和食処銀蔵 さいたま新都心店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 和食処銀蔵 さいたま新都心店

住所 :

Shintoshin, Chuo Ward, 〒330-0023 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://r.gnavi.co.jp/g135751/
街 : Saitama

Shintoshin, Chuo Ward, 〒330-0023 Saitama,Japan
佐藤正俊 on Google

さいたま新都心駅前の便利できれいで、美味しいお店です。 和食てすが、とてもリーズナブルです。
It is a convenient, clean and delicious shop in front of Saitama Shintoshin Station. Japanese food is very reasonable.
徳嶺昴 on Google

I think lunch is a satisfying content and price.
志村和麻 on Google

Dinner at the first entrance. Frankly speaking, it's a good idea for the owner to try eating from the customer's point of view. It's called sashimi, seafood pancake, and potato salad, and it's not too delicious. I left the store quickly. I will never use it again.
AI A on Google

平日ランチで利用。 比較的リーズナブルでランチが出来ます。
Used for lunch on weekdays. You can have lunch at a relatively reasonable price.
sabai ecco on Google

【平日ランチ利用】 2021年12月、さいたま新都心駅近くのビルから、けやきひろばに移転。 洋風居酒屋のだん家グループの寿司メインの和食処です。 三色重セットは、わりとお重や、お椀が上底気味。ネタも鮮度がなくいまいち。居酒屋チェーン店のほうがまだよさそうなネタを出しそうです。 ひとりでも入れる雰囲気のお店なので、さっと済ますならよさそうです。
[Weekday lunch use] In December 2021, moved to Keyaki Hiroba from the building near Saitama Shintoshin Station. This is a Japanese restaurant that mainly serves sushi from the Danya Group, a Western-style izakaya. The three-color heavy set has a slightly heavy weight and a bowl. The material is not fresh and is not good enough. Izakaya chain stores are likely to produce better material. It's an atmosphere that even one person can enter, so it would be nice if you could finish it quickly.
Sanders Karnel on Google

Get a grip at the a la carte. It is a pity that the price setting is higher than the Ginzo of other stores. The store was about to close, so it was out of stock. My favorite Aburiengawa wasn't on the menu in the first place.
Makiko N. on Google

平日のランチで利用させていただきました。 『ぼたんにぎり』を注文しました。アサリのみそ汁と茶碗蒸しが付いていましが出汁がとても効いていて美味しかったです♪ 価格もリーズナブルで良かったです。 定食のご飯は、お代わり無料のようで男性サラリーマンが大勢来ていました。 また利用したいです。ご馳走様でした。
I used it for lunch on weekdays. I ordered "Botan Nigiri". The clam miso soup and chawanmushi were included, and the soup stock was very effective and delicious. The price was reasonable and good. The set meal seemed to be free of charge, and many male office workers came. I still want to use it. It was a treat.
dekaishi xin on Google

Yes, good sushi. Two or three of the nigiri I had in the omakase was actually quite impressive. And definitely worth the $4000 yen. Service was good but nothing too surprising - it's Japan and we are eating omakase sushi!

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