
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 揚州人家

住所 :

Toricho, Minami Ward, Yokohama, 〒232-0056 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Toricho, Minami Ward, Yokohama, 〒232-0056 Kanagawa,Japan
k k on Google

本格中華ではなく日本人向けに幾分アレンジされた中華です。 中華丼と天津丼は絶品で、ここよりうまい店を知りません。 うまい、うますぎる。 中華街にもおいしいお店は沢山ありますが、上記2品についてはこれよりうまい店はないんじゃないでしょうか。具材も種類が多く贅沢です。 牛バラ煮丼もおいしいです。八角が効いているので好みは別れそうですがこってり濃厚で病み付きになります。 春巻きと言った点心類も中華街の有名店と比べて恥ずかしいものではありません。 うまい、うますぎる。 残念ながらラーメン類は普通です。 大陸の方が好まれるというやわらかめの麺なので、日本人からするとやわらかすぎという評価になるかと思います。
It is a Chinese food that is somewhat arranged for the Japanese people, not an authentic Chinese food. The Chinese bowl and Tianjin bowl are exquisite, and you don't know a good restaurant here. Delicious, too delicious. There are a lot of delicious restaurants in Chinatown, but I think there are no better restaurants for these two items. There are many kinds of ingredients and it is luxurious. The beef roses are also delicious. Because the octagon is working, the taste seems to be separated, but it is thick and addictive. Dim sums like spring rolls aren't as embarrassing as the famous shops in Chinatown. Delicious, too delicious. Unfortunately, ramen is normal. It is a soft noodle that is favored by the continent, so I think it would be too soft for the Japanese.
如月葵 on Google

お店のご主人が明るくて元気でます。 ランチのもやしと豚肉炒め。美味しかったです。 ラーメンは、あっさり
The owner of the shop is cheerful and energetic. Stir-fried bean sprouts and pork for lunch. It was delicious. Ramen is light
Tomy.S on Google

There is a half price menu on a daily basis. Leaveable and delicious.
三橋幹也 on Google

街中華ですが最近の中国人のお店です。 良いと思います。 出前館に対応してる時間帯もある。
It's a Chinese town, but it's a recent Chinese shop. I think it's good. There is also a time zone that corresponds to the delivery hall.
浜崎伝助 on Google

接客は 親切です。 海鮮炒飯と餃子のみ食べただけですが美味しかったです。
Customer service It's kind. I only ate seafood fried rice and dumplings, but it was delicious.
岸本祐子 on Google

It was like old-fashioned ramen and it was very delicious. Mapo tofu was also sweet and spicy, and the rice went on. The shop was also nice.
マサナイシカワ on Google

本日お知り合いの紹介で来店しました! 私は中華そばが好きなのでチャーシュー麺780円を頼みました! スープは私好み! チャーシューも味わい良く! 麺も私好み! 大盛頼みたいくらいでした!
I came to the store today with the introduction of an acquaintance! I like Chinese soba so I ordered char siu noodles for 780 yen! I like the soup! The char siu is also delicious! I also like the noodles! It was like a big request!
やーまだやまーだ on Google

It was good that the price was delicious, but corona measures firmly ?

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