Masakitei - Yokohama

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Masakitei

住所 :

4 Chome-112 Toricho, Minami Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 232-0056, Japan

Postal code : 232-0056
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM

4 Chome-112 Toricho, Minami Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 232-0056, Japan
minami on Google

今日も 旨し❣️ いつも 満卓に 近いです❗️ アクリル板 設置済み? まさき亭は、本当に何を食べても美味しい❣️ CPも高いので 満足しかない❣️ 野菜炒めは、シャキシャキ熱々❣️ レバニラ定食は、野菜の中に レバーいっぱい❣️ 中華スープも 最高です(o^^o) サンマー麺 細麺です。餡は、激アツ❣️ 火傷注意❣でも それがいい?
Good today ❣️ It's always close to a full table ❗️ Acrylic board installed ? Masakitei is really delicious no matter what you eat ❣️ CP is also high, so I'm only satisfied ❣️ Stir-fried vegetables are crispy and hot ❣️ Levanilla set meal is full of liver in vegetables ❣️ Chinese soup is also the best (o ^^ o) Sanma noodles Thin noodles. The bean paste is super hot ❣️ Be careful of burns ❣ But that's good ?
M H on Google

長いこと弘明寺界隈に住んでいて、ずーっと入ってみたかったんだけど、覗いてみるといつもお客さんで賑わっていてなかなか入るチャンスに恵まれなかった町中華のお店。 今冬初の、横浜にしては大雪の日に、今日は入りたい!と思ってまたまた覗いたらテーブル席空いてるー!…ってことで、仕事帰りの娘と2人で初めておじゃましました。 寒いからあったかい麺にしようかと思ってたけれど、定食にも惹かれ…結局私は肉野菜炒め定食、娘は肉ニラ卵炒め定食に餃子1皿を注文。 しばし待つこと10分弱。 浅漬のお漬物と味付け海苔、山盛りのご飯に、やさしい味のスープと、またコレすごい量のおかず皿が女性店員さんから提供されました。 店主のかたも、中華鍋を振りながら、お待たせしましたー!と元気よくとても感じ良く。 味は、町中華!って感じで、こじゃれていないほっとする味。 食べても食べてもなかなか減らないおかずにご飯に、途中ちょっと焦りました(笑) ご飯は食べきれずに残してしまいましたが、本当に美味しくいただき、弘明寺での食事候補のお店の上位に入りました!そして超満腹!! 隣の席のご夫婦が食べていたタンメン、美味しそうでした。サンマーメンもいいな。 次はまた、近いうちにお昼に麺類でおじゃましたいと思います。 ごちそうさまでした。
I've lived in the Zuiosan area for a long time and wanted to go in all the time, but when I looked into it, it was always crowded with customers and I wasn't blessed with a chance to go in. It's the first heavy snow day for Yokohama this winter, and I want to enter today! I thought, and when I looked again, the table seats were vacant! So, I was the first to bother with my daughter on the way home from work. I was thinking of making warm noodles because it was cold, but I was also attracted to the set meal ... After all, I ordered a set meal with stir-fried meat and vegetables, and my daughter ordered a set meal with stir-fried meat and eggs. Waiting for a while is less than 10 minutes. A female clerk provided lightly pickled pickles, seasoned seaweed, a heap of rice, a soup with a gentle taste, and a huge amount of side dishes. The owner also kept me waiting while shaking the wok! It feels good and energetic. The taste is Chinese food in town! It's a relaxing taste that isn't messy. I was a little impatient on the way to the rice without the side dishes that did not decrease easily even if I ate it (laugh) I left the rice because I couldn't eat it, but it was really delicious and I was ranked in the top of the restaurants that are candidates for meals at Komyoji! And super full! !! The tanmen that the couple in the next seat was eating looked delicious. Sanma-men is also good. Next time, I'd like to have some noodles for lunch soon. Thank you for the meal.
とっとっと on Google

