Senkunan - Nagoya

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Senkunan

住所 :

千薫庵 1 Chome-2701 Inokoishi, Meito Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 465-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87788
Postal code : 465-0021

千薫庵 1 Chome-2701 Inokoishi, Meito Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 465-0021, Japan
田中努 on Google

家族で利用。 個室にて丁寧に焼いていただき、焼けるまでの間はお庭を眺めながら会話も弾みました。 お肉や野菜、食べ物に関するお話をシェフが教えてくれるのであっという間に焼き上がった印象。 交通アクセスは難ありですが、それを補って余りある、お店の雰囲気とお肉でした。
Used by families. We had them grilled carefully in a private room, and until it was grilled, we had a lively conversation while looking at the garden. The chef tells us stories about meat, vegetables, and food, so the impression is that it was baked in no time. Transportation access is difficult, but the atmosphere and meat of the restaurant was more than compensated for.
Kjtm'j& W'nJdo on Google

ステーキコース\12,000~13,000と酒を少々注文しました。 全室個室で、庭園散策ができる格調高い雰囲気のお店は、 老舗旅館の佇まいでした。 個室には、鉄板テーブルが設置され、我々の目の前で調理人さんが 料理してくれました。 肉は当然ながら美味い。 ただ、美味いのはこの高級な佇まいが+αしているからでしょう。 高級な和の雰囲気を出したい接待などビジネスシーンにも適しているでしょう。
I ordered a steak course \ 12,000 ~ 13,000 and a little sake. All the private rooms have a magnificent atmosphere where you can take a walk in the garden. It was the appearance of a long-established inn. An iron plate table is installed in the private room, and the cook is in front of us. He cooked me. The meat is naturally delicious. However, it is delicious because this high-class appearance is + α. It will be suitable for business scenes such as entertainment where you want to create a high-class Japanese atmosphere.
成田勉 on Google

料亭の様な鉄板ステーキ屋さん。 初めての来訪です。 私の知る範囲で強いて近い雰囲気のお店をあげると 半田市の森牧場か岐阜市のお座敷肉料理 潜龍かな。 だけど庭園などのしつらえが 料亭に来たみたい。 もう食事する前から満足感で腹いっぱい気分。 鉄板焼きについては20時まで営業という影響があるのかな。。 一気に焼いて出された感があります。 もう少しゆったりとした感だともっと良いですね。 脂の滴る和牛で藤コースは薄切り 桜コースは肉塊1人前200gと言う感じで 肉の量で値段が決まる様です。 菊になると何グラムなんだろう。 藤のコース1名と桜のコース2名 白ごはんセット1名分ガーリックライス2名分 烏龍茶2杯とノンアルハイボール1杯 合計41300円でした。 食べ終わったあと、店主さんが池に泳ぐ 1mの鯉を見せてくれたりお庭を案内してくれたり 石庭を見せてくれたり、なんと店主さんが 庭造りまでしているそうです。 貸切お風呂付きVIPルームの説明もしてくれて 「おおお!行きたい」と満足感が 更に高くなりました。 また来ます!
An iron plate steak shop like a restaurant. This is my first visit. As far as I know, if you give a shop with a strong and close atmosphere Mori Farm in Handa City or Senryu in Gifu City. However, the arrangement of the garden etc. I feel like I've come to a restaurant. I feel satisfied and full even before I eat. I wonder if there is an effect that teppanyaki is open until 20:00. .. There is a feeling that it was baked at once. It would be better if it feels a little more relaxed. Slice the wisteria course with Japanese beef with dripping fat The cherry blossom course is like 200g per serving of meat It seems that the price is determined by the amount of meat. How many grams is it when it comes to chrysanthemums? 1 wisteria course and 2 cherry blossom courses White rice set for 1 person Garlic rice for 2 people 2 cups of oolong tea and 1 cup of non-alcoholic highball It was 41300 yen in total. After eating, the shopkeeper swims in the pond Show me a 1m carp or show me around the garden The shopkeeper showed me the stone garden He even builds a garden. He also explained the VIP room with a private bath. "Oh! I want to go" and I feel satisfied It became even higher. I'll come back later!
野良猫 on Google

美味すぎるだろ!テレビでよく見る歯の要らないお肉だ! でも高級すぎてなかなかなかなか・・・・・(笑)
It's too delicious! It's a toothless meat that you often see on TV! But it's too expensive and it's quite ... (laughs)
こじこーじ on Google

雰囲気がすごく良くて旅行気分でした^_^ お肉も野菜も美味しく目の前で焼いてもらえて出来立てを食べれます? お祝い事など特別な日に最適な所だと思いました!ごちそうさまでした?
The atmosphere was very good and I felt like traveling ^ _ ^ Meat and vegetables are delicious and you can have them baked right in front of you and eat freshly made ? I thought it was the best place for special occasions such as celebrations! Thank you for your feast ?
Kun-Coro Aji on Google

Very good place....and food
Chad Martin on Google

Best beef of my life. Incredibly nice staff. And like, damn, super Japanesey n' stuff.
Eoghan B on Google

Great welcome, beautiful garden and interior. The meat is cooked in front of you by your private chef...sublime!

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