Shishito Gobuichi - Nagano

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shishito Gobuichi

住所 :

426-2 Takada, Nagano, 381-0034, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 381-0034
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM

426-2 Takada, Nagano, 381-0034, Japan
NRP on Google

The daily lunch of 600 yen including tax is popular, and several cars are parked before the opening on weekday afternoons. The regular menus other than the daily menu are large and satisfying. I saw many people eating cutlet curry and ankake fried noodles. Many box tissues instead of paper napkins are placed on the aisle side.
ks shima on Google

If I went one hour before the end of business at noon, I could eat early and go home, and the aura was amazing. Even before the closing time, if there are no customers, it will be closed. It's cold because the seats are low.
あらら?arara? on Google

毎度のことながら、またしても恥をさらしてしまおう。私ほど金銭を知らぬものはいない。無頓着、というほど持ってもいないし稼いでもいないから、単に「知らない」とだけ申告しておく。ローンの金利が1%だとしたら、総額に0.001をかけてからそれを足して12ヶ月で割ってから。などという有様では本業に支障が出るレベルなのだが、今さらどうにもしようがない。当然、長期プライムレートだの、マクロ経済だのと専門用語を並べられてもアップクチキリキアッパッパァ(©️江戸川乱歩)だ。まぁ経済そのものがわからないという事だ。   消費が少ない だからよくないのだという。市井の人びとがものを買わない、あるいは買い控えているからお金が回らない、いつまで経っても景気がよくならない。というほどの意味だと解釈しているのだが、バカを言っちゃァいけねぇよ。今どき物が売れないのはカネがない、あるいは欲しいものがないからだろう。稼ぎが少ないから高いものが売れない。欲しいものがないわけがない、物欲は消えない、私は愛人が欲し…いのはともかく、そういった煩悩は別として、日常生活に必要なもの。テレビはある、電子レンジもある、DVDもBlu-rayプレイヤーもある、食べ物も同様に家の中にないものはない。そんな状況下でものが売れると思うか?それだけで景気の動向を計っているわけではないだろうが、適当な理由をつけているだけのようにしかみえない。そんな事では、みながみか萎縮するだけでますます悪い方へと転がっていくとしか思えない。  とはいえ、50すぎたロートルはまだよいだろう。良くも悪くもひと通りの事は終わってしまったし、あとは下り坂転げ落ちていくだけだ。ただ、若者たちのために萎縮しっぱなしはよくないだろう。バブル時代のように、とは言わないが、もう少し元気な社会に戻してあげるのがわれわれ大人の仕事だろう。かつての山本直純のように「大きいことはいいことだ」といえるように。   「ししとう」 長野市有数の定食屋さん。がっつりデカ盛りといえばここだろう。麺類といい、定食ものといいお腹いっぱい間違いなしの店だ。そして今回はフラッグシップともいえるメニューを注文した。  「チキンカツカレー 」 レギュラーサイズも大盛りも同一価格となれば、後者を選択するのは当然であろう。大盛りとは、チキンカツもデカい、カレーの量もすごい。チキンカツは両手のひらを広げたほどのサイズだ。厚みこそないが、鶏肉らしくジューシー。カレーは辛さはあまり感じさせないが、けっこうスパイシー。千切りキャベツとカレーを攪拌して食すと、また別の世界が現出する。あぁ素晴らしき世界、大きいことはいいことだ。   景気とは所詮のこと"気"の問題であるという。気分など、下を向けば向くほど下降するものなのだ。空でもよし、元気出していこうではないか。
As always, let's be ashamed again. Nothing knows the money like I do. I simply don't know because I don't have or earn money as casually. If the interest rate on the loan is 1%, multiply the total by 0.001 and then add it and divide by 12 months. In such a situation, it is at a level that hinders the main business, but there is nothing I can do about it now. Of course, even if the terminology is listed as long-term prime rate or macroeconomic, it is up-close-up (@ ️Ranpo Edogawa). Well, I do not know the economy itself. Low consumption. That's why it's not good. Ichii people do not buy things, or they are refraining from buying them, so money does not turn around, and the economy does not improve forever. That's what I mean, but don't be stupid. Nowadays, things don't sell because there's no money or nothing you want. I can't sell high things because I earn little. There's nothing I can't afford, my greed doesn't go away, I just want a lover ... aside from that annoyance, that's what I need for everyday life. There are TVs, microwaves, DVDs and Blu-ray players, and there is no food in the house as well. Do you think you can sell things under such circumstances? It doesn't measure economic activity by itself, but it just seems to give a good reason. In such a case, it can only be said that everyone will only be atrophied and roll down to the worse. However, a rotor that's been over 50 may still be good. For better or worse, the whole thing is over, and all you have to do is roll downhill. But it won't be good to stay withered for young people. It is the job of our adults to return to a more energetic society, though not to say that it was in the bubble era. Like the former Naozumi Yamamoto, "Large things are good things." "Shishito" One of Nagano's leading set meals. Speaking of the big ass here is probably here. It is a shop that is definitely called noodles, full of set meals, and definitely full. And this time I ordered a flagship menu. "Chicken cutlet curry" If the regular size and the large serving are the same price, it is natural to choose the latter. A large serving means that the chicken cutlet is huge and the amount of curry is amazing. Chicken cutlet is about the size of your palms. Not thick but juicy like chicken. Curry doesn't feel too hot, but it's quite spicy. Stirring shredded cabbage and curry will eat another world. Oh, wonderful world, big things are good. The economy is, after all, a matter of "ki". The lower you turn, the lower your mood. It's OK in the sky, so let's get well.
Hiroyuki Atobe on Google