追記 安定の美味さですね。 大将、やっぱり手際が良いですね。 混んでても提供がはやい。 あー、幸せなランチタイム。 初投稿 この辺では、最高にうまい街中華です。 チャーシュー、チャーハンが特におすすめ。 唐揚げなんかも美味しいです。 Aセット最強。 基本的には何でも美味しいです。 麺類も、普通の(良い意味)麺で、THE中華料理やさん!てな麺で、気取ったところがないのが好きですね。 私が月並みにランチでお邪魔させもらって好きなのは チャーハン星5 ラーメン星4 麻婆豆腐星4 唐揚げ星5 あんかけ系星4以上 その他星4以上(笑) です! ぜひとも試して見てくださいな❤️ 夜の部のウーロンハイは、とにかく濃いー! 私は勝手に心の中で、殺人ウーロンハイと呼んでます(笑) 効く‼️よ~、ほんと。 チャーシューつまみに最高。 店主さん一人で料理を作っていらっしゃいますが、提供は遅くないです。 真夏は店内が少し暑いので、あんかけメニューには気を付けて!(笑) 汗が止まりませんよ! 夏に提供されるつけ麺?ザル中華?は、しょっぱくて、唯一個人的にはオススメできません。 ここ最近は、憎きコロナのせいで伺えてませんが、また行きたいお店です。 いろいろな意見が各々あるとは思いますが、店員さんのおっちょこちょい、忙しい時の無愛想、そんなのも含めて、私にとっては大切で、大好きな中華料理やさんですね。 また伺いたいと思います。
postscript It's stable and delicious. General, after all it is smart. Offer is quick even if it is crowded. Ah, happy lunch time. First post In this area, it is the best Chinese food. Char siu and fried rice are especially recommended. Fried chicken is also delicious. A set is the strongest. Basically anything is delicious. Noodles are also ordinary (good meaning) noodles, THE Chinese food and san! I like the noodles, which have no pretense. What I like about being bothered at lunch on a regular basis Fried rice star 5 Ramen star 4 Mapo tofu star 4 Fried star 5 Ankake system stars 4 or more Other 4 stars or more (laughs) is! Please give it a try ❤️ Woolong Hai in the night club is really dark! I call myself the murderer Woolong Hai in my heart (laughs) It works! ️Yeah, really. Great for char siu knobs. The owner cooks the food by himself, but it's not too late. The inside of the restaurant is a little hot in the middle of summer, so be careful with the ankake menu! (Lol) I can't stop sweating! Tsukemen served in the summer? Zaru chuka? Is salty and I can't recommend it personally. Recently, I haven't been able to visit because of my hateful corona, but I want to go there again. I think there are various opinions, but the clerk's sloppyness, unfriendlyness when busy, etc. are important to me, and I love Chinese food. I would like to ask you again.
上野秀明 on Google

店は非常に小さいですが、店が開いていれば常にお客さんが入っている人気店です。 ラーメン、丼の上モノは、中華鍋で炒められた激アツのモノが乗ってきますので、猫舌の人は注意が必要です(^^) 味は、とびぬけてうまいというわけではない?と思いますが、やさしい味でおいしい、どのメニューも、量が多くて大満足です。 最近、町中華が減っているので、貴重な、ありがたい店だと思いますあ
The store is very small, but it is a popular store that always has customers when it is open. For ramen and rice bowl tops, super hot things fried in a wok will be on board, so people with cat tongues need to be careful (^^) Isn't the taste exceptionally good? I think, but all the menus, which have a gentle taste and are delicious, are very satisfying because of the large amount. Recently, the number of Chinese food in town has decreased, so I think it's a valuable and thankful store.
katsu kebarioyaji on Google

サンマー麺、餃子を頂きました、ボリューム満点!少食の方は要注意です、餃子はニンニクがガツンとこれまた?️ 地下鉄ブルーライン弘明寺駅から直ぐです。
I got sanma noodles and dumplings, full of volume! If you have a small meal, be careful, dumplings are gyoza with garlic and this is also ?️ It is right from Gumyoji Station on the Subway Blue Line.
真さん46 on Google

