Sorcery Dressing - Shibuya City

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sorcery Dressing

住所 :

1 Chome-7-6 Ebisunishi, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 150-0021
Webサイト :
Description : Modern stylish shop with unique plant decoration for bouquet bags, arrangements, event design, more.

1 Chome-7-6 Ebisunishi, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0021, Japan
coffee chill on Google

立地もよくお花も1本から買えて手頃なのでよく利用しています。 ただ、スタッフさんの対応は本当に気持ちが良くないです。多肉の抜き苗を購入した際に鉢はどのくらいのに植えれば良いか聞いたら、「えっ、ふつうに」と知っていて当然な態度。お花も生き物ですし、できるだけ良い環境で育てたいと思って質問したつもりが残念な気持ちになりました。忙しいのかもしれませんが、誰でも気軽に気持ちよく利用できるお店になるといいなと思いました。
The location is good and you can buy flowers from one, so I often use them. However, the staff's response is really unpleasant. When I asked how much pots should be planted when I bought succulent seedlings, I knew that it was normal. Flowers are also living things, and I was disappointed when I asked a question because I wanted to grow them in the best possible environment. It may be busy, but I thought it would be great if anyone could feel free to use it.
Arisa Toyosaki on Google

It's a shop with a very nice taste. There are also rare flowers, and I bought them for personal use several times, but I was particularly impressed today. When I asked for an arrangement to bring to the opening of an acquaintance's restaurant, I was impressed by the sense and concern that I had food-related items such as apples and artichokes added because it is a restaurant.
G3D on Google

二度と行かないお店。 贈答用、ウエディング用で需要はあるお店でしょう。 自宅用にちょっとしたものを買うお店ではありません。 店員態度は最悪。店が狭いのはわかりますが、支払い中に狭い通路は仕方ないと思いますが、仏頂面で何も言わず、どけという態度は人間として終わっています。 ちょっとした、少額の買い物で大変申し訳ありませんでした。 しかし二度とお店に行くこともありません。 恵比寿、目黒はお花屋さん多いのでわざわざこの店に行かない方が良いと思います。 GINKGO に行けば良かったと本当に後悔しました。
A shop that will never go. It will be a store that is in demand for gifts and weddings. It's not a shop that buys small things for home use. The clerk attitude is the worst. I understand that the store is small, but I think there is no choice but to narrow the aisle while paying, but I say nothing on the top of the Buddha, and the attitude of being ridiculous ends as a human being. I'm very sorry for the small amount of shopping. However, I never go to the store again. There are many flower shops in Ebisu and Meguro, so I think you shouldn't bother to go to this shop. I really regret that I should have gone to GINKGO.
o mmm on Google

家が近いのもあり先日来店しました。 お花はとても可愛いのですが 他の方も書いている通り接客が怖かったです。 ブーケにする花を迷っていてたので相談しようと話しかけてもあ、はい、という感じ。 お花をみてそちら3本からですので。と2回も怒ったように言われたときは萎縮してしまいました。言われなくても解るしそんな言い方しなくてもいいのに… 最終的に思っていた感じの仕上がりとは大分違っていましたが怖くて言えず。 あからさまにイライラしてるようでした。 少しでも滞在時間を少なくする為にも出来れば予め何を買うか決めて行かれるのをお勧めします。
I came to the store the other day because my house is near. The flowers are very cute As other people wrote, I was afraid of customer service. I was wondering which flowers to make into a bouquet, so I asked him to talk to me, but he said yes. Seeing the flowers, it's from 3 of them. When I was told twice that I was angry, I was atrophied. I understand even if I don't say it, and I don't have to say that ... It was quite different from what I expected in the end, but I was scared and couldn't say it. It seemed overtly frustrating. It is recommended that you decide in advance what to buy if possible in order to reduce your staying time as much as possible.
イブラ芋ビッチxXXx芋タン on Google

男のロン毛?の店長が無愛想すぎ ドア閉め忘れたら「閉めてください」ってすごい口調で睨みながら閉め出された。いらっしゃいませもありがとうございましたもない。好きな植物も数万円分買ってってもまたお願いしますも何にもない。接客業しない方がいいだろ。あの人じゃなかったら売り上げ変わると思う。大好きな植物見に行ってさいあくなきもちになりました。、
N S on Google

いつも可愛いくて素敵なお花を揃えているので、家が近いのもあって月に2度ほどこちらでお花を購入しています。 しかし今回、担当された女性店員さんの態度があまりにも酷く…鬱陶しそうでイラついていて、質問などに対しても度々無視というような対応でした…。 帰り道、非常に悲しい気持ちになりながらも どうしたらそうなれるのか…と こちらの女性店員さんが可哀想にも思えるほどの対応でした。(もちろん、ちゃんとした対応をされる店員さんもいます。) 『丁寧な接客』は求めていませんが、 『最低限のモラル』は人としてはとても大切だと思います。 他の方の口コミを見たら、 同じような経験をされた方が沢山いたことを知り、自分だけではなかったんだなとホッと?しました。 せっかく素敵な空間とお花を沢山 扱っているので、とっても残念です。
Always because they aligned a nice flower and go cute, bought flowers here about twice a month there is also the close house. But this time, in charge have been female clerk's attitude is not frustrated too badly ... Uttoshi likely, it was also often like that ignored respond to such questions .... On the way back, while becomes a very sad feeling What can I do? Female clerk here was the correspondence of what seems also to poor. (Of course, there are also clerks who are properly responsive.) "Polite customer service" is not required, "A minimum of morals" as a person I think that it is very important. When you look at the reviews of other people, To know a lot be had is people who have the same kind of experience, and relieved Do I did not just yourself? Did. A lot of long-awaited nice space and flowers I am very sorry because I am treating it.
k par on Google

センスがとても良く素敵なお花屋さんです。店員さんは海外のような職人ぽい感じな方なのでそこを求めるなら他のお店へとおもいますよ。 お花の種類も豊富で店内もとても素敵です。花束を送る時に画像をみせて、こんな感じとボリューム感とか入れて欲しいものとか伝えて作ってもらいます。代官山店も最近できてそちらもとっても素敵です。オシャレなセンスのある花束ならこちらが都内1☺️
It is a nice flower shop with a very good taste. The clerk is like a craftsman like overseas, so if you want that, I will go to another store. There are many kinds of flowers and the inside of the store is very nice. When you send the bouquet, show the image and ask them to make it by telling them something like this and volume. The Daikanyama store has recently opened and is very nice. If you have a fashionable bouquet, this is Tokyo 1☺️
e m on Google

可愛いお花はたくさん揃えられていますが、作っていただいたブーケは微妙でした。出来合いのものを購入した方が良いかもしれません。 混み合っていて忙しいのは分かりますが、お花選びにはあまり参加させてもらえず、別の色のお花がいいとお伝えしたらこれが合いますと冷たく言われました。 予算をお伝えしましたが、入れて欲しいグリーンを指定すると追加料金がかかると言われたので、別のお花と交換する等の提案もして欲しかったです。
There are many cute flowers, but the bouquet you made was subtle. It may be better to buy a ready-made one. I know it's crowded and busy, but I didn't really participate in the selection of flowers, and when I told them that a different color of flower was good, I was coldly told that this would suit me. I told you the budget, but I was told that if you specify the green you want to put in, an additional fee will be charged, so I wanted you to make a suggestion such as exchanging for another flower.

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