Cybex - Mito

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Cybex

住所 :

2374 Senbacho, Mito, Ibaraki 310-0851, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 310-0851
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

2374 Senbacho, Mito, Ibaraki 310-0851, Japan
横田勉 on Google

LipselectとかSLASHMENTALとか地元ミュージシャンの曲を充実させてほしい それかヒスブルとかモト冬樹でもいい
I want you to enrich the songs of local musicians such as Lipselect and SLASHMENTAL. Or maybe Hysteric Blue or Fuyuki Moto
C S on Google

初めて利用しましたが、料金の説明が不足だと感じました。1時間〜2時間の利用で良かったんですが、フリータイムかパック料金と言われて、フリータイムでチェックインしました。会計時に2時間以上ならフリータイムが良いと言われ、、(-。-;最初に2時間もいないと言うのは伝えたのに、、なんだか損した気分でした(^◇^;) あと、どなたかこぼされたのか、ドリンクバーの床がベタついてました?
I used it for the first time, but I felt that the explanation of the price was insufficient. It was good to use it for 1 to 2 hours, but it was said that it was free time or pack fee, so I checked in during free time. At the time of accounting, it was said that free time was good if it was 2 hours or more, (-.-; I told you that I did not have 2 hours at the beginning, but I felt like I was losing somehow (^ ◇ ^;) Also, maybe someone spilled it, the floor of the drink bar was sticky ?
シェイク青りんご on Google

You can rest assured that adult sites don't suffer much from the things of cheerful clubs. You can use the shower if you make a reservation.
CrossT on Google

Booth fee is normal, billiard and karaoke sounds can be heard a little through the wall, and the rest is normal
66 1 on Google

カラオケ、ダーツ、ビリヤード、卓球、個人ブース、シャワーと揃っているのでいつ行っても楽しい場所。 利用料金もリーズナブルで助かる。 強いて言うなら客層にこの時勢なのにマスクをちゃんとしない頭がアレなお兄ちゃんたちがちらほらいるのが気になる店員さんも注意しないし
Karaoke, darts, billiards, table tennis, private booths, showers are available, so it's a fun place to go anytime. The usage fee is also reasonable and helpful. If you force me, the clerk who is worried that there are some big brothers who don't wear masks properly even though they are in the customer base at this time do not pay attention.
たくまぁ on Google

学生から見たら安くて良いと思う 環境も良い 定員のサービス精神はあまりなさそう やらされてる感
I think it's cheap from the student's point of view The environment is also good It seems that the service spirit of the capacity is not so much Feeling sick
Necrytalker on Google

ダーツをしに行きました。 機種、数ともに多くあり、遊びに行くにはとても良いと思いました。 さらに値段も安く素晴らしかったです。 ただし、清潔感には欠けるため星一つ減らさせていただきます。
I went to play darts. There are many models and numbers, so I thought it was very good to go out to play. Moreover, the price was cheap and it was wonderful. However, since it lacks cleanliness, we will reduce it by one star.
美坂柚三菜 on Google

個室タイプのラインナップはなかなか?もっと増えると良いデス。 手洗い場が欲しい、トイレの空間がもったいなく温水洗浄便座の設置がごく少ない、シャワーも含めて水回り設備に手を入れて数を増やし自由に使えるとさらにサービス向上になると思う。
The private room type lineup is quite ? It would be nice to have more. I want a hand-washing place, there is a waste of toilet space, and there are very few warm water washing toilet seats installed.

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