Toyopet Mineyama - Kyōtango

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Toyopet Mineyama

住所 :

500-1 Mineyamacho Nagaoka, Kyōtango, Kyoto 627-0042, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 627-0042
Webサイト :

500-1 Mineyamacho Nagaoka, Kyōtango, Kyoto 627-0042, Japan
河本聖二 on Google

快適でした サービスもよかったです
Was comfortable The service was also good
永吉俊彦 on Google

Today, the car was in a bad condition, so I checked it, thank you for always being polite.
木屋野晃一 on Google

The clerks are kind, polite and smile
Fity Poly on Google

The sales person has responded as if he was looking down. I won't buy this! ️
敵刺あさやん on Google

車の不調で見てもらいました ズバリ的中 プラグ交換で絶好調になりました さすがディーラーありがとうございました
I had you see it because of a car malfunction Thank you to the dealer, as expected, it was in great shape due to the replacement of the plug.
塩見政広 on Google

アクアのハイブリッドチェックランプが点いたので即刻持ち込んだけどすぐに見てくれました 駆動バッテリーの電圧低下でした(TT)
The aqua hybrid check lamp was on, so I brought it in immediately, but he saw it immediately. The voltage of the drive battery was low (TT).
ぽんぽん山ぽんすけ on Google

イベントで訪問。自動車購入でないにも関わらず丁寧な応対を受けました。 応対頂いた方以外のスタッフもお出迎えお見送りがあり、気持ちよく帰ることができました。 次回、自動車購入検討時には候補に入れたい店舗です。
Visit at the event. I received a polite response despite not being a car purchase. The staff other than the one who had received the meeting were also welcomed off and were able to return home comfortably. The next time you want to consider it as a candidate when considering purchasing a car.
しげ on Google

The sales people responded with a smile and gave me a good explanation, so I was able to purchase it very comfortably.

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