Shishizakiinari Shrine - Miyazu

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shishizakiinari Shrine

住所 :

Miyazu, Kyoto 626-0065, Japan

Postal code : 626-0065
Webサイト :

Miyazu, Kyoto 626-0065, Japan
西村恒太朗 on Google

とにかくミツバツツジの時期は、かなりオススメだよ^ ^景色に癒されます。 インスタ kotaro3158110 でも紹介してますよ^ ^ 恒太朗
Anyway, I highly recommend the time of azaleas ^ ^ The scenery will heal you. Instagram kotaro3158110 But I will introduce it ^ ^ Kotaro
KO HA on Google

It is a famous spot of honeybee azalea, which is surrounded by the bright pink of about 1000 dark pinks that surround the vermilion torii. I think this is a perfect spot for cherry blossom viewing when it is a perfect day for a spring outing. The dark pink flowers, the blue sea, and the vermilion of the torii are really beautiful, but, maybe because of the sweet honey of the honeybee azalea, it's always buzzing on my head... the one who hates insects is mentally powerful. I think it is a perfect environment for training. Is it in full bloom from early April to mid April?
諏訪栄子 on Google

天橋立の対岸に在りあまり観光客も来ないのでは?朱塗りの鳥居が幾重にも中段には神社が頂上には祠が奉ってあります、頂上からは天橋立が横一列に観られる。 駐車場は無いけど、1台なら置けるスペースが有りますよ?
Maybe there aren't many tourists on the other side of Amanohashidate? A number of red-painted torii gates have a shrine in the middle of the shrine, and a shrine at the top of the shrine. There is no parking lot, but there is space for one car ?
東佳子 on Google

長い石段を登れば小さな祠がある。 そこから見える景色はなかなか綺麗♪ 内田康夫先生の浅見光彦シリーズ33「蜃気楼」のロケで速水もこみちが来たこともある。
If you climb the long stone steps, you will find a small shrine. The scenery you can see from there is pretty beautiful ♪ Mocomichi Hayami has also come to the location of Yasuo Uchida's Mitsuhiko Asami series 33 "Shinkirou".
yukie s on Google

さくっと上がると見晴らしもよい。 (6月27日来訪)
The view is good when you go up quickly. (Visit on June 27)
小林賢次 on Google

結構急な階段を登るので体力的にきついです 中腹から見える宮津湾の方が良いです 頂上は木が邪魔して景観は良くないです
It's physically tough because you're climbing a fairly steep staircase. It's better to see Miyazu Bay from the middle. The scenery is not good because the trees are in the way at the top.
ゆきちゃん on Google

In order to conquer the Amanohashidate view by car, it is first necessary to suppress the view from the east side. There is no parking lot near here, and a few cars can be parked at the entrance of the shrine. (free)
Dr. Anthony J. Toledo on Google

Beautiful site! According to the sign here, this is one of the top ten scenic views in Amanohashidate.

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