
3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ムーラン・ヴェール

住所 :

Motoyoshidacho, Mito, 〒310-0836 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Webサイト : https://moulinvert.net/
Opening hours :
Saturday 7:30AM–7PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 7:30AM–7PM
Tuesday 7:30AM–7PM
Wednesday 7:30AM–7PM
Thursday 7:30AM–7PM
Friday 7:30AM–7PM
街 : Ibaraki

Motoyoshidacho, Mito, 〒310-0836 Ibaraki,Japan
zucker on Google

あまり愛想はよくありませんが、お昼の時間帯に500円以上購入すると、どうやらスープをサービスしてくれるようです。 この日はたまごスープで、なかなかおいしかったですよ。
It's not very friendly, but it seems that if you buy more than 500 yen during the lunch time, the soup will be served. It was an egg soup that day and it was delicious.
薛仁貴 on Google

店名がフランス語なら「緑の風車」詩的で良いです。最初はムーラン=中国物語の木蘭だと思っていましたが 店前の道と駐車場狭く、更に坂になっているので注意が必要(他にスペースがあるかもしれませんが)自信がない方は他の移動方法推奨 つまり【他の移動方法を使っても買う価値あり】のパン屋です ライ麦パンを購入しました。ライ麦だけだと、少し重い。小麦が多いと軽い。比率が50%らしく、チーズ、蜂蜜、マーマレードと塗ったもの、どれも相性良く食べられました
If the store name is French, the poetic "green windmill" is fine. At first I thought it was Moulin = a Chinese story tree orchid The road in front of the store and the parking lot are narrow, and it is a slope, so be careful (although there may be other space) If you are not confident, other transportation methods are recommended In other words, it is a bakery that is [worth buying even if you use other transportation methods]. I bought rye bread. Rye alone is a little heavy. It is light when there is a lot of wheat. The ratio seems to be 50%, and cheese, honey, marmalade and coated ones were all eaten well.
men haru on Google

値段も味も良く、シンプルなパンから調理パンまで充実のラインナップです。 ランチタイムにはサービスでスープがつきます。
The price and taste are good, and we have a full lineup from simple bread to cooked bread. Soup is served at lunchtime.
Nao Sug on Google

It's open from 7:30 and you can buy freshly baked bread until around 8 o'clock. I went for breakfast after a walk in the morning, and just when my stomach and intestines started to work, I ate hot bread and went to work.
ささにしきあきら on Google

パン屋さん 水戸駅から徒歩17-8分。住宅街の中に突然ある感じ。 歩いてくるところではないかも。2-3台止められそうな駐車場あり。 パイ系はサクサクで旨い。惣菜系は実がみっちり入ってる。生地はふんわり系。 白身魚フライのパンはフライがさっくりしてました。タルタルソース旨い。 平日の8時前の訪問。客は他にいませんでした。 棚はまだガラガラでした。 出来上がりのパンが次々出てきます。 テイクアウトしてホテルに戻り食べましたが温かくて美味しかった。 スタッフの対応は特に問題を感じなかったです。
Baker 17-8 minutes walk from Mito station. It feels like it's suddenly in a residential area. It may not be the place to walk. There is a parking lot where 2-3 cars can be parked. The pie is crispy and delicious. The side dish system contains a lot of fruits. The fabric is fluffy. The fried white fish bread was refreshing. Tartar sauce is delicious. Visit before 8 o'clock on weekdays. There were no other guests. The shelves were still rattling. The finished bread will come out one after another. I took out and returned to the hotel and ate, but it was warm and delicious. The staff did not feel any problems.
そるやむ on Google

朝行ってもそれなりに数が並んでいます。 惣菜パンが豊富で最近のお気に入りです! 駐車場狭いので、大きい車の方は注意です。 コンパクトカーまでは難なく停められます。 店員さんは愛想はないですが、特になんか思うこともないです(笑)
Even if you go in the morning, the numbers are lined up as it is. There are plenty of side dish breads and it is my recent favorite! The parking lot is small, so be careful if you have a large car. You can easily park up to a compact car. The clerk is unfriendly, but I don't really think about it (laughs)
せりせ on Google

ずっと気になっていたパン屋さん、知人へのお土産を買いに初訪問。 食パンだけでもたくさん種類があり、ハード系のパンも取り扱いがありました! ランチタイムにはスープのサービスもあるとのことでコスパの良さにびっくり! 自分用に買ったスティックタイプのチョコ菓子は中まで程よい甘さのチョコが染み込んでおり、ほどよく塩味も効いていてとても美味しかったです。こっちがお土産でも良かったかも。 普通のパンも買いに行きたいと思います。ありがとうございました!
The first visit to a bakery that I've always been interested in to buy souvenirs for acquaintances. There were many types of bread alone, and hard bread was also available! I was surprised at the goodness of the cospa because there is a soup service at lunch time! The stick-type chocolate confectionery I bought for myself was soaked in chocolate with a moderate sweetness, and it was also moderately salty and very delicious. Maybe this was a souvenir. I would like to go buy ordinary bread as well. thank you!
ちくわ on Google

初めての訪問。 外観は小さくて可愛いパン屋さん? 店内に入るとパンの匂いでいっぱい⤴️ パンもズラ~っと並んでて選ぶのに一苦労w で、選んだのが3種類。 どれを食べてもフツー! 趣味の延長ぐらいのパンのクオリティ。 リピはないです。
First visit. A small and cute bakery ? When you enter the store, it is full of the smell of bread ⤴️ It's hard to choose bread side by side. So, I chose 3 types. No matter what you eat Bread quality is an extension of my hobby. There is no lipi.

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