Shigemura - Nisshin

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shigemura

住所 :

Ainoyama-1300 Kitashincho, Nisshin, Aichi 470-0103, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 470-0103

Ainoyama-1300 Kitashincho, Nisshin, Aichi 470-0103, Japan

飛騨牛ファグラ丼 とても美味しく頂きました 次回は家族?で行きます?
Hida Beef Fagra Bowl It was very delicious Next time I will go with my family ? ?
横由紀 on Google

家族4人でディナーで伺いました。 飛騨牛御膳を注文しましたが、朴葉みそ焼きもステーキもボリュームがありコスパはいいです。 基本単品でセットも和、洋、サラダ、自然薯と選べるし、何よりおいしかったです ナビがないとなかなかたどり着けないですが、行く価値はあります。 ディナーは基本予約していかれたほうがいいと思います
We visited for dinner with four family members. I ordered Hida beef set, but the cospa is good because both Hoba miso and steak are voluminous. The basic single item can be selected from Japanese, Western, salad, and natural yam, and it was delicious above all. It's hard to reach without a navigation system, but it's worth the trip. I think you should make a basic reservation for dinner
YSK YMD on Google

Starting with vegetables, Hida beef fillet steak and dessert were really delicious. Recommended for special occasions.
ぎんがねこ on Google

Celebration lunch of the eldest adult. This is the first visit. I was at a loss with the Western food course, but I compared Hida beef and black haired rice bowl, and the shop was small and calm.
高井翔悟 on Google

家族8人でディナーで使わさせてもらいました! 20席ほどのお洒落な雰囲気のお店でした! 周辺に何もないような閑静な場所にあり正直わかりづらい、マップがないとたどり着けないかもっ、、、 一人当たりの予算はピンキリですがステーキとご飯のセットで4000円程! 飛騨牛カレーは1500円程でステーキも乗っていてコスパ抜群!! 飛騨牛ステーキ、飛騨牛の朴葉味噌焼き 飛騨牛カレーは絶品でしたね! フォアグラ飛騨牛丼は臭みも少なくおいしいかったですね!!(ただ、よく食べる人にとっては小さいかも) 頼んだ料理すべて美味しかったです!! はずれなし、、、 次はランチタイムに行きたいですね ※写真は朴葉味噌と飛騨牛和えと飛騨牛ステーキのセットです。単品3600えんだったかな? 美味!!!
I used it for dinner with 8 family members! It was a stylish shop with about 20 seats! It's a quiet place with nothing around, it's hard to understand honestly, you might not be able to reach without a map ... The budget per person is sharp, but a steak and rice set is about 4000 yen! Hida beef curry is about 1500 yen and steak is also on board and it is outstanding! ! Hida beef steak Hida beef curry was exquisite! Foie gras Hida beef bowl was delicious with little odor! ! (However, it may be small for those who often eat.) All the dishes I ordered were delicious! No disconnection ... I want to go to lunch next time * The photo shows a set of Pak miso, Hida beef and Hida beef steak. Was it 3600 per item? Delicious! ! !
岡本隼門 on Google

I had a Japanese black beef steak bowl for lunch only. Both the meat and the sauce were very delicious. Next time I will try to eat Hida beef.
マツよー on Google

土曜日にランチで初めて行きました。私は飛騨牛ハンバーグ、妻は飛騨牛お重。どちらもとてもおいしかったです。お重は、いわゆる汁だくで、二段重ねになっており、汁だけでご飯が何杯も食べられそう! ハンバーグはくどさは全くなく、柔らかく、箸でもすぐに切れます。肉汁もたっぷり、付け合わせの野菜も美味しいです。 今度は娘や息子と一緒にまた来たいと思いました。そこそこの価格はしますが、味やお店の雰囲気を考えるとコスパは良いと思います。 店の場所はわかりにくいですが、ナビが有れば問題なく行けます。こんなに近くにこんな良いお店があるなんて、知りませんでした。
I went there for lunch on Saturday for the first time. I'm Hida beef hamburger and my wife is Hida beef. Both were very delicious. The jubako is so-called soup-filled and has two layers, so you can eat many cups of rice with just the soup! The hamburger steak is soft and has no dullness, and can be cut quickly with chopsticks. Plenty of gravy and delicious garnished vegetables. This time I wanted to come back with my daughter and son. The price is reasonable, but considering the taste and atmosphere of the restaurant, I think the cost performance is good. The location of the store is difficult to understand, but if you have a navigation system, you can go there without any problems. I didn't know that there was such a good shop so close.
ゆきだるま on Google

ずっと伺いたいと思っていたお店。 飛騨牛ステーキ丼を頂きました。 つゆが多めですが お肉がとても美味しかったです。 今度は夜に訪れてみたいです。 場所は分かりにくいけどナビで直ぐに分かります。 お店の方も雪の中呼びに来て頂き対応が良かったと思います。
The store I've always wanted to visit. I had a Hida beef steak bowl. I have a lot of soup The meat was very delicious. I want to visit this time at night. The location is difficult to understand, but you can easily find it with the navigation system. I think it was good that the shop staff came to call me in the snow.

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