横浜市営地下鉄一本で実家と繋がる弘明寺駅にある町中華屋さん。 1間(1.8m)ほどの間口で入りにくいが、昼時は並んでいたりする人気店 内装や食器類に中華色が薄く、自分としては新鮮で好感が持てるお店。 サンマーメン、四川そばが看板なのだが、定食のメニューも豊富で通っても飽きないし、店主の明るい接客と年配女性の気の利いた配膳も大好きである オーダー率50%と思われる看板のサンマーメンは細麺で一般店の2倍くらいで餡掛け野菜の量が多く、少食の方は少な目でオーダーした方が美味しくいただけると思う。薄めの味付けで小生にはピッタリですが、濃い目が好きな人には机上に味変アイテムがあるのでご安心くださいw 日曜日にビール、お茶割りでニラ卵、キクラゲ炒めなど一品料理をつまみにしていたが、コロナ禍でアルコール提供はされていないのが残念。 週替わりのランチもあるのでこれはこれでまた良し。 9/12訪問 緊急事態宣言延長で営業時間が張り出されていた。 今日は五目そばにしてみた。 やはりサンマーメンが正解かなw 店主もフロアの女性も頑張っている。 早く酔客達が集い、店の売り上げが上がることを望みたい。 9/18 訪問 弘明寺に来る目的は3つあって、週一オフカットさんで散髪、越前屋田中酒店で昼飲み(コロナで自粛中)、そしてまさき亭さんでの独りメシだ。 今日は四川そばをたのんでじっくり味わう。何しろお酒提供が自粛の為、純粋なランチになってしまう? とは言うものの安定の美味しさで程よい塩気の餡でとじられた野菜とお肉を細麺と共に胃袋におさめる。 メニューの最上段にあるので店主の自信作なんだろうなー 早く種類提供がされて、キクラゲ卵炒めで一杯やりたいものだ
A town Chinese restaurant at Gumyoji Station, which is connected to your parents' house by a single Yokohama Municipal Subway. It is difficult to enter with a frontage of about 1 ken (1.8 m), but it is a popular shop that is lined up at noon The interior and tableware are light in Chinese, which makes me feel fresh and likable. Sanma-men and Sichuan soba are the signatures, but the menu of set meals is abundant and you won't get tired of going there, and I also love the cheerful customer service of the owner and the nice serving of elderly women. The signboard, Sanma-men, which is thought to have an order rate of 50%, is thin noodles, about twice as much as general stores, and has a large amount of ankake vegetables. The light seasoning is perfect for me, but if you like dark eyes, don't worry because there are taste-changing items on your desk. On Sunday, I used to have a la carte dish such as beer, tea splits, garlic eggs, and stir-fried wood ear mushrooms, but it's a pity that alcohol wasn't served due to the corona. There is also a weekly lunch, so this is good again. 9/12 visit Business hours were overhanging due to the extension of the state of emergency. I tried Gomoku soba today. After all sun mamen is the correct answer w Both the shop owner and the women on the floor are doing their best. I hope that drunk people will gather soon and the sales of the store will increase. 9/18 visit There are three purposes to come to Komei-ji Temple: once a week off-cut haircut, lunch at Echizenya Tanaka liquor store (while refraining from corona), and Masakitei alone. Today, enjoy Sichuan soba and enjoy it. After all, since we refrain from serving alcohol, it will be a pure lunch ? That said, the vegetables and meat, which are stable and delicious and are bound with a moderately salty bean paste, are placed in the stomach together with the thin noodles. It's at the top of the menu, so it's probably the owner's self-confidence. The kind is provided quickly, and I want to have a drink with stir-fried wood ear eggs.
TOY TOY on Google

土曜日の昼に訪問。 ランチサービスで麺類にはライス無料、定食類はライスおかわり無料。 サンマー麺が人気らしく、他に四川麺などある。 麺類も定食類もボリュームあって、しっかり満腹になれるでしょう。 店内はコロナ対策の仕切り板のあるカウンターと、テーブル席が二つ。 手際良く調理するので提供も早いが、小さな店なので混雑時は多少待つ可能性も。 地元で愛される庶民派の町中華といった感じで、元気な店主と優しい奥さんの二人が来店客を迎えてくれます。 味は想像通りの期待通りで、特別ではなく誰もが食べたことある懐かしい味。だがそれがいい。 いつまでも変わらず残っていてほしい、そんなお店です。
Visited on Saturday afternoon. Free rice for noodles and free refills for set meals at lunch service. Sanma noodles seem to be popular, and there are other noodles such as Sichuan noodles. Noodles and set meals are voluminous and you will be fully satisfied. Inside the store, there are a counter with a partition plate to prevent corona and two table seats. It's cooked well, so it's served quickly, but since it's a small shop, you may have to wait for a while when it's crowded. A cheerful shopkeeper and a gentle wife welcome visitors to the restaurant, as if it were a Chinese restaurant that is loved by the locals. The taste is as expected, not special and nostalgic that everyone has eaten. But it is good. It is such a shop that I want you to stay unchanged forever.
菊龍 on Google

I often drop in on the way back from my regular visit to the hospital. We recommend fried rice, garlic chives, ramen, and sanma-men. Meat dishes are quite large and use a lot of cooking oil, so it comes in the second half. Be careful not to order too much. The fried chicken is delicious, but it's BIG size, so it's hard to eat with two people. Let's try a new menu this time.

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