
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact サンルイ

住所 :

Senbacho, Mito, 〒310-0851 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト : https://saint-louis-mito.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Ibaraki

Senbacho, Mito, 〒310-0851 Ibaraki,Japan
you on Google

最近はケーキの種類が少ない。 新作はなく定番商品って感じです。 イートインスペースが有るのでちょっとお茶するのにいいです。
There are few kinds of cakes these days. There is no new product and it feels like a standard product. There is an eat-in space, so it's good for a little tea.
Mitsuhide Niijima on Google

A hideaway shop that stands quietly in the middle of a residential area in Chinami. It seems that the product lineup has decreased since Corona, but the quality is high. There is an eat-in space, so it's a good place to take a break. I think it will be difficult at this time, but I want you to do your best.
櫻井婦美子 on Google

I often use it because the shop is nearby. The customer service attitude of the staff is good and healed. However, I have to make a reservation for cream puffs the day before, so I have only eaten it once. I'd be happy if you could put it in the store because it's limited to 10 pieces every day ...
tama kuro on Google

Since I was a caramel make-up, the cake has a complex taste with not only sweetness but also saltiness and bitterness, and it is really delicious.
あんずゅ on Google

かぼちゃのプリン美味し〜? かぼちゃもクリームもそんなに甘くなくて? ほのかにかぼちゃの味??
Pumpkin pudding is delicious ~ ? Pumpkin and cream aren't that sweet ? A faint pumpkin taste ??
lo lo on Google

The cake is very delicious and I especially love the roll cake! I want to use the cafe as well.
J AY on Google

雰囲気のいいお店です。 イートインがあり、おいしいコーヒも飲むことができます。 若い人たちのデートには最適だと思います。 私は妻と利用させていただきました。 ケーキはどれもオリジナリティーがあり美味しく、とてもいい時間を過ごさせていただきました。
It is a shop with a nice atmosphere. There is an eat-in and you can also drink delicious coffee. I think it's perfect for young people's dates. I used it with my wife. All the cakes were original and delicious, and I had a very good time.
s.a69 on Google

先日たまたま通って気になったので初来店。 お店の入り口が初めての人はちょと戸惑うかも。 お店の中は、焼き菓子やショーケース脇にイートインスペースもありコーヒーをいただきながら食べるのもありだろう。 購入する際には、3240円以上でないとカードが使えないため注意が必要!! 今回、和栗のモンブランとイチゴのタルトを購入。 和栗のモンブランを食べてみるとモンブランのムース生地は塩味があり中のムースと共に食べないと水が進む。そしてその中にはタルト生地のブロック状の塊が3個ほど入っているがフォークで力を入れてささないと口まで運ぶのは難しく柔らかくはないため、甘めのモンブランを欲している人にはおすすめしない。 いちごのタルトは、苺が熟していて美味しかった。
I happened to go there the other day and was curious, so I visited the store for the first time. People who are new to the entrance of the shop may be a little confused. Inside the shop, there is an eat-in space next to baked goods and showcases, so you may eat while having coffee. Please note that you cannot use the card unless it is 3240 yen or more when purchasing! !! This time, I bought Mont Blanc of Japanese chestnut and strawberry tart. When I try to eat the Waguri Mont Blanc, the Mont Blanc mousse dough has a salty taste, and if I don't eat it with the mousse inside, the water goes on. And there are about 3 block-shaped chunks of tart dough in it, but it is difficult to carry it to the mouth without using a fork, so it is not soft, so for those who want a sweet Mont Blanc Is not recommended. The strawberry tart was delicious with ripe strawberries.

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