responsibility so that you can feel "I got angry"?
tomomi kiyomiya on Google

長男夫婦の前撮りで行ってきた。 19階からの眺めは絶景で♪ とても綺麗で、素敵な会場だった。 会場内の装飾品も、お洒落なモノばかりでレイアウトもGOO! 見てるだけでも楽しかった。
I went to take a pre-shoot of my eldest son and his wife. The view from the 19th floor is superb ♪ It was a very beautiful and wonderful venue. The decorations in the venue are all fashionable and the layout is GOO! It was fun just looking at it.
星野浩 on Google

Very Beautiful place. You can have a nice wedding. Tasty dishes.

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