Shibahashi - Yoshino District

4.5/5 に基づく 4 レビュー

Contact Shibahashi

住所 :

Yoshino, Yoshino District, Nara 639-3446, Japan

Postal code : 639-3446
Webサイト :

Yoshino, Yoshino District, Nara 639-3446, Japan
Wa Wa on Google

Shibahashi is a bridge on the former Higashi Kumano Kaido that was also written in old books. The area around Miyano Falls on the Yoshino River over Shibabashi has long been known as a summer resort for many people, and you can still enjoy the beauty of the mountain stream.
若杉昌司 on Google

It is a wonderful view from the south end of this bridge.
みねやん on Google

素敵な眺望を楽しめる橋もですね。 所々にフェンスを開放して撮影スポットヲ準備してくれています!
There is also a bridge where you can enjoy a wonderful view. The fences have been opened here and there to prepare for shooting spots!
Suke Maru on Google

宮滝遺跡もほど近く、離宮があった歴史のある場所に架かる橋。 もともとは国道であり、その証拠に橋を渡った後の川上村方面は現国道に合流するまで2車線センターラインつきの広い道である(総じて下流方面の左岸側は五條市まで道が狭隘)。 この周辺は渓谷になっていて、特に冬場の水量が少なく流れが緩いときの吉野川が非常に美しい。 橋の両サイドにフェンスが後からつけられているが、飛び込み遊びのスポットとして町外から来た者が水難事故をよく起こした由。夏になるとヘリコプターが上流方面に向かっていくことがしばしばあり、案の定その件でニュースが流れていた。 見た目以上の深さがあり、流れもきついため地元民はまずそんなことはしない。
A bridge over the historical place where the detached palace was located, near the Miyataki site. Originally it was a national highway, and as evidence of this, the direction of Kawakami Village is a wide road with a two-lane center line until it joins the current national highway (generally, the road to Gojo City is narrow on the left bank side of the downstream direction). This area is a valley, and the Yoshino River is very beautiful, especially when the amount of water is small and the flow is slow in winter. Fences are attached to both sides of the bridge afterwards, but people from outside the town often caused water accidents as a spot for diving. In the summer, helicopters often headed upstream, and as expected, the news was flowing. Locals rarely do that because it is deeper than it looks and the flow is tight.

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