
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 真姿弁財天

住所 :

1 Chome−13, Nishimotomachi, Kokubunji, 〒185-0023 Tokyo,Japan

街 : Tokyo

1 Chome−13, Nishimotomachi, Kokubunji, 〒185-0023 Tokyo,Japan
櫻井敦 on Google

e kurakichi on Google

It is a cool and comfortable place even in midsummer
映猫ken on Google

真姿の池の中央にある小さな弁財天様のお堂? 小さいながらしっかりとしていて霊験新たかな面持ちをしています✨✨✨ また場所的に神秘的な雰囲気がしてパワースポットです?
A small Benzaiten-sama's hall in the center of the true pond ? It's small but solid and has a new look on the spiritual test ✨ ✨ ✨ It also has a mysterious atmosphere and is a power spot ?
山﨑清 on Google

It is a Mido in the spring pond. You enshrine Houten-sama in the water place. Where there is a waterfall, like Fudo-sama.
佐竹勝義 on Google

真姿の池は、国分寺崖線の数ある湧水の一つで、小さな池の中央に弁天様を祀る祠があり、お詣り出来るようになっています。清浄感溢れる池です。 ご本尊様のご開帳は、12年に一回と聞いています。 真姿の池の謂れは、平安時代に絶世の美女、玉造小町が重い皮膚病を患った際、この池の水で身を清めたところ、元の姿(真の姿)に戻ったので、それからは「真姿の池」と呼ばれるようになったそうです。 心のけがれた人々は、この池の水で身を清めてもらい、元の無垢の姿に戻ってもらいたいものです。
The true pond is one of the many springs on the Kokubunji cliff line, and there is a shrine enshrining Benzaiten in the center of the small pond, so you can pray. It is a pond full of cleanliness. I hear that the principal image is opened once every 12 years. The so-called true pond is because when Tamatsukuri Komachi, a beautiful woman in the Heian period, suffered from a serious skin disease, she was cleansed with the water of this pond and returned to her original form (true form). Since then, it has come to be called the "true pond." Those who are devoted to their hearts want to be cleansed by the water of this pond and return to their original innocent appearance.
梨本貴光 on Google

It's a wonderful place surrounded by clear water that makes you feel refreshed. Looking at the company, which has a long history and is well maintained, I think it is still worshiped and cherished. You can relax with the singing of birds and the buzz of trees.
おくまさま on Google

国分寺市西元町の真姿の池に祀られています。武蔵国分寺の旧境内地で古くより祀られていたといいます。 真姿の池には絶世の美女と謡われた玉造小町の伝説が残っています。847年(承和14年)に小町が皮膚病に冒され容色を失っていましたが、国分寺を訪れ薬師如来に祈ったところ一人の童子が現われて池の畔に誘い「この池水にて身を洗うべし」と告げました。お告げに従ったところ7日にして元の美しい姿を取り戻したことから、皮膚の病にご利益があると言われています。 ここに上流から流れてくる水は煮沸すれば飲めるそうですが、大丈夫でしょうかね。
It is enshrined in a true pond in Nishimotomachi, Kokubunji City. It is said that it was enshrined in the old precincts of Musashi Kokubunji for a long time. The legend of Tamatsukuri Komachi, which was sung as a beautiful woman, remains in the true pond. In 847 (Jōwa 14), Komachi suffered from a skin disease and lost his color, but when he visited Kokubunji and prayed to Yakushi Nyorai, a child appeared and invited him to the shore of the pond. Should be washed. " According to the announcement, it regained its original beautiful appearance on the 7th, so it is said to be beneficial for skin diseases. It seems that you can drink the water flowing from the upstream here if you boil it, but is that okay?
D. T. C. Wee on Google

Nifty little shrine with tiny moat, containing fish. The water nearby is apparently curative. From time to time you can see locals filling up bottles from the flowing drain.

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