ご飯大盛りの量がやばいお店です。満腹間違いなし。 この日は開店と同時に入店し、日替わりのとんかつ定食大盛りを頼みました。 回りの皆さんは「小盛り」などとオーダーしてるので、おおっ?と思ったら出てきたのがこのライス。 はっきり言って大満足です。 僅か600円でこの量は、なかなか見かけませんよ。 とてもおいしかった。 ごちそうさまでした。
It's a restaurant with a large amount of rice. There is no doubt that you will be full. On this day, I entered the store at the same time as the store opened and asked for a large serving of pork cutlet set meals that changed daily. Everyone around me is ordering "small servings", so oh? When I thought about it, this rice came out. To be clear, I am very satisfied. It's only 600 yen and you can't see this amount. was very delicious. Thank you for the meal.
Snow Talk on Google

以前は、コスパが良く美味しく、ボリュームたっぷりでご飯も味噌汁もお代わりが出来てお気に入りだったのですが… 随分値上がりしてしまった様です。
In the past, I used to like the cospa, which was delicious and had plenty of volume, so I could replace rice and miso soup ... It seems that the price has risen considerably.
toshi miya on Google

Today I asked Musco who wants to eat delicious chicken nanban. Musco and Kami received the popular chicken nanban. I made anko fried noodles. A refreshing sauce with a salty taste. The noodles are medium-sized noodles that are crispy and salted and fried. Dumplings are common dumplings. It will be a standard dumpling, neither good nor bad.
tama negi on Google

大盛りの量がとても多いので注意しましょう。名物あんかけ焼きそばの大盛りに関してはエアーズロックのような形状をしていました。量が多く、美味しいのでおすすめです。 ご飯はおかわりできます。個人的にはチキンカツカレーの大盛りご飯少なめが好きです。
Please note that the amount of large servings is very large. The large serving of the famous Ankake Yakisoba was shaped like Ayers Rock. It is recommended because it is large in quantity and delicious. Rice can be refilled. Personally, I like a large serving of chicken cutlet curry and a small amount of rice.
Shige SHIMOYAMA on Google

Good place to take lunch and or dinner. Large serve, very tasty, and quick serve with inexpensive prices. Free refills of rice and Miso soup. Ordered a set meal of fried chicken for lunch, it was delicious. A parking lot is available, cash only except PayPay.

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