RENAISSANCE Nishikokubunji - Kokubunji

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact RENAISSANCE Nishikokubunji

住所 :

2 Chome-9-2 Izumicho, Kokubunji, Tokyo 185-0024, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 185-0024
Webサイト :

2 Chome-9-2 Izumicho, Kokubunji, Tokyo 185-0024, Japan
k s on Google

Monthly fees will go up as if AI was introduced and it became convenient. There was too little explanation from the staff and it turned into a gym with no communication.
Seiji MANAGO on Google

The staff are cheerful and energetic. Since it is right next to the station, the time zone for returning to work is crowded, and lockers and showers used to be congested, but recently it is better if the gym area leaves by 11 pm on weekdays, so late-time users It has become more convenient and the congestion has been reduced considerably. Also, depending on the membership type, you can now use the 24-hour gym at no additional charge.
BU Z on Google

日曜日の朝居るフロントの女性が高圧的。スマフォで不具合で問い合わせをしているのに「使い方知っていますか?」 内容も聞かないで事務的に話すだけ。品質がどんどん下がって行く。行くのが楽しくなくなって来た。
The lady at the front desk on Sunday morning is overwhelming. "Do you know how to use it?" Just talk in a clerical way without asking the content. The quality goes down steadily. It's no longer fun to go.
ジャックナイフ on Google

I think it is an excellent sports club in this area. Are some machines a bit old? Occasionally, the sound of the TV sound is bad. The customer base is relatively old (night on weekdays).
Sweet Sound on Google

冷水器がびっくりするほど汚なく、黒カビのような汚れが昨年末から放置されている トイレの便座除菌クリーナーの補充がとても遅い コロナ禍で特に衛生面が気になる
The water cooler is surprisingly clean, and dirt like black mold has been left unattended since the end of last year. Replenishment of toilet seat disinfectant cleaner is very slow I am particularly concerned about hygiene due to the corona
GoD 。 on Google

Elderly people are lined up to the parking lot before the opening. It's not popular, especially now in Corona, everyone is active in the morning, and it seems that they are complaining that the store opens late even around me, or the idea that a major gym can pay a high 24 hours, I can not listen to the opinions of customers. Poor elderly people who have been waiting for a long time ? Even I, who is in my thirties, is still in line. ?
あーる on Google

Ideal for refreshing a dull body with a nest. Depending on the membership plan, you can use the time differently, so you can train at the time that suits you.
Danner K on Google

設備は良いのですが、運営が最悪です。プールは各コースの端に何人もの年寄りがたむろしてマスク無しで話したい放題。もちろん会話禁止のルールは有りますが、ルネサンスも「我々はルールを作って感染対策してます。」というポーズだけで、そのルールを破ってる人を注意なんて何もしません。プールサイドのスタッフは15分に1回ルーチンでプール内に沈んでる人がいないかを形式的に見ているだけで、その直ぐ下で大声で話してる話してても何一つ注意もしません。 設備は良いので、そういう無法地帯に耐えられる人はどんどん行くと良いでしょう。
The facilities are good, but the operation is the worst. The pool is all-you-can-eat with many elderly people hanging out at the end of each course and wanting to talk without a mask. Of course, there is a rule that prohibits conversation, but the Renaissance also does nothing to pay attention to those who break that rule, just by posing "We make rules and take measures against infection." The poolside staff only formally sees if anyone is sinking in the pool once every 15 minutes, and isn't careful if you talk loudly just below it. The facilities are good, so people who can tolerate such lawless zones should go on and on.

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