Site of Jurakudai Villa

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Contact Site of Jurakudai Villa

住所 :

Shinmotocho, Kamigyo Ward, 〒602-8125 Kyoto,Japan

Webサイト :
街 : Kyoto

Shinmotocho, Kamigyo Ward, 〒602-8125 Kyoto,Japan
MMT 1989 on Google

晴明神社からブラブラ歩いていたら偶然見つけた。少し西のところに手作りの説明書きがあった。 聚楽第の跡形もないところが、逆に歴史を雄弁に語ってる気がする。
I happened to find it while walking around from Seimei Shrine. There was a handmade explanation a little west. There is no trace of Jurakudai, but on the contrary, I feel that he speaks eloquently about history.
yoshinori takahashi on Google

太閤殿下の夢の跡。 京都市街に数カ所の石碑のみ残ります。
The trace of the dream of His Highness Taiko. Only a few stone monuments remain in the city of Kyoto.
Image Creation Studio on Google

A stone monument stands at the corner of the road in a residential area. I don't know without navigation. There is no parking lot, so I couldn't feel the emotion just by taking a picture.
森昭二 on Google

聚楽第跡を示す石碑ですが、石碑の側面には「此付近 大内裏及聚楽第東濠跡」と書かれています。ということは、この辺りは聚楽第の東の端ということですね。本丸跡には場所を示すものはないのでしょうか?他の方のクチコミには説明板があると書かれていましたが、私が行ったときには、ありませんでした。風で飛ばされてしまったのでしょうか? いずれにせよ、壮麗を極めたかつての大城郭を偲ぶものは何もありません。であるならば、佐々木酒造に行って、純米吟醸の「聚楽第」でも買って飲むとしようか(笑)!
It is a stone monument showing the Juraku No. ruins. On the side of the monument, it is written "This neighborhood @ Ouchi back and Juraku No. Higashi moat." That means that this area is the eastern end of Juraku Dai. Is there any indication of the location of the Honmaru trace? The word of mouth of the other person stated that there was an explanation board, but when I went, it did not. Have you been blown away by the wind? In any case, there is nothing reminiscent of the magnificent former castle. If so, let's go to Sasaki Shuzo and buy and drink Junmai Ginjo's "Juraku Dai" (laughs)!
Hiroshi Kyoto on Google

