信州SOBA農房 かまくらや

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 信州SOBA農房 かまくらや

住所 :

Ote, Matsumoto, 〒390-0874 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://www.kamakuraya-soba.com/store/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–5PM
Sunday 9:30AM–5PM
Monday 9:30AM–5PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–5PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–5PM
Thursday 9:30AM–5PM
Friday 9:30AM–5PM
街 : Nagano

Ote, Matsumoto, 〒390-0874 Nagano,Japan
はぴこ on Google

蕎麦粉を使ったスイーツや、蕎麦の実などを販売しています。 スイーツは、マドレーヌ、どら焼き、蕎麦饅頭、バームクーヘン、カリントウがありましたが、どれも添加物が少なく、魅力的です。 蕎麦粉おやきをイートインすることもできます。 一般的なおやきと比べると、ほんのり甘みのある皮で、美味しかったです。 おススメ!
We sell sweets using buckwheat flour and buckwheat nuts. The sweets were madeleine, dorayaki, buckwheat buns, baumkuchen, and kalintou, but they all have few additives and are attractive. You can also eat in soba flour oyaki. Compared to common oyaki, it had a slightly sweet skin and was delicious. Recommended!
だいだいちゃん on Google

旅行中、松本城からの帰り道 何となくふらっとお邪魔しました。 お店に入ると真っ先に蕎麦かりんとうが目に入り、試食もあったので 早速お味見(^^) しお、だったんそば、だししょうゆ の3種類とも美味しくて かりんとう好きの父の為にお買い上げ。 帰宅後 早速 実家に持って行くも、平日の昼間で父は仕事で不在 母にお土産話をしながら 何故か箱を開けてパリポリつまむ母と私 だししょうゆは、こちらのお店のお隣の鰹節屋さんの商品で味つけをしているらしく、これが一番 癖になると母が喜んでいました。 父も美味しく食べたそうですが、先に私たちが食べただなんて事は内緒です(^^)
During the trip, on the way back from Matsumoto Castle I somehow disturbed you. When I entered the shop, I first saw Soba noodles and Rinto, and there was also a tasting, so I immediately tasted it (^ ^) Shio, Dadansoba, and Dashi Shoyu are all delicious. Purchased for Karinto's favorite father. After returning home I immediately take it to my home, but my father is absent at work in the daytime on weekdays Souvenir talk to my mother Somehow I open a box and hold Parisi mother and me It seems that Dashi Shoyu is seasoning with the product of the Bushi shop next to this shop, and my mother was delighted that this was the most delicious. My father also ate it deliciously, but it is no secret that we ate first (^ ^)
nakabaya 4 on Google

Visited in April 2018. After visiting Matsumoto Castle, I stopped by and bought the recommended "Soba Oyaki". It had an interesting taste and texture, but it had a little less ingredients. The customer service was decent.
0622 mini on Google

This is a very good atmosphere. Soba dorayaki seems to be for sale, but there are plenty of special dried soba and sweets.
m h on Google

I've been drinking a lot of buckwheat tea, but Kamakuraya's buckwheat tea is definitely No. 1 in Shinshu buckwheat tea. It is said that it is cultivated with particular attention in the satoyama of Matsumoto city. It is an excellent buckwheat tea with a strong aroma, whether it is hot or cold. Especially in the case of watering, the difference will be clear. In addition, the company that operates this store is active in corporate CSR activities such as eliminating idle devastated land and educational collaboration with local high school students, and is an excellent company that represents Matsumoto City. I think that kind of attitude is reflected in the products we sell.
Akiyuki Nagai on Google

松本城観光の後に訪れるのにとても良い立地にあります。GOTOトラベルの地域共通クーポンが紙・電子の両方使えます。 信州と言えばそばですね。そばやそば粉を使ったお土産を買うことができます。 その他,信州醤油や味噌などの扱いもあります。こじんまりとしたお土産屋さんです。 写真はお土産に買った醤油と味噌です。味噌は三年味噌(赤味噌)と一年味噌(白味噌)がありました。せっかくなので両方購入しました。
It is in a very good location to visit after sightseeing in Matsumoto Castle. GOTO Travel regional coupons can be used both paper and electronic. Soba is the name of Shinshu. You can buy souvenirs made from buckwheat and buckwheat flour. In addition, we also handle Shinshu soy sauce and miso. It is a small souvenir shop. The photo shows the soy sauce and miso I bought as souvenirs. There were three years of miso (red miso) and one year of miso (white miso). I bought both because it was a big deal.
Paul Jean- on Google

名物どら焼きを買いに行きましたが売り切れ、、 代わりにクッキーと蕎麦茶を買い求めました。 センスの良い品揃えと店の雰囲気でした。 少し変わった信州土産が有ります。
I went to buy the famous Dorayaki, but it was sold out ... I bought cookies and buckwheat tea instead. It was a good selection of goods and the atmosphere of the store. There are some unusual Shinshu souvenirs.
Denis Bregeon on Google

This shop it worth a stop if you like buckwheat. The soba flavored soft ice and the cold brew soba infusion are summer favorites. They also sell a flour mix to make 'authentic' french galettes.

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