Site of Kabayama Station - Mutsu

3.8/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact Site of Kabayama Station

住所 :

Shimodaira Tanabu, Mutsu, Aomori 035-0021, Japan

Postal code : 035-0021

Shimodaira Tanabu, Mutsu, Aomori 035-0021, Japan
まひどーん on Google

菊池光弘 on Google

takashi aota on Google

氣仙裕次郎 on Google

北近畿海山景観 on Google

There is Hiyama soba. Shimokita's famous soba is available.
ジョンスミス on Google

2021.5 来訪 下北交通大畑線の廃駅の中で、唯一現存し立ち入ることのできる無人駅。 なんの保存管理や転用もされていない廃駅の駅舎が現存するのはかなり珍しい例ではないだろうか。 駅には駅舎のほか、信号設備や踏切設備、信号ケーブルの大半が残っており、年数相応に風化しつつも営業当時の風景を微かに残している。 駅舎はガラスが割れてトビラも既に機能していない(営業当時からそうだったという情報もあり)が、それでも放置された時間を鑑みればとても綺麗な状態で残されており、駅舎内を吹き抜ける風がとても心地よく、営業当時の風景を想像し追憶にふけながら暫く駅舎内のベンチに腰掛けたものである。 そして地元保育園が設置した「善意の傘」が泣ける。駅は色褪せてもこの絵は色褪せることがない。営業当時はたくさんの旅人に使われたのだろうか。この絵を描いた子はもういい大人だろうか。 営業当時から冬期営業休止駅であり航空写真からも鬱蒼な森の中の駅なのだろうと思っていたが、思ったより近くに農場や民家もありそこまで暗いイメージはない。 また樺山駅跡に限らずほとんどの駅が今でも地域住民の近道になっているようで、踏み跡や刈ったような跡があり今の時期であれば到達するのはそこまで難しくはない。ただし既に薮が深くなっていたり水が溜まっていたりする箇所も点在するほか、蜂の巣の跡もあるため夏場はそれなりの装備と勇気が必要だろう。
2021.5 Visit Among the abandoned stations on the Shimokita Kotsu Ohata Line, this is the only existing and accessible unmanned station. Isn't it a very rare example that a station building of an abandoned station that has not been preserved or diverted exists? In addition to the station building, most of the signal equipment, railroad crossing equipment, and signal cables remain at the station, and while weathering for the number of years, the scenery at the time of business is slightly preserved. The glass of the station building is broken and the dandruff is no longer functioning (there is information that it has been so since the time of business), but it is still in a very beautiful state considering the time left, and the wind that blows through the station building. It was very comfortable, and I sat on the bench in the station building for a while, imagining the scenery at the time of business and indulging in recollections. And the "good faith umbrella" set up by the local nursery school cries. Even if the station fades, this picture will not fade. Was it used by many travelers at the time of business? Is the child who drew this picture a good adult? From the time of business, it was a station that was closed in winter, and I thought from the aerial photographs that it was a station in a dense forest, but there are farms and private houses closer than I expected, so there is no dark image. In addition, most stations, not just Kabayama station, still seem to be shortcuts for local residents, and there are traces of footsteps and mowing, so it is not so difficult to reach at this time of year. However, there are places where the bushes have already become deep and water has accumulated, and there are also traces of beehives, so it will be necessary to have some equipment and courage in the summer.

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