Site of Tōsandō Musashi-michi Highway - Kokubunji

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Site of Tōsandō Musashi-michi Highway

住所 :

2 Chome-10 Izumicho, Kokubunji, Tokyo 185-0024, Japan

Postal code : 185-0024
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

2 Chome-10 Izumicho, Kokubunji, Tokyo 185-0024, Japan
佐竹勝義 on Google

「東山道武蔵路遺構再生展示施設」 都から遠く離れた、武蔵の国に建設された、都と直結した古代官道を見ることで、古代中央集権国家を強く感じ取ることができます。 この官道は、直線道路を強く意識しており、非常に複雑な国分寺崖線の地形を直線道路で突破することについて、そのコース取りと、道路傾斜角度を緩やかにするため、切通し状にする等、よく研究、検討されています。 この再生展示施設は、道路断面を立体的に見せるため、本体は地下に保存し、1mほどかさ上げして再生展示しています。 この遺構に立って北を見ると、国分寺崖線を直線道路で突破する為、切通しにした理由がよく理解できます。
"Higashiyamado Musashiji Remains Reconstruction Exhibition Facility" You can strongly feel the ancient centralized nation by seeing the ancient government road directly connected to the city, which was built in Musashi Province, far from the city. This government road is strongly conscious of straight roads, and for breaking through the extremely complicated terrain of the Kokubunji cliff line with straight roads, make a cut-out shape to take the course and to make the road inclination angle gentle. Etc., are well researched and examined. In order to make the road cross section look three-dimensional, this reproduction exhibition facility stores the main body underground and raises it by about 1m for reproduction exhibition. If you stand on this remains and look north, you can understand the reason why you cut it because it breaks through the Kokubunji cliff line with a straight road.
小椋明夫 on Google

It is the remains of Musashiji, Higashiyamado, the main road built in the Nara period, and this shows the state of excavation. In addition, since it is displayed in a state where the road surface is dug, it may not seem like a road at first glance, but the space between the side grooves at both ends is a road surface, indicating the width of the road.
かじわらT on Google

It is a rare ruin called the remains of a road, but I think that the exhibition and explanation boards are well devised.
わるぬまだい on Google

奈良・平安時代に、こんなすごい道があったなんて驚きしかありません。 展示施設からまっすぐ、武蔵路が埋設・舗装されて再現されていますが、当時のスケールを体感できるのは貴重だと思います。 武蔵路の中央くらい(東京都公文書館の前あたり)にも説明版があるので必見です。
I am surprised that there was such a great way during the Nara and Heian periods. Musashiji has been buried and paved straight from the exhibition facility, but I think it is valuable to experience the scale at that time. There is an explanatory version in the middle of Musashiji (around Tokyo Archives), so it is a must-see.
喜谷健太郎 on Google

先ずは東山道武蔵路を含めた『古代道路』の説明から。 『大化の改新』により、諸豪族の支配から大和朝廷の中央集権国家へと生まれ変わる為には、日本全国に大和からの指令が届かねばならないし、必要ならば迅速な軍事行動もしなければならない。その為に大和朝廷は全国に道路網を作った。その1つが東山道であり、東山道と東海道を群馬県大田市~神奈川県海老名市迄を『ほぼ直線』で結んでいたバイパスが武蔵路である。古代道路の総延長は昭和に策定された第一次高速道路計画並みの約6300km。江戸時代の主要街道ですら幅員4mしかなかったにも関わらず、古代道路の幅員は12m以上と高規格。しかも場所によっては30kmをほぼ直線で施工していた。山があったら切通を作り、沢があったら埋め立てる。男塾の『直進行軍』並みの直進っぷりである。そんな道路が奈良時代にあったなんて信じられます!? そんな東山道武蔵路が綺麗に纏まって発掘された場所がコチラ。同時の道路規模が実感できる様な場所になっております…( *・ω・)ノ
First of all, from the explanation of “Ancient Road” including Musashiji, Higashiyama. In order to be reborn from the rule of various Australians to the centralized state of the Yamato Imperial Court through the “Daika Renovation”, the command from Yamato must reach all over Japan, and if necessary, rapid military action must be taken. . To that end, the Yamato Imperial Court created a road network throughout the country. One of them is the Higashiyama road, and the bypass that connects the Higashiyama road and the Tokaido road from Ota City, Gunma Prefecture to Ebina City, Kanagawa Prefecture, in a “straight line” is Musashi Road. The total length of the ancient road is about 6300 km, the same as the first expressway plan formulated in Showa. Even though the main roads of the Edo period were only 4m wide, the width of ancient roads is over 12m high. In addition, depending on the location, 30 km was constructed in a straight line. If there is a mountain, make a cut, and if there is a river, reclaim it. It ’s just as straight as the “Shinjuku Army” of Otokojuku. I can believe that such a road was in the Nara era! ? Click here for a place where such Musashiji in Higashiyamado was neatly excavated. It is a place where you can feel the road scale at the same time ... (* ・ ω ・) ノ
煎餅布団 on Google

I was impressed by the fact that I never knew that ancient road traces were cultural assets.
Mikisan on Google

The Tosan-do Musashi-ro trace is one of the seven ancient transportation routes connecting the capital and each country's prefecture, and is a return route (branch of the To-san road) to Musashi-kokufu, which is an ancient road trace.
昭和の残滓Z on Google

都立武蔵国分寺公園エリアと高層住宅の間に忽然と出現する車道よりも広い歩道が東山道武蔵道遺跡。 JR中央線の線路脇まで約500mが発掘されました。 律令時代の武蔵国の中心は国府があった今の府中市で、そこから今の群馬県の上野国までこの規模の幹線道路で繋がっていたのかと思うと壮大なスケールを感じざるをえません。 律令時代の東国経営は私の想像をはるかに超えていたのを思い知らされます。 このあたりは国府跡や武蔵国国分寺跡等、古代遺跡が点在する貴重なエリアです。
The Higashiyama-do Musashi-do ruins are a sidewalk that is wider than the road that suddenly appears between the metropolitan Musashi Kokubunji Park area and high-rise houses. About 500m was excavated to the side of the JR Chuo Line. The center of Musashi Province in the Ritsuryo era was Fuchu City, where the Kokufu was located, and I cannot help but feel the magnificent scale when I think that it was connected from there to Kozuke Province in Gunma Prefecture by a highway of this scale. .. It is reminded that the management of Togoku during the Ritsuryo era was far beyond my imagination. This area is a valuable area dotted with ancient ruins such as the ruins of Kokufu and the ruins of Musashi Kokubunji.

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