景珍樓 杉田店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 景珍樓 杉田店

住所 :

Sugita, Isogo Ward, Yokohama, 〒235-0033 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87788
Webサイト : https://keichinrousugita.gorp.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–11PM
Sunday 11AM–11PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Sugita, Isogo Ward, Yokohama, 〒235-0033 Kanagawa,Japan
しんちゃん on Google

I am always indebted to you at dinner parties. We are grateful to the shop staff for their consideration. It is recommended to eat with your family.
Fuku Hiroi (gumiOG) on Google

角煮が食べたくなったらここにきます。テンション上げたいときは角煮チャーハンにします。 ランチもいいけど一度夜に飲みに来てもいいかもしれません。
If you want to eat kakuni, come here. If you want to raise the tension, use Kakuni fried rice. Lunch is good, but you may come to drink at night.
T Mazda on Google

I'm a beach kid for three generations. My hobby is eating. Chinatown has become a tourist destination and its taste has deteriorated. Here is a delicious Chinese dish that is really satisfying. Especially recommended is the black fried rice with the richness of the secret taste of the shrimp chili sauce and tamari soy sauce! ! Moreover, the price is reasonable and there is a lot of volume. I like the service with a reasonable sense of distance here that can be left inside when not needed because it can be enjoyed inside. If you go to Chinatown and eat more and more Chinese, the more you can dabble here, the more satisfying you are. Pia, but I don't want it to be very popular.
安藤宏和 on Google

新杉田近辺で無難に美味しく楽しめる中華料理店。 ランチの麻婆豆腐を「四川麻婆豆腐」にグレードアップしてみましたが、とっても美味でした✨ 奥さんが頼んだネギラーメンもすごく美味しい! 以前来た時の餃子も美味しかったし、どれもなかなかのクオリティです。
A Chinese restaurant that you can enjoy safely and deliciously near Shinsugita. I tried upgrading the mapo tofu for lunch to "Sichuan mapo tofu", but it was very delicious ✨ The green onion ramen that my wife ordered is also very delicious! The dumplings I came to before were delicious and they are all quite good quality.
masahito segawa on Google

ランチ難民にしていた時に偶然見つけた横浜中華街の景珍樓と同じ名前のお店。 同じ名前にしちゃうなんてさすが中国と思ったら、本家景珍樓の姉妹店でした(笑) これはラッキー!と思いランチメニューではなくグランドメニューで行くことに? 豚バラ肉のせご飯、景珍樓特製焼きそば、餃子、焼売。 どの料理もとても美味しかったです!! 特に餃子、焼売の点心系はほんとに美味しかった! しかも値段も悪くないし、このレベルのお店がこんな所にあるとは、、、。杉田店恐るべし。 しばらくは通ってみます。
A shop with the same name as Kagechinro in Yokohama Chinatown, which I happened to find when I was a lunch refugee. I thought it would be China to have the same name, but it was a sister store of Keichinro Annex (laughs). This is lucky! I decided to go with the grand menu instead of the lunch menu ? Rice with pork ribs, Keichinro special fried noodles, dumplings, shumai. Every dish was very delicious! !! Especially the dumplings and shumai dim sum were really delicious! Moreover, the price is not bad, and it is said that there is a shop of this level in such a place. Sugita store is scary. I will go there for a while.
S E on Google

夜のコースで利用。 可もなく不可もなく。 リーズナブルだとは思う。
Used in the evening course. It's neither good nor bad. I think it's reasonable.
ヨシえもん on Google

おいしい町中華です 会社でのランチや夜の会食によく使います 皆さんに好評です 餃子がおいしい! ランチタイムは比較的混んでます
It ’s delicious Chinese food. Often used for lunch at work or dinner at night The dumplings are delicious! Lunch time is relatively crowded
29 Tak on Google

The food is served quickly at lunch at a reasonable price.

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