聚楽第は関白になった豊臣秀吉の政庁兼邸宅として1586年(天正14年)2月に着工され、翌1587年(天正15年)9月に完成したために、妙顕寺城より移りました。 この石碑は、1992年(平成4年)の発掘調査で本丸東堀跡の遺構が見つかり大量の金箔瓦が出土した西陣公共職業安定所の北に建っている聚楽第は現在では地形にわずかに痕跡をとどめる程度で、明確な遺構は残っていません。上記のように移築されたとの伝承がある建造物も少なくありませんが、いまのところ聚楽第の遺構と確認された建造物はありません。ただし、地名には、「須浜町」「須浜池町」「天秤丸町」「山里町」「北之御門町」「高台院町」「東堀町」などなお当時の名残を色濃く残している。また「如水町」「小寺町」「浮田町」「飛弾殿町」「田村備前町」「福島町」「中書町」    「直家町」など秀吉麾下(きか)の武将の名を冠した地名も多く見られます。 石碑の東面には「大内裏及聚楽第東濠跡」と書かれており、ここは東濠跡です。 西の中立売通裏門の石碑は、西濠跡です。 現在、中立売通大宮西北角(本丸東堀があったとされる地点と中立売通裏門南西角(本丸西堀があったとされる地点)の2箇所に『聚楽第址』の石碑があり、昔ここに聚楽第があったことを示しています。聚楽第があったとされる地域一帯は民家が密集していて発掘調査ができない。しかし西陣公共職業安定所(ハローワーク)建て替え工事が行われていた1992年(平成4年)に、工事現場の地中から金箔の付着した瓦約600点が出土した。そこは聚楽第本丸東堀があったとされる地点であり、太閤(豊臣秀吉)ゆかりのデザイン瓦だったため、聚楽第の屋敷に使用されたものと考えられ、2002年(平成14年)6月26日国の重要文化財に指定されました。 Juraku Dai was started in February 1586 (Tensho 14) as the government office and mansion of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who became Kampaku, and was completed in September 1587 (Tensho 15), so it moved from Myokenji Castle. This stone monument is located north of the Nishijin Public Employment Security Office, where the remains of the Honmaru Higashibori site were found in an excavation survey in 1992 and a large amount of gold leaf tiles were excavated. There are no clear remains left, just to keep it. There are many buildings that are said to have been relocated as described above, but so far no building has been confirmed to be the remains of Jurakudai. However, the place names still retain the remnants of those days, such as "Suhama-cho," "Suhama-ike-cho," "Tenbinmaru-cho," "Yamazato-cho," "Kitanogomon-cho," "Kodain-cho," and "Higashihoricho-cho." In addition, place names bearing the name of Hideyoshi's military commander, such as "Nyosuicho," "Koderamachi," "Ukitacho," "Hidandencho," "Tamurabizencho," "Fukushimacho," "Chushocho," and "Naoyacho." Is also often seen. On the east side of the stone monument, "Heian Palace and Jurakudai East Moat Ruins" is written, and this is the East Moat Ruins. The stone monument at the back gate of Nakadachiuri-dori in the west is the ruins of Nishimochi. Currently, there are two stone monuments of "Jurakudai Ruins" at the northwest corner of Omiya, Nakadachiuri (the point where the eastern moat of Honmaru was located) and the southwest corner of the back gate of Nakadachiuri (the point where the west moat of Honmaru was located). It indicates that there was Jurakudai. The area where Jurakudai was said to have been densely populated with private houses and cannot be excavated. However, the reconstruction work of the Nishijin Public Employment Security Office (Hello Work) was being carried out in 1992 (Heisei). In 4th year), about 600 tiles with gold foil were excavated from the ground at the construction site. It is said that there was Jurakudai Honmaru Higashibori, and because it was a design tile related to Taiko (Toyoomi Hidekichi), Jurakudai It is believed that it was used in the mansion of the country, and was designated as a national important cultural property on June 26, 2002.
Juraku Dai was started in February 1586 (Tensho 14) as the government office and residence of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who became Kampaku, and was completed in September 1587 (Tensho 15), so it moved from Myokenji Castle. This stone monument is located north of the Nishijin Public Employment Security Office, where the remains of the Honmaru Higashibori site were found in an excavation survey in 1992 and a large amount of gold leaf tiles were excavated. There are no clear remains left, just to keep it. There are many buildings that are said to have been relocated as described above, but so far no building has been confirmed to be the remains of Jurakudai. However, the place names still retain the remnants of those days, such as "Suhama-cho," "Suhama-ike-cho," "Tenbinmaru-cho," "Yamazato-cho," "Kitanogomon-cho," "Kodain-cho," and "Higashihoricho." In addition, place names bearing the names of Hideyoshi's warlords such as "Nyosuicho", "Koderamachi", "Ukitacho", "Hidandencho", "Tamurabizencho", "Fukushimacho", "Chushocho", and "Naoyacho". Is also often seen. On the east side of the stone monument, it is written "Ouchi Ura and Jurakudai East Moat Ruins", which is the East Moat Ruins. The stone monument at the back gate of Nakadachiuri-dori in the west is the ruins of Nishimochi. Currently, there are two stone monuments of "Jurakudai" at the northwest corner of Omiya, Nakadachiuri (the point where the eastern moat of Honmaru was located) and the southwest corner of the back gate of Nakadachiuri (the point where the west moat of Honmaru was). It indicates that Jurakudai was located. The area where Jurakudai was located is densely populated with private houses and cannot be excavated. However, the reconstruction work of the Nishijin Public Employment Security Office (Hello Work) was being carried out in 1992 (Heisei). In 4th year), about 600 tiles with gold foil were excavated from the ground at the construction site. It is said that there was Jurakudai Honmaru Higashibori, and because it was a design tile related to Taiko (Toyoomi Hidekichi), Jurakudai It is believed that it was used in the mansion of the country, and was designated as a national important cultural property on June 26, 2002. Juraku Dai was started in February 1586 (Tensho 14) as the government office and mansion of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who became Kampaku, and was completed in September 1587 (Tensho 15), so it moved from Myokenji Castle. This stone monument is located north of the Nishijin Public Employment Security Office, where the remains of the Honmaru Higashibori site were found in an excavation survey in 1992 and a large amount of gold leaf tiles were excavated. There are no clear remains left, just to keep it. There are many buildings that are said to have been relocated as described above, but so far no buildings has been confirmed to be the remains of Jurakudai. However, the place names still retain the remnants of those days, such as "Suhama-cho," "Suhama-ike-cho," "Tenbinmaru-cho," "Yamazato-cho," "Kitanogomon-cho," "Kodain- cho, "and" Higashihoricho-cho. "In addition, place names bearing the name of Hideyoshi's military commander, such as" Nyosuicho, "" Koderamachi, "" Ukitacho, "" Hidendencho, "" Tamurabizencho, "" Fukushimacho, "" Chushocho, "and" Naoyacho. "Is also often seen. On the east side of the stone monument, "Heian Palace and Jurakudai East Moat Ruins" is written, and this is the East Moat Ruins. The stone monument at the back gate of Nakadachiuri-dori in the west is the ruins of Nishimochi. Currently, there are two stone monuments of "Jurakudai Ruins" at the northwest corner of Omiya, Nakadachiuri (the point where the eastern moat of Honmaru was located) and the southwest corner of the back gate of Nakadachiuri (the point where the west moat of) Honmaru was located). It indicates that there was Jurakudai. The area where Jurakudai was said to have been densely populated with private houses and cannot be excavated. However, the reconstruction work of the Nishijin Public Employment Security Office (Hello Work) was being carried out in 1992 (Heisei). In 4th year), about 600 tiles with gold foil were excavated from the ground at the construction site. It is said that there was Jurakudai Honmaru Higashibori, and because it was a design tile related to Taiko (Toyoomi) Hidekichi), Jurakudai It is believed that it was used in the mansion of the country, and was designated as a national important cultural property on June 26, 2002.
居場嘉津治 on Google

Hideyoshi Toyotomi was completed in 1586 the following year, and is being built as a government office built in Kyoto. Juraku-Dai is a castle built near the Imperial Palace as a relationship that appointed a profession in the previous year. This is made in a place in the back of Heiankyo in 794. The structure was built around the moat as Honmaru, and there was a residence of Shigenomi Hideyoshi around it. There are ruins such as Kuroda Kanaka, Uesugi Kagekatsu, Maeda Toshiie, and a stone monument stands. Honmaru is the same size as Ichijo-dori in the north, Jocho-cho in the south, Omiya-dori in the east, and Uramon-dori in the west. There are two Juraku stone monuments, which are located at Honmaru Higashibori Ruins Neutral Sales Omiya West and Nishibori Ruins Neutral. In 1586, Shuji scrambles between the willows of Koyasan, and will be destroyed in August of the following year. Most of the materials have been moved to Fushimi Castle. Since each town has been relocated, it still remains in Fushimi Ward as Jurakucho. In addition, the Juraku first remains are located at the Karatoku of Daitokuji Temple and Murasakino in Kitaoji, only open on specific days, on Hiunkaku in Nishi Honganji, and in Horikawa Shichijo. It is 3 minutes from Kuramaguchi Station. In addition, there is a well trace that is said to be a rainy season well used in Juraku Dai. It is located in Omiya Jochojamachi, and Shorinji is a hill about 3 meters down. This is Juraku's southern carving. It is located at Chieko-in. Hideyoshi also maintains the town. At that time, the town of Kyoto was divided into square towns, houses were built around it, and the middle was used as a vacant land for fields. In the middle of it, a road of about 2 meters is built, and the house rises behind the house, and the population of 30,000 is dramatically increased to 100,000. There is a place where the road at that time remains as a town street in Kankan. Going up to Gojo Takakura There is Bukkoji Temple at the entrance. The address also remains as a town in between. Hideyoshi has also created a dough around the city of Kyoto, taking into account the safety of the city. The soil is piled up next to the soil. The height was about 8 meters. You can see the Doi on the north side of Buddhist University and Tenmangu Shrine. Kuramaguchi is the place where the exit of the doi was located.
masahiro maeda on Google

There is only a stone monument indicating the location of the east and west moats. As it is called "toe", there was a gorgeous castle built by Hideyoshi around 1587. Hideyoshi conducted affairs here as Minister of Government. It is a 20-minute walk from Nijo Station, and the bus is accessible from the Omiya Nakadachiuri bus stop.
白ベイ on Google

上京区中立売通大宮通北東角に「聚楽第趾」があったことを示す石碑と説明書きがあります。向かい側がハローワーク西陣になるので分かり易い場所になります。 聚楽第(じゅらくてい・じゅらくだい)は、関白となった豊臣秀吉が京都に置いた政庁兼邸宅である。これ以前は、妙顕寺城を拠点としていたが聚楽邸の完成により廃されている。 天正14年(1586年)、平安時代の内裏跡地に築城を開始、翌年完成した。完成後は大阪城より移り住み、本拠としている。 関白職を甥の豊臣秀次に譲った後は、聚楽邸は秀次の邸宅となった。その後、秀吉に嫡子秀頼の誕生により諸説理由はあるが秀次が切腹となり、主のいなくなった聚楽第は破却されています。 完成から破却まで8年間であり不明な点が多い聚楽第ですが、建物の一部は、京都市内のお寺等に移築されていたりするので当時の感じをしることができます。 ここから西に約300mのところにある正親小学校の前には「聚楽第本丸西濠跡」碑があります。
There is a stone monument and a description indicating that there was "Jurakudai Toe" in the northeast corner of Omiya-dori, Nakadachiuri-dori, Kamigyo-ku. The opposite side is Hello Work Nishijin, so it's an easy-to-understand place. Jurakudai is a government office and mansion set up in Kyoto by Hideyoshi Toyotomi, who became Kampaku. Before this, it was based at Myokenji Castle, but it has been abolished due to the completion of Jurakudai. In the 14th year of the Tensho era (1586), the castle was built on the site of the inner lining of the Heian period, and was completed the following year. After completion, he moved from Osaka Castle and is based there. After handing over the Kampaku profession to his nephew Toyotomi Hidetsugu, Jurakudai became Hidetsugu's residence. After that, Hideyoshi was born with Hideyori Toyotomi, and although there were various reasons, Hidetsugu became seppuku, and Jurakudai, who lost the Lord, was destroyed. It takes eight years from completion to destruction, and there are many unclear points, but some of the buildings have been relocated to temples in Kyoto, so you can feel the feeling of those days. There is a monument of "Jurakudai Honmaru Nishimochi Ruins" in front of Masachika Elementary School, which is about 300m west of here.

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