Kitchen Chiyoda - Nagoya

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kitchen Chiyoda

住所 :

3 Chome-7-7 Chiyoda, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 460-0012
Webサイト :

3 Chome-7-7 Chiyoda, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0012, Japan
Uta Lio on Google

ランチで伺いました。 ハンバーグ定食とヒレカツを単品で注文。 ハンバーグは小ぶりだけど牛肉の時雨煮、ホタテのトマトソースも付いてどれも美味しくお値打ちでした。 ヒレカツは揚げ焼きって感じです。 どの料理も昔ながらの洋食屋って感じでまた行きたいと思わせるお店ですね。 次は裏メニューのオムライスを頂こうと思います。 ご馳走様でした。
I visited for lunch. I ordered a hamburger set meal and pork cutlet separately. The hamburger steak was small, but the beef was boiled in the rain and the scallops with tomato sauce were all delicious and good value. The fin cutlet is like fried pork cutlet. Every dish is like an old-fashioned Western-style restaurant that makes you want to go again. Next, I would like to have the omelet rice on the back menu. It was a treat.
mako iso on Google

キッチン千代田さん 友達に紹介されて初めてきました メニューにのってないオムライスが絶品との事だったのでオムライスを注文! メニューにないメニューを注文するのは勇気がいりましたが快よくオーダーをとっていただけました 実物は想像より大きかったです デミソースはコクがありとても美味しく頂きました ライスには大きめのお肉が入っていて食べごたえ抜群でした リピート確定です ごちそうさまでした☺️
Kitchen Chiyoda I've been introduced to a friend for the first time It was said that the omelet rice that was not on the menu was excellent, so I ordered the omelet rice! It took courage to order a menu that is not on the menu, but I was happy to order it. The real thing was bigger than I imagined Demi sauce was rich and very delicious The rice contained a large amount of meat and was excellent to eat. Repeat confirmed Thank you for your feast ☺️
boy pizza on Google

Visit for lunch. I ordered the famous omelet rice that is not on the menu. A volumey omelet rice with beef. delicious. However, since it is ordered separately, there is no salad or soup. only this. A small coffee came out after the meal.
ヨッシーココ on Google

3千円の「ステーキ弁当」?を頂きました。 プラス500円でオムライスに変更しました。 ??共に上質の素材で美味しかったのですがそれ以上に「デミグラスソース」の 「オムライス」が↑ 以上で美味しく頂きました。? ※ ただ価格が‥。??
I received a 3,000 yen "steak lunch" ?. I changed to omelet rice for an additional 500 yen. ?? Both were delicious with high quality materials, but more than that, "Demi-glace sauce" "Omelet rice" is delicious. ? * The price is just ... ??
on Google

I went to Kitchen Chiyoda ? I ordered a lunch set, but the hamburger steak, cream croquette, yakiniku, and salad were all delicious. It would have been nice if there was a little more concern from the shop staff, such as refilling water. It's a long-established store ?
monkeydep HYama on Google

確かにオムライスは美味しかったし、肉も柔らかくて厚みがあった。食べごたえはあるのに、重くない。 高いは高いですか。
Certainly the omelet rice was delicious and the meat was tender and thick. It's good to eat, but it's not heavy. Is high high?
キャッツ愛 on Google

元とにおのシェフだった方のお店です。 ステーキが絶品! 有名すぎる裏メニューのオムライス。 なんと、ランチやセットのライスに変えて+料金で付ける事も出来ます。 日替わりランチもボリューム満点で美味しいです。普段使いからお祝いなど、色々な場面で使えるお店です。
This is the restaurant of the former chef. The steak is excellent! Omelet rice with a back menu that is too famous. You can change it to lunch or set rice and add it for a fee. The daily lunch is also full of volume and delicious. It is a shop that can be used in various situations, from everyday use to celebrations.
食べ歩き女の記録マップ on Google

地元から愛される老舗 ステーキレストランで知られる キッチン千代田さん。 メニューにはなく 裏メニューとして大人気のオムライスがあります。キッチン千代田さんには 数回伺ったことがありますが実はオムライスを食べるのは初めて? ドキドキの嬉しい時間。 オムライス 1200円 見た目もインパクト大のオムライスは おそらくご飯の量は400gくらい あると思います。 ご飯をスプーンで割ってみると中のライスはデミソースたっぷり。 中には上質なお肉がごろごろと たくさん入っていてすごく美味しい! ご飯ばかりで飽きるかな。っておもいきや全く飽きずしっかり完食? 美味しかった 次は写真を撮らず熱々でたべたい! ごちそうさまでした。
A long-established store loved by the locals Known for steak restaurants Kitchen Chiyoda-san. Not on the menu There is a very popular omelet rice as a back menu. For Kitchen Chiyoda I've heard it several times, but it's actually my first time to eat omelet rice ? A happy time of excitement. Omelet rice 1200 yen The omelet rice that looks great and has a big impact Probably the amount of rice is about 400g I think there is. When you divide the rice with a spoon, the rice inside is full of demi sauce. There is a lot of high quality meat inside It's so delicious with lots of it! Do you get tired of just eating? I don't get tired of it at all and I have a good meal ? was delicious Next time I want to eat hot without taking pictures! Thank you for the meal